Hello forgehub today i am coming to you with another map this map though is a little different then my previous maps because this time i am posting a invasion map instead. in this map the spartans are attacking and not the elites basically the spartans are trying to get back a dock that has been taking over by the covenant. now for the pics Phase 1 pics objective A objective B Phase 2 pics Objective A objective B Phase 3 pics bomb spawn bomb objective Other stuff Overview drop spawn with aesthetic falcon those are all the pictures i have and i would like to thank skintSNIPER262 for help with ideas and with testing.that's it now please comment and DL P.s. the game type shows up as [verifying...] but will be called inv dock while searching for it in your local files
Very nice, i love it and its so huge! im making an sort of dock map too, but dont worry its not at the same spot, and probally not as good as u =) This is an really nice map, im going to DL it. And that aesthetic falcon is kinda nice =D
I made a dock map for 1v1, totally opposite end of the spectrum, but one thing I noticed. It seems like after Phase 1, that whole area is abandoned. If there are vehicles spawning there, show pics, and maybe make an alternate route for them instead of making them move through the whole map. I did like the looks, some of it was a bit too gray, but I like the crates having some color.
Hey, i'll be willing to give you an in-depth review of the map, if you give me permission. Here's a sample of a phase 1 review iv'e done in the past: Spoiler Structures and Aesthetics Spoiler - Having the boats as your initial spawns for attackers is a good idea, but that is the only purpose they should really serve. They are very small and enclosed, so any spawns or objective capture zones *cough* would be issue-stricken. I wouldn't necessarily put a lot of budget into them either, because once again they aren't used much. - The boat stoppers, (the things made out of the railings) are good to stay. Maybe think about using them as cover pieces when you look at spawns and pathing, but otherwise there isn't any problems. - The spiky "fence", if you could even call it that, pretty much needs to be deleted. It seriously cripples the map in all areas: It uses way too many pieces and budget To be frank, it looks like poop It hinders the attackers when trying to push up, literally making them easy pickings. Cuts off some path opportunities Is purely frustrating to maneuver through. It would be perfectly fine to maybe put up some small walls or barricades in areas, but not across the entirety of the beach. - I'm a bit indifferent on the turret placement. There isn't really much game-breaking about it, but it looks sloppy and out of place. I would argue that you go through it again and revise structurally. - The objective buildings pretty much need to be moved and rebuilt. Both have the same underlying issues with fairly simple solutions: Way too campable; too many choke-points. This problem arises when using very tight, enclosed structures like you have done. One possibility when rebuilding is to alleviate this problem is to stay away from making Hemorrhage-style bases, especially using the Bunker_Round piece. One trick I use is that if I am doubtful how to build a structure, I never put a roof on it. Don't put weapons inside the objective buildings. The idea is that the defenders try to push in and contest neutral areas, NOT camp at the objectives with powerful weapons. IMO, the bases look a bit poopy. Try and make your structures simple and smooth. Defensive structures in WW2 were basically concrete walls and bunkers. All the same light-ish grey color. Maybe you should try and create your own base structural style, so everything will a bit more connected and belonging. - I would also recommend that you rethink and revise the placement of the assorted rock structures to make them look better. Spawns and Pathing Spoiler - As I stated earlier, the initial spawns for the attackers are fine as they are. - The initial spawn setup for the defenders was very odd. Spawning them at the other end of the canyon essentially gave the attackers a first phase victory right off the start. I would recommend the defenders spawn near their fireteam spawn points, as in Boneyard or Spire. - One main issue with spawning is that you neglected to use a fireteam setup. Using fireteams is FUNDAMENTAL to any invasion map. I think I showed you how to create a basic fireteam system for your first phase spawns In case you forgot: *Creating a Fireteam spawn* First, place a hill marker where you would like your spawn to be. Remember, the small spawn point on the hill marker signals where the 'spawn camera' will face. Then, you need to label the spawn: Press x to open up the marker's menu Enter the Advanced section Give it a gametype label of INV_RES_P1 (P1= Phase 1) For Fireteam 1, set spawn sequence = 0. Fireteam 2 = 1 and so on. You CANNOT overlook this. It is vital that you create a similar setup for your defenders phase 1 also. The fireteam system you build will dictate where the players move through the map (pathing). - On the topic of paths in the map there is but one truth: there aren't any. You will need to make some yourself with the spawn system you are building. Use sprint distancing to decide where your cover structures, neutral grounds, objectives and spawns are going to be. All of this takes thought and planning so don't rush. - Don't forget vehicle pathing as well. One thing iv'e learned is that vehicles need a lot of defined space to roam around freely. Warthogs and Wraiths especially needs tonnes of space so that they can successfully fulfill their roles. Currently you don't really have any defined vehicle paths, and have a bit too much open space. You need to make sure that infantry can move around just as well as a vehicle. Weapons and Vehicles Spoiler - As previously stated somewhere, I don't personally enjoy the locations of your weapons first phase. In other words, don't have them in and around the territory area. If you're going to give defenders weapons, put them near the fireteam spawns, out of the way. You can use the same logic when deciding attacker weapons. You also should think about removing the grenades and health packs from the territories. The grenades will just cause too much trouble with spam, framerate drops, etc. Your attacker health packs should be situated in either the neutral areas you create or your cover areas. - I have only one stand on Phase 1 vehicles: there shouldn't be any. I feel it'd be good for you to get a full analysis from a fellow Invasion forger, like myself
thanks for all the comments i will look into them on the next map. i am thinking about getting rid of the warthog in the water.i would be happy if you gave it a review but i am just saying this my first invasion map so i forgot to do fireteams and i also didnt get to place weapons but i found gameplay flowed nicely without them.
I really like the map, but I think it would be better if you just put a falcon instead of the one you made. No offense. Even though you cant put one on phased mode, you just put it on top of a block, then delete the block and the falcon will still be floating.
I under stand what you are saying minion but there is a spawn zone up there for the attackers with jet packs and I didn't want them to take and fly away
Inv Dock Feedback Ok, here's the review. It may come off as harsh to you, but it's my honest thoughts and i'm not trying to be mean. I'll be doing little bits at a time, so it's not done yet. Phase 1 Structures and Aesthetics Spoiler - It is simple to break out of the first phase area and leave the map. This is a pretty serious structural flaw you will need to address immediately. The break is around the Attacker main backfield building. You should make the kill zones bigger, and add some hard kills a ways into the soft kills. The soft kills should really only act as a 'warning' for the hard kill. - Quite a few of your structures have some extensive Z-fighting. Especially on the floor of the main attacker backfield, and your other assorted cover structures. Z-fighting affects the framerate of the map and looks unappealing, so it's a good thing to remove. - I'm not a fan of the 'warthog boat' you have attached to the third and fourth piers. The connecting sandbags look out of place (b/c that isn't the purpose of a sandbag) and the ability to enter the hog just acts as a distraction for the players. - Some of the cover pieces in the battlefield could also be touched-up: For the "rock carts", just move the rocks around so they don't awkwardly bulge out of the side. Maybe spread out your cover a little bit, to make it seem more like an actual battle; don't make it clustered and dense. Possibly consider having elite cover. After all, the defenders are the ones setting up and readying for the attack. Try and allow your cover to serve more of a purpose. Where you put the cover influences where players find 'safe' on your map, thus influencing pathing and basic conflict areas. - Your building structure for phase 1 (the spawn building) is fairly sound structurally. I would maybe recommend adding another entrance it, but it's alright. - The underwater assault thing is full of problems. Now I do understand that you are trying to make use of the unique deep water area, but: There is an actual spawning issue. If the spawn camera isn't lined up the "right" way, then the player falls to a watery grave straight off the spawn. The kicker is that underwater, the visibility for the player is cut in half, so all the can use to figure things out are the territory markers. To be completely frank, it doesn't belong structurally nor aesthetically. The fact that it is simply a flat block and some shield doors makes you (the author) look lazy and sloppy, plus it also detracts from the map overall in many aspects of the forge. It can easily be entered by defenders, which may/may not lead to spawn killing: a game-breaking issue. Sometimes attackers can bounce off the shield doors and land in the water, killing them and frustrating them. It's more of a gimmick than an actual functional gameplay element, which is something that always troubles me. Whenever forging always ask yourself "What does this piece really do? And how does it help my map?" -The smaller defender base (for phase 1) is a building I quite like. It looks good, can be maneuvered through easily, and is a multipurpose spawn. Very good. -However I am unsure about the main defender building. It is disconnected from the phase by a fairly large gap, at the bottom of which is death. Rethink this area, think from the perspective of the elite "If i'm going to go defend my objective, what way would I move?" The answer; is straight ahead, through the window, and into a realm of risk and death. I won't be able to provide a solution until I look at it further and possibly discuss with you. End. Spawning and Pathing Spoiler - Your attacker initial spawn areas seems fine in the current location. I personally favor the MM initial system, which initial spawns people within their separate fireteam area, but that's just me. Spawning them like that really isn't the biggest deal though. - The same as above applies for the defender initials. I would recommend reshuffling them about because a couple of their L.O.S are blocked off by a Platform_XL. - Now I have a multitude of issues with your three attacker spawn areas. Allow me to elaborate: Even though you correctly labelled them as phase only objectives, you neglected or forgot to set up a three fireteam spawn system. This system is VITAL for any form of competitive Invasion play. A competitive map should strive to be like matchmaking; and matchmaking Invasion makes use of fireteams. In case you forgot how to make a fireteam spawn: *Creating a fireteam spawn* First, place a hill marker where you would like your spawn to be. Remember, the small spawn point on the hill marker signals where the 'spawn camera' will face. Then, you need to label the spawn: Press x to open up the marker's menu Enter the Advanced section Give it a gametype label of INV_RES_P1 (P1= Phase 1) For Fireteam 1, set spawn sequence = 0. Fireteam 2 = 1 and so on. If you correctly set up fireteams, you can make the map work better when it comes to pathing and battle situations. You cannot leave these spawns in their current state, b/c they do not reward player movement to certain areas, including your bravo objective. This is because it is safer to spawn in the main building and move through the shorter, more covered route - thus enticing players to move that way to avoid death. Remember, you will need to set up a similar system for the defenders. [br][/br] As I mentioned above, the underwater spawn area is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Aside from the spawning glitch and the structural faults, it fails to provide a fireteam with a proper path to the objectives. This is because: [br][/br] It is too vulnerable to enemy fire off of the spawn, and when entering the battlefield. Too open Too isolated from the rest of the map. The spawn camera doesn't provide enough information on the battle (due to poor visibility), therefore that fireteam cannot then assess the scenario and plan strategy (which, believe or not, is a fairly big deal). As a fireteam spawn for first phase, the building spawn will work fine (if you take my recommendations into consideration). All you might have to do is make sure that from the spawn camera the player has a fair sized view of the battlefield. For the middle team, there needs to be a fair bit of changing. The place where you have them spawning is far too open such as the water spawn. You need, and I stress NEED, to put some form of cover to help the attackers up to the objective approach. I would even say that the whole dock area could be built up a bit more to allow players to actually spawn on a solid area instead of a small, thin pier. - Now for the defender spawns. Currently you only have two defender spawns, using backfield phase specific zones. Like I stated for the attackers, this system needs to be changed and converted into a basic three fireteam setup. If you forget how to, use the instructions I also posted above. If you are going to make completely new spawns (not a bad idea), ignore these next two points, but: For the alpha spawn (in the little building), you will have to keep in mind the distances between the spawn and objectives because, I think that spawn is too close. Also, you have put the main attacker path between the spawn and objective, which will lead to most of the conflict (and a lot of spam) around that spawn area. The other building needs some serious effort put into it to properly work. Paths out of that structure just aren't properly developed, and the water hazard between the building and the dock just cripples a defenders ability to get into the battle quickly and safely End Objectives, weapons and vehicles Spoiler - You really shouldn't have vehicles first phase in a competitive Invasion map. One theory on Invasion is that the magnitude of the battle should intensify between your phase 1 area and your phase 2/3 area. This means that phase one is smaller, infantry only conflict which feeds into an epic, vehicle-infantry orientated phase 2/3. I would also reconsider having 3 mongooses because frankly geese are useless distractions. - There should be weapons and health packs on the map. Period. When i'm talking about first phase weapons, i'm meaning DMRs and/or Needle rifles. How you put, is up to you. You could go like Boneyard and provide both teams weapons, or like Spire where only defenders get weapons. A third option would be to only give attackers weapons. This must be tweaked and played around with to change the 'difficulty' of the phase and to provide variability to the gameplay. - Iv'e collected a couple thoughts on the first phase objectives: The territories are far too close together. Normally, it takes around one full sprint to move from one territory to the vicinity of another. In first phase on your map, it takes about 2/3 of a sprint to go from zone to zone. The territories zones are a bit too small. Take a look at Spire and Boneyard territory sizes to help you determine what is the right size. They also don't have to as tall. End Phase 2/3 Structures and Aesthetics Spoiler - Iv'e noticed major Z-fighting in many areas of the phase 2/3 battlefield as well. In particular, in the lower dock areas where coliseum walls meet and where the Walkway_Cover pieces over the canal collide. These are only a few examples. For definite, go through the map and try to eliminate all instances of this. - Once again, the map is far too breakable. The current kill zone placement essentially fail in every location on the map. Try to make your kill zones very large, and don't be afraid to give the player a hard kill after a few seconds of running in. - The rocks over by the cave need to be tidied up and made to look a bit more natural. Right now, they look a bit more like a collection of rock penises instead of an actual formation. Try to use the pieces in a way as to where the player cannot tell what rock is there after first glance. - I have a lot of problems with the aesthetics and structures on the main lower dock area. The cover pieces you have used are very random and ineffective. The actual cover pieces are too low to crouch behind, and the random inclines are too thin to take proper, safe cover behind. You should really consider maybe putting cover structures that work and fit in with the dockyard setting. Your containers are all different sizes and aren't lined up in a couple cases. I don't really like the way they look either, but that's just me. Once again, there are some crates and barricades set up as defensive pieces. These pieces really don't make sense for the elite defending team. Temporary defensive structures should correspond to the defending race. In this case, you will either have to chance the defensive scenery or change which team is defending. The phase 2 objective structures also look a little goofy in places. Though you make good use of the sniper nest piece, the small circular ramps make the overall structure look sloppy. Try to simplify the areas and concentrate more on function. - The main back objective building definitely needs a bit of reworking. The invisible tac jump made out of the strut needs to be deleted entirely or replaced with a proper, visible tac jump. Try not to use things like the ladder that don't fit in a competitive environment either. Currently doing phase 2/3 structures and aesthetics
Hey there OP Not bad for a 1st attempt. There are however some major flaws on this map that I can easily spot just from looking at the pictures you've provided (I won't go into the specifics), but I do believe there is room for improvement. I strongly recommend that you take a look at this thread [Here]... and for spawn points, this one [Here]. They have pretty much everything you need to know about making Invasion maps, and have helped me quite a bit. With my experience I've built a couple (unreleased) invasion maps myself using the methods given in them, and I believe that they have turned out rather nicely. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up in the Invasion matchmaking playlist sometime in the near future either. So do yourself a favour and go have a look at those threads I posted.
this looks like a zombies map almost, pretty badass. you should totaly make a infection style version of this map, and lol the falcon in the last pic how cute ^^
Thank you A30N for the suggestion I was already in the mids of turning this into infection and thanks for the comment about the falcon. Berb and Pfeuff I am already making a version 2 of this map by going of the links and the feedback you have given me especially berb with the review which I will be sure to use in finishing V2 so don't stop the review berb I need it
ok this looks like a pretty cool concept, and th buildings and stuff look pretty nice, but it looks kinda cramped. kind of a lot of cover and stuff. theres not very much color either. kind of a gray splat. the underwater spawns and the falcon spawns are a pretty good idea but like berb said they dont really work very well. and the lack of fireteam spawns and weapons makes your map look pretty rushed and sloppy.