If Halo 2 Anniversary does happento come out, which would be in 2014, how would somethings work out. I know some of you don't want the game play to change, but the game is advancing. Would the Skrimisher, revenant, concussion rifle, focus rifle, plasma repeater, grenade launcher, and plasma launcher be in it at all. I know they didn't do that in Halo Anniversary, but they should have. Like I said new ideas are being added to the halo universe. People like the idea of playing a new game, even if it only a little change for the good. Also I'm not saying Master Chief needs armor abilities, except sprint, but the covenant should get some. Also maybe they should add some spirts, change the scarab, and also the phantoms guns. Also the driving in Halo Anniveesary in the new mode should have been improved. Halo Reach,Combat Evolved, 2,and 3 aren't that far apart in time wise. Just to say, when I said Halo Anniversary would come out months before they mention it, it happened. This time I have proof with the secret terminal in Halo Anniversary.
A secret terminal is not "proof" that there will ever be a Halo 2 Anniversary. Does odsts being in Reach mean that there will be a sequel to Halo 3: odst? Most likely not so I doubt there will be a halo 2 anniversary.
I think I I'll just accept Reach as an experiment with new Weapons, AA's and messed up core mechanics. I hope they'll see it sucked, and make Halo 4 based off Halo 3, and with no sings left of Reach.
People who keep talking trash about Reach and looking at H3 as the pinnacle of the series genuinely sadden me. If you disliked the design choices made with Reach then fair enough, I do too in some cases, but at least look for a return to H2 in terms of solid mechanics and a netcode that even approaches being useable. I loved Halo 3. I really did. But it was the worst game in the series. Even with AAs and all the crap that Reach has, the DMR and netcode alone put it above H3 for me. OP: adding anything to H2 for a remake would be an awful idea. If its not true to the original then what's the point? They might as well just focus on Halo 4.
I would agree with that. There were some great things about Halo 3 though - I'd say the default maps and map packs were superior to Reach's (though it's not a blowout as a lot of people suggest), and I definitely liked equipment better than armor abilities both in concept and execution. It was also a very pretty game. But yeah, I remember gnashing my teeth through any number of horribly laggy games where the BR may as well have had an invisible "random" switch turned on.
Precisely. I agree that the maps were boss, and tbh I think vehicles were done better in H3 than any other game in the series (CE included) and frags were as well. I just find the BR and netcode issues so hard to ignore, since they impact upon so much of the experience rather than being a single mechanic.
Halo anniversary is just for the heck of it because it happened to be the 10 year anniversary. Anything else would be over doing it.
Agreed. If they make anymore remakes, then they will just be milking a cow with little milk. Please excuse my metaphor.
In Halo 3 new Maps really gave a ''feeling'', in Reach they're just... Maps. In H3 A different Map would COMPLETELY change Gameplay, in Reach it barely changes flow.