Reclamation This little 1v1 map started as just an experiment to see what I could do on another map other than forge world. What it turned into surprised me and made me happy that I'm not dependent on forge world. The only issue I had with this map is that without the Nex Gen color effect the maps natural light makes every piece glow insanely bright. I know many people hate color effects but this actually this isn't all that bad. It adds to the destructive feel of the map and daunting aspect of the downed falcon. Enjoy and please be sure to comment. Weapons: DMR - 4 Needle Rifle - 2 Plasma Pistol - 1 Sniper Rifle - 1 Grenade Launcher - 1 Plasma Grenades - 3 Frag Grenades - 3 Power-ups: Overshield - 1
this map is very interesting i love how you used the detroyed falcon. its good to see a good change in the canvas in stead of forgeworld. my only real thing i am not a big fan of is the window that shows the destroyed falcon i find it looks a little odd with the cover pieces stickin through the wall.
Window? the Falcon is in the playable part of the map i have the overshield right under it actually placed in the building. idk maybe i just didnt understand what you we're saying cause theres no window there and my pictures just wernt tht easy to distinguish from. If anyone has any more issues with the pics let me know so i can post more pictures from different angles
Wait, is the supervisor or whatever that thing is called photoshopped into the first picture, or did you do it with a Di?
those little slots are windows i just positioned the camera to capture his face in the pic to give you an idea as to where the map is. in game you can see quite a bit of scenery. u should check it out
Wow, this map has a really cool look to it. I also like how you used a different map than forgeworld.
Thanks dude, I hope you enjoy it. This map defiantly makes me happy that the ability to forge isn't limited to forgeworld. Now only if we could do something about this bland pallette. Lol
Well, this beats my Battle Canyon map... This is really cool. I love the scenery especially. Great job.
I actually downloaded your map, havnt seen it yet though, but I'm glad someone like you who realized that the dull atmosphere of forgeworld is overused and other maps with a decent pallette provides a challenge for your imagination and skill to make the map still fun and functional. What I would, and I'm sure others, would like to see more of is more of these maps on the forums. So sir I applaud ur map and thank you for the download. [br][/br]Edited by merge: for those that have seen this map i would love it if you see any issues with the map ex. framerate, spawning, and z fighting to let me know this was a fast upload and prolly my fastest fully forged map. thank you for your help
I love the map. What was your inspiration for forging on this map and not forgeworld? Also, why is it that the map is so dark?
idk the map is really bright whenever you put objects down, they "glow". Thats why I put this color efx on so your no completely blinded when you play.