For the future, save every version. Even after you choose your version still keep/archive the old ones.
I know photoshop has a snapshot feature where you can go through your history and save how your project looks at that moment. I think illustrator has the same system as well.
bleeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh finally got feedback on threadless, and it's "make it more realistic" it's meant to be minimalist >.>
Minimalist is great when done right but its also something that established designers can get away with because whatever they make will be produced and sold. For competitions or recognition that kind of stuff usually won't fly and you need a real work of art to get the reputation to then produce stuff you might like better. My first suggestion in the tt room was to give the planets more detail but I disagree with adding stars and nebulae and all that because it kind of defeats the pacman vibe the piece is going for. If you want to stick with the theme but include a little more "art" to it perhaps make the ghosts from pacman comets being chased by sun "pacman".
True enough. I was considering adding nebula-ghosts to the backside. If that doesn't work then I think I'm just submitting it as is and if it fails then whatever.
I feel that adding nebulae is a good idea, however, making them ghost nebulae would clutter it up and detract from the focal. This, however, could just be from how I am visualizing it. It could potentially be pulled off well, so you should at least give that idea an attempt.
It's still better to have all versions saved. You may turn back to an older version by going back in your history, but that means you lost your new version.
Yea! See! ....wait a minute.. - Imgur we're you influenced by this at all? or is it just a really odd coincidence..
I had the idea 4-5 years ago, and worked on a wallpaper for it until I lost the file in a computer move. edit: hm... might be good to post the link to my critique on there. made a thread for choosing the final version here. Thanks for the input. Locked.