Either that, or you should replace the audio for Paarthurnax's Dragon Shouts with things like "WHA-HOOO!" and "I'm da best!"
In all the spots where Paarth stops talking to use dragon words, replace those words with Mario sounds.
Creation kit released on tuesday, I've been tinkering with it. Anybody know how to make LIP files? Or do you have to import them?
Oh... Mai... Gawd... So many things in there I would love... spell combinations, king mudcrabs (I had heard but I neverthough they would be so huge! I wonder what would happen if you found it underwater?), Vampire Lord, Lycanthropy tree, seasonal changes, dark dungeons, follower settings would be beast, adoptions, basicly everything in there blew my mind.
It supposedly made load times slower and the game buggier at times. Edited by merge: My god that is better than sex.
I couldn't stop watching this when I found it yesterday. It may or may not get included as free DLC, or in bits in paid DLC (for example the drawbridges and lifts in dungeons in future DLC's) I'm working on the seasonal foliage as a creation kit mod myself. What should the seasons intervals be? 90 days like on earth? Ideas would be nice.
I don't know why all of that wouldn't be included. All of that was small enough and useful enough as to warrant being put into the game and not even be story related in any way.
If you pay to have drawbridges and lifts in a Dungeon, and it's not free DLC, there's something seriously wrong there.
Lately I've been performing a sort of ethnic cleansing in skyrim. Every time I see a giant camp, I clear it. Also been just wandering around in the wilderness. Found a few cool things.