Hey everyone Meanscreen Production here today, asking the forgehub community for some assistance. We are going to be doing a griffball mini series and we need a court that is up to standard protocol and looks aesthetically pleasing! If we end up having more then one person that wants to do this then I can throw in a little competition, and possibly use a few of the maps or winner can be in the series. We are extremely earlier in the process of all of this and don't plan to be starting this mini series until we have finished up all the rest of the episodes to Season 2 of Campfire Stories, but I wanted to get this thread out here for anyone interested. Of course your name and everyone elses would go in the credits! So if you are interested then PM me and reply below! Thanks -Meanscreen Production P.S. The Court needs a booth box for announcers a staircase that can lead to a bowl where a kill ball can lay, and locker room exits that go into the stadium. Not actual locker rooms, but just a walkway that leads into the stadium for the players. Thanks and hope a bunch of people help and try this out!
Sounds fun. I'll make one. I've always been decent. Now this is grifball right? Not blargball? Deadline? A few months?
Yeah, I mean this is for a machinima so you want to have look like a stadium and have a walkway they come out of and a press box, with standard griffball regulations with length and stuff. You'll also have until March 10 to do it.
Well, I was about to say I had a grifball style map laying around somewhere, but I can edit it for machinima, probably. Also, I pm'ed you at one point telling you I would help with your campfire story machinima, but you never responded. Send me a friend request on LIVE and we can work something out.
Glad a bunch of people wanna give a shot to this! I hope the best for all of you and am excited to see some awesome maps in the next month! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Alright I just want to make sure everyone understands, You have until March 10 to complete this map, it must have a announcer booth, a Stadium, be up to griffball standards, and have an entrance from the locker room for the players, it does not need an actual locker room just an entrance into the stadium. That's about it! Hope to see some great stadiums!
I already have a sketch idea. I could probably also add a full on locker room. Does a stadium with an audience section sound good? I'm imagining a basketball type stadium. Also for the announcer booth.. Do you want it close to the field? Or in like a box some place away up high on the sidelines?
I'd prefer up in a box like football stadium announcers. Not super high up but like mid level would be great!
Alright I gotcha.. Side note: The width is slighty longer than what you would find in matchmaking but I did that to make the tunnels fit better.. I should be able to post the dl soon so you can check out what I have so far.
I sent you a pm but forgot the link, so Ill just share with all this time Spoiler Announcers box and the red team tunnel Red team tunnel Blue tunnel and bleachers. You can also see a bit of the structured roof Blue team tunnel The ends of the arena have "owner boxes" Based off an official GB map, so all the dimensions are accurate to within 1 forge decimal Whatcha think? DOWNLOAD LINKY
In the series, are you going to display a multitude of grifball maps? That'd be interesting to see. Like a new court every few episodes showing a change of stadiums/places. On topic with the map: I've made locker rooms. it contains a nice view + it has a shower. I'm sure you folks can find a way to use it. Also I started working on the stadium and I have the hallways done. Also nice map thelepearchaun. You and I have similar ideas for the announcer box. Likin' it.
I'm not sure if I'm going to do one or a few. Since everyone seems to be working hard, I'll probably use a few one as the main court and others as like practice stadiums for the team. Remember I haven't wrote a script for this yet so I can take the approach however I want. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Cool! It's fine that is a little larger though I mean this is for a machinima not matchmaking so whatever makes the stadium look mores ascetically pleasing go for it!
Alright. I'm almost done. Just doing some minute things. I'll post screenshots soon. Also.. I ended up making the play field smaller than what it is for aesthetic reasons.
Since i have experience forging Grifball courts for Machinima (i did the courts for Rooster Teeth's 3 grifball series) i will give you a cool tip. Neutral Bomb is a symmetric gametype; One Bomb is asymmetric. You can set the symmetry of different parts to symmetric or asymmetric and have a custom filming game variant for each. Pieces marked symmetric will only show up while filming in the Neutral Bomb variant, and pieces marked asymmetric will only show up while filming in the One Bomb variant. This allows you to have items in two different states so you don't have to make additional maps for different shots. For instance, on GRIFBALL: "FRANCHISE PLAYER" there is a door which opens on the side of the court in some of the shots. The open door and frame is set to symmetric while the closed door pieces are set to asymmetric. In one shot (which didn't make it into the final video) the team is seen passing through the door. In later action shots the door is seen closed. All they had to do was change the game variant to close the door. To get you started you can always grab a Grifball map template to use as a base for your map. That way all the maps people make will be the same size (and actually work).
Yum.. I never thought about that. Also nice with the template. Wish I had it a while back xD [br][/br]Edited by merge: Spawn room/Locker Room Tunnel ( I know it's not the best, but it's a tunnel alright...) Court How to get to Announcer Boxes.. (At the end of each tunnel) Announcer Box View