RoBoT Playground

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Tallt66, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
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    Hello Forge Hub! I know I haven't posted many of my maps, but I do forge stuff all the time, I promise. I feel it's time I started releasing some of the maps my friends and I love to play on a weekly basis. I have seen some great stuff on Forge Hub that has inspired me and I want to give back too. Sharing the love is what it's all about, right?

    Today I wanted to share Robot Playground with you, a symmetrical map that is great for just 1 vs 1 or a larger group of 4 vs 4. The map could probably support more players, but I think any more than 8 would be a bit crowded.

    Robot Playground is an octagon shaped map that is build on top of the Pillar. I wanted the map to feel open yet still remain fairly small, so I left the roof off and installed some glass windows so that the player could see some nice vistas. Even though it is symmetrical, the organic grassy and rocky area in the middle does add some slight height variation to the pit as well as some color.

    There are two main levels of height variation. Players can easily drop down to the pit in the middle from almost anywhere, but to return to the upper level players must take one of four gravity lifts located in the corners to get back up. These lifts are housed inside close quarters rooms that include either a shot gun or the concussion rifle, so close range combat happens here often. There is also a single elevated platform in the middle that houses the rocket launcher and is only accessible by the two man cannons in the corners. This high middle platform, while giving you the best view, also leaves you very vulnerable to fire from any direction. A long elevated bridge divides the map along the middle houses a couple of DMRs and is always fun for one on one showdowns.

    Players have multiple paths that they can traverse to reach the opposing team. Dropping to the lower pit area does yield rewards like grenades, needlers, health, and the centrally located sword, but you risk being fired down upon from nearly any angle on the upper levels. Long range weapons and plasma grenades can be found in the dishes to the left and right sides of the map.

    Gameplay is usually fast paced and you never feel like you are completely protected from cover outside of your initial spawn area. CTF and Assault play very well. Classic slayer is a lot of fun and has a Halo CE feel. Swat is a blast as well as Odd Ball and KOTH. I have had some really fun 1 on 1 matches on here which is great when you an a buddy are just hanging out, but 4 on 4 is crazy fun too!

    This map is named after my brother who's gamer tag is RoBoT2101. He likes the MLG style of game play, and this map has become one of his favorites. I hope it becomes a favorite of yours as well!

    Weapons Sets


    • DMR x 4
    • Rocket Launcher x 1
    • Shot Gun x 2
    • Sniper Rifle x 1
    • Frag Grenade x 4
    • Mounted Machine Gun x 2
    • Assault Rifle x 2
    • Magnum x 2

    • Concussion Rifle x 2
    • Energy Sword x 1
    • Needle Rifle x 2
    • Needler x 2
    • Plasma Pistol x 2
    • Plasma Grenade x 4
    • Focus Rifle x 1

    On to the screen shots...

    The overhead shot

    The Central Pit. Rockets are dead center on the high platform if you dare risk getting hit from every angle

    Looking down the showdown bridge that divides the map in half

    Red spawn

    A look out from one of the corner gravity lift rooms

    A look back toward the corner gravity lift rooms


    The Sniper spawns in one of the side dishes

    The center of the pit. The sword can be seen hidden in the middle room

    Looking toward red spawn

    Here is a video of the map layout and some scenes during a SWAT game.

    RoBoT Playground (A Halo Reach Map) - YouTube

    Thanks for taking a look! I'd love to hear about how it played for you!
    #1 Tallt66, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
  2. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    Judging from the pictures, the map seems pretty well made. You used a lot of pieces to increase aesthetic value and I love those towers.
    However, the DMR seems like it would dominate, as the center is very open and while the glass on the second floor does provide cover from attackers on the opposing side, it doesn't take much to move slightly and shoot.
    Sorry that I can't give a proper review, I don't have an Xbox a the moment. The map does look interesting, to say the least, and I'm not even one for MLG style maps.

    Oh, one other reason I forgot to mention; those turrets seem like they'd be useless, as they're put in such an open area. I had that on my map once and they actually were the least used weapon. I'd suggest removing them, or adding slight cover.
    #2 Frost Bite323, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
  3. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your comments. I tried to use pieces in a unique way so I appreciate you noticing the aesthetics. This map has been tested quite a bit amongst our crew and while DMRs are powerful on this map, you never feel overwhelmed by them. There is enough cover to help avoid fire and many other risk/reward factors help control map flow and encourage you to explore other weapons. The pit in the middle is supposed to be risky because it's the shorter path to the other side of the map.

    The turrets are used more often than you would think. When someone drops down into the pit it's great to use the turret to take them down quickly. You do become a target while operating one though, so people don't tend to linger on the turrets for long. Often they snap em off and drop down with them or pull back into their spawn area to help defend. I hope you get to download and try the map with some friends so that you can give me a proper review later.
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    This map is interesting. I like where you forged the map because that is a very rare spot for people to forge maps. I would recommend deleting some if the power weapons because you have way to many on the map which will make gameplay terrible and I would also get rid of the turrets because they are way to over powering and will cause players to camp. Most of the aesthetic pieces look good same for some of you flooring pieces except for the dishes because it just ruins the looks of the map. Over all nice map but I do think there are some things that need to be fixed.
  5. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. I chose the Pillar as the location because I wanted to have a nice high view of Forge World but still have the grassy center pit area for some variety. I'm glad you like most of the astetics. The dishes are a little different, but I think they work, so we may have to agree to disagree there. They ad some slight height variations to those side rooms which can make battles there a bit more interesting than if they were just flat.

    I am going to guess that before you gave your opinion on the current weapon set making gameplay terrible, you didn't download the map and try it yet. I have played this map many times with various sized groups and the current weapon set has not been an issue. I only have two shots in the rockets and they are set to a very long respawn time. The turrets are very risky to use because they leave you very exposed so they are not an issue. It's funny how you are overly concerned with the turrets being over powered and the last poster said they were useless and would never be used lol. Long spawn times and small clips are great ways to reduce the over use of power weapons and I have employed those tecniques on this map. I recommend you give it a download and play a few games on it first and then I'd love to heard your feedback.
  6. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    After a forge through of your map, I like the overall presence of it. I wouldn't be able to get a game in with any of my friends except maybe a 1v1 but I don't think it's likely.

    It reminds me of Foundation blended with Guardian/Heretic with a dash of Epitaph (Rocket Platform). It's a unique blend from what I've seen with the center concept (Man Cannons and Platform), but I think you could expand on it. For example; my first impression of the "ring around" was lack luster, but it was only emphasised to be an issue to me because the center structure seemed to lack depth visually and tactically. Not to say your map doesn't have a functional flow though, I can see that it would. I'm saying that the flow you have would influence gameplay to be similar to Heretic's. Which isn't bad (Boring to me, so maybe I'm biased). I think your center would be more dangerous to venture into though. Which brings me to my next point.

    You have quite an open center with a lot of superior positions overlooking it, which could stagnate the combat from my (lul@)gamer perspective . My suggestion would be to beef up the center and try, for my first point, to make it your domination point. You could also break up the LoS with a larger bridge or more cover. I think what I suggested would be the easiest to do given the layout.

    Aesthetically I could be picky. There are inconsistent texture merges (most importantly with glass) in certain areas which is a large factor for that "clean forging" affirmation. You did complete an overall picture that is pleasing and not bland or messy. My only advice here would be to remember the limitations of Forge and see what tricks others are using, also patience in finding the right pieces. Oh and... For this map specifically, you have chosen a location that doesn't require very much walling. Especially if you are going for that open feel. A good portion of your budget has been used on the "wall" around the play space. By removing it you would have more budget to play with and potentially more interesting LoS, just something to think about.

    Your weapon set is diverse, but the Sniper Rifle and Focus Rifle appear excessive given the LoS and the Sword + 2 Shotguns (with 1 spare clip too many) is overkill for CQC. I think you could end up with either excessive camping or a hint of chaos. The heavy hitting Rocket seems like the only resilient quality in your weapon set, with the ability to break up the route camping and give the Sniper a high priority target. Though a Rocket can only do so much. In conclusion, I think it would be beneficial to tone down the power weapons; drop either the Sniper or the Focus, and drop the Shotguns. I haven't played the map so I wouldn't say I'm right about the weapons, just my initial thoughts on the set.

    Well, I hope you didn't get the impression I didn't like your map, because I did. These were just critiquing thoughts that came to mind, as one forger to another I enjoyed the work you put into it. It even inspired some ideas of my own. :)
    #6 TDT Duke Nukem, Feb 16, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2012
  7. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much for your feed back. You have given me several things to think about and review on this map. I hope you do get to try it with a group and then come back and give me your thoughts after you have played a few games on it. I would like some clarification on the "inconsistent texture merges" you speak of because I hate a sloppy forge and I try to do everything by coordinates, use symmetry when it's needed and kill all z-fighting. I want it to at the very least look clean and I thought I had done a good job in that respect. I can also see your points on power weapons and nerfing things a bit, but like I had said before I have played many games on Robot Playground with various people though many game types and nothing felt imbalanced to us. Maybe you and your friends will find something different when you play. Let me know how it goes my friend, and thanks again for your thoughtful comments.

    By the way, are you new or is this just a seldom used account?
  8. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    By inconsistent texture merges all I mean is that you have forcibly merged objects. If a block is sitting on or against another block it will usually look cleaner than if you made them intersect. It can be done though, but the hardest texture to merge cleanly is usually glass. If you look at where you placed walls covering the lifts, the glass on the walls is merging with the floor.

    I'm not new to forging or Forgehub but I haven't engaged with the community until now. I guess this is a seldom used account. :p
  9. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
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    I guess I think it looks okay. The merging is constant and very symmetrical so I don't see the issue personally. I was wondering did you get a chance to test this yet? What did you think about the gameplay?
  10. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    I think it looks great! I'm only lending my fastidious perspective on it.

    No I was never able to test it. My friends don't play Halo Reach anymore (most traded it in), I don't even really play Reach anymore. I just really enjoy forging.
    #10 TDT Duke Nukem, Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012

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