This map has not been tested for gameplay yet, so if you want to help test it please message me (make sure you have the dlc) this map is meant for infection. For those of you who saw my first thread you know the story behind it. Now the story continues, the first group sent on the deadly mission aren't dead yet. Few have survived in a underground man-made cave. They were caved in, with the first prototype, and are still fighting to survive. Images: I already have forged four of the maps in this series (including one finished one) and I'm still forging them, hope you enjoyed!
Looks like just a casual game for at max 2v2 or for more hectic action 4v4. Nothing really makes it a map its just a jumble of cover and crates, which is why i said its for more casual/fun map than competitive. I would definitely play this if i was bored but still wanted to be somewhat competitive. Also like where you choose the location.
No I have a lot of these first prototype maps right now, the one after this one is the travel one. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I forgot to mention it's for infection. And I haven't tested yet so this is the very first version of it.
I have the DLC. Looks like a map for one of the first BIOC. I noticed you posted this on the map submission thread in the social group.
yup I just noticed your comment. Lol, XD I wouldn't have normally responded, but I did just to say that 1st: these maps were terrible and were never posted (except the first one, which was fun) and 2nd: We can't do dlc until BIOC gets a little bigger.