Alpine Ridge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pyro, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    [mouseoverimage= Reach/Alpine Ridge teaser/Alpine Ridge - title.jpg] Reach/Alpine Ridge teaser/Alpine Ridge - title download.jpg[/mouseoverimage]

    Alpine Ridge is, to the best of my knowlege, the only map to support a gauss hog. FlyingshoeILR came close in one of his old projects which was the inspiration for this. Despite the extra objects needed for gauss proofing, the map has no performance issues, even on splitscreen, and could be in the $5000 budget contest if that were still going. I'm still testing this since gauss hogs are quite difficult to balance, but so far they have not entirely dominated games which is a great start. This is the heavy variant of the map. I'll also release a regular variant with fewer and less powerful weapons and vehicles. Rather than my usual blue and gray theme I decided to switch things up and go for green and gray with a bit of brown.

    Here's the image dump. If you look at the Slideshow there's a description for each image to help understand the map.


    Want to make your own map with a gauss hog? See the Gauss Proofing methods developed by [user]FlyingshoeILR[/user].
    #1 pyro, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember hopping into forge on here a week or so ago. You could name the map "C", as it's shaped like a "c", but then people would probably call it "7" or some random, completely unrelated number and then go on for months, making stupid jokes about the map really being a "7" shape although it clearly isn't.

    But that's besides the point. This map is so minimalistic, that I feel like infantry might not have a ton of fun here, but the map is certainly fun to drive around on. If the gauss hogs really are balanced here, then you will certainly have achieved something. Also, isn't Shoe to credit for the proofing method, or had someone done it before him?
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think you were there when I got a full game in forge and somehow no one deleted anything. Setting the party to open was a bad idea. The montana terrain did most of the work, but I'm still working on tightening things up to improve the game for infantry. The gauss warthogs don't act like scorpions on Hemmorhage and were taken out pretty quickly.

    Thanks for mentioning Shoe; somehow when I copied it from notepad I missed the credit to him. It's in there now. I'm not sure if he found the gauss proofing methods but that's the first place I've seen them.
    #3 pyro, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  4. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Nice, put some railings and spice up the colliseum walls, or replace them.
    Keep up the good work broham.
    #4 Yobo, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map is huge.

    I agree with duck about the infantry being a little overwhelmed in some situations. Maybe you could add like some sort of side base on the canyon road adjacent to the cliff?
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gonna just say it. The map looks underwhelming.

    It's huge but has pretty much no real structures besides the c shape, at least of what I can see in the pictures. It honestly gives me the impression that its only half done or something.
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the mention Pyro, and to answer your question if anyone else found out the gauss proofing info first I didn't know about it.

    I liked Alpine ridge during our game, though I found both bases difficult to attack. Red has the high ground and blue has the fortress-like hills, making both a too difficult to extract the flag from. Interestingly I was out of vehicles most of the game and yet I never was killed by a gauss hog. Overall, my only issue was trying to attack for the flag, as it seemed too difficult to pull out of the base area (once it was out towards the middle it seemed fine.)

    Keep up the good work man! By the way, why does the "C" extend so far? Is there any way to make it seem less like a driving path?
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I'll answer stuff in reverse order just to mess with people. :squirrel_evil:

    The road extends out there because there's no good looking way to end it with a low object count.

    I think you were in the game where the red flag was way up on the peak of that side so it was almost impossible to capture. I have since moved it down and it seemed too easy to capture then. so I'm trying to add some protection for it. The blue flag didn't seem to difficult to capture, but I might make another path from the front side of that hill to make it easier.

    It's more than half done, but not much more. There won't, however, be much more in the way of real structures, because those require a higher object density which once gauss proofed will lead to framerate issues in the high stress situations of a heavy map. It's an unfortunate price to pay for gauss hogs on a map.

    I hadn't thought of building something on the canyon road. I'll at least try, although getting everything gauss proofed will be difficult. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Infantry can be overwhelmed, but in most cases there's something to duck behind and the map is dense enough that infantry can usually overwhelm vehicles. Terrain is rough to say the least so driving under fire, let alone smooth enough to aim a gauss turret, is difficult.

    It's almost exactly the size of hemmorhage so not that huge.

    As stated before, anything to spice up the coliseum walls would increase object density and probably lead to performance issues. Those are the main structure keeping the gauss hogs from wrecking everything so there's no way I'm removing them.
    #8 pyro, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You have some of the simplest, most creative, unique, and original BTB maps.

    I've only heard great things about this map and I would really love to give it a go. Hit me up, when you're testing.

    Also, I love the slideshow, lol. Seriously..

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