LOL, I tried to warn him not to do that, because I knew that I do it all the time when I get bored of arguing with you. If I tried to deny that, we would all laugh at the irony of me failing to present solid evidence countering my often failing to present solid evidence >.< Because I'm holding four conversations right now, and I couldn't word the **** out of that. And it was HARD to avoid making North Korea jokes. I am reasonably certain that you understand what I am getting at. I provided a clause that stated something along the lines of "the statute of limitations can apply from the most recent crime rather than each individual, in certain relevant scenarios" and left the unstated obvious "good point, but because there are both cases where it does and cases where it does not apply, it doesn't support or counter either side." You then went on to say "well in the US this law doesn't always apply," and I responded "Okay, you just said that because my refutation doesn't apply 100% of the time it is false, despite the fact that my refutation was based entirely on the fact that it doesn't apply 100% of the time, thats silly." Also, considering the prior of the two quotes of yours in my post, the latter seems awfully hypocritical. Maaaad props Camo, that was ****ing fast lol.
Are you making light of the fact that certain threads have different rules listed in their OP then on the forum rules?
Believe it or not, we all separately came to the conclusion you're an idiot. Well I'm glad we both agree the decision behind the move had absolutely nothing to do with the content of the thread.
So you are... too hipster to be hipster? Lol @ calling me a brony as if it were an insult. You understand that it is only effective if I take offense, correct? I mean, I understand how you might have the impression that I find it demeaning, seeing how secretive I am about my liking the fandom.
I'm pretty sure when you don't copy others so you feel included it's what is called having emotional maturity, because you realise the trend is beneath you. ...As opposed to say, celebrating a children's show "ironically" because other people are doing it and you all share the lowest common denominator of appreciation for comedy.
Yes, I am definitely doing this because I find it ironic. Thats it, you got me. Alas, I am truly sorry, oh Lord Mature; I didn't intend there to exist cause to offend you and your infinite moral superiority! What must I do to repent my wicked ways?
Either you like the show because you think it's ironically cool, or you enjoy it as a child might. Either way is insulting, it doesn't bother me which.
Lol, its insulting? Your avatar is... AVATAR. Thats as much a childs show as MLP is. Are you using it because you think its ironically cool, or do you enjoy it as a child might? Like I asked a while ago, are you a hypocrite, or stupid?