What Weapon layouts do you prefer?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Just a question I decided to throw in. Of course it would depend on how the Map would be, but what is your ''average'' Weapon layout? This is waht I see as the average wepon layout, not mine, but of most Maps, and I don't really like this one, what do you think:

    1 Rockets
    2/1 Snipers
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 Grenade Launcher
    1 Plasma Repeater
    4 DMRs
    2 Needle Rifles

    Plenty of Maps seem to follow this, and people just love to put in too much DMRs and people put in Power Weapons, but not semi-power weapons. Especially in small maps, I hate it when people put in Rockets and Snipers but no Concussion Rifles and Shotguns, to have a little counter, cause else those Power Weapons dominate too much. When I make Maps, I almost never put in Rocket Launchers, Energy Swords and Snipers at all. Maybe a Sniper, but not more. Cause semi-power weapons can still be easily countered by starting weapons like pistols and assault rifles, and you don't need other power weapons. This is my preferable setup:

    2 Needlers
    2 DMRs
    1 Sniper(sometimes)
    2/1 Concussion Rifles(depends on size and openness of the map)
    2/1 Shotguns(depends on size and openness of the map)
    1 Plasma Pistol(Simple, but in the right hands more useful than a Rocket Launcher while being more balanced)
    And some others that vary every time but the above I try to put in at least. See? No Rocket Launchers, Energy Swords and rarely Snipers, in my opinion this makes gamplay a bit more loose, no need to worry about Power Weapons. What do you think? Power Weapons or not?
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I try to tailor my weapon layouts to the specific maps, but I do have some weapons I prefer more than others and some that I really don't mess with. I would say my standard template for a 4v4 map is about like this:

    - 6 DMRs
    - 2 plasma pistols
    - 2 magnums
    - 4 frag and plasma grenades
    - 2 needlers or needle rifles, or both
    - 2 ARs (not always)

    I stay away from:
    - plasma rifles and repeaters - people just don't use them
    - spikers for the most part. Every once in a while I'll drop a couple on a map for flavor

    For power weapons:
    - rockets only if the map is larger. I hate the way they dominate smaller maps
    - If I do snipers, it's two with just 1 spare clip, or a neutral sniper with 2 spare clips usually. This just depends on the map and its lines of sight. Does it seem like the snipers would be helpful but not overwhelming? I'd rather not have them if a good sniper is going to be able to rack up easy killing frenzies.
    - Grenade launcher is a go-to power weapon, I use it a lot.
    - I usually like at least one close range power weapon, sometimes two if the map is bigger and it won't be a problem. I prefer sword and shotgun over hammer generally. For a more cramped map I'll use shotgun rather than sword - you can limit the ammo and it doesn't have lunge.
    - Concussion rifle occasionally.
    - Focus rifle occasionally. This is overlooked as a good near-mid-range semi-power weapon, basically like an enhanced AR at the right distance, but it has such a strong feel to it that I don't like to over-use it.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Overlooked indeed. A good part of the reason it's so powerful is the seemingly endless charge, apparently it's the main reason that MLG didn't use it. I love burning faces with it at short - mid range, it's a fantastic weapon to have in your back pocket and pull out for the cheeky double when you're low/no shields. People who are rushing and hoping to get an easy kill are rarely prepared for how disorienting that thing is.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Indeed. It's everything I hoped the old monitor laser weapon (what was that thing called?) would be in Halo 2. I find it least useful for its intended purpose as a sort of covie sniper (RIP beam rifle!), but at close and mid-range it can be both devastating and annoying. When people blast me with it my first impulse is always to find cover just so I can get my bearings and hopefully get a shot on them without that thing singeing my face.
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    As Nutdauster said- I try to tailor each weapon set to the map, but I have some basic guidelines.

    *2-4 DMRs (1 clip/30s or 2 clip/45s in small maps and default in larger ones)
    *2 Needle Rifles (If in map at all, often 2 clip at 45s.)
    *Power weapon 1 ( Grenade Launcher, Concussion Rifle, Shotgun, or snipers are safe bets. I sometimes throw in a rocket or sword or other unnames weapon of power. The Focus Rifle for instance is a fun one)
    *Power Weapon 2 (Something to balance out the first power weapon. Precicion weapons to balance out explosives, explosives to balance out short range and short range to balance precision)
    *Power Weapon 3 (optional and only if the map is larger)
    *4-6 small arms (pairs of Plasma Rifles/Pistols usually. Magums, spikers and needlers also come up but less often.)
    *4-8 grenades (total count between types.)

    As as you can see- they types vary, but I do always have a system to go through.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    A more normal weapon layout will be predominantly human weapons. With the exception of the grenade launcher they don't have odd characteristics like supercombine, knocking people around, bouncing around, or weird tracking systems. This is often because the special characteristics make covenant weapons more difficult to balance.
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Pretty much the standard set I use as well, only with less grenades. Not sure if Nutduster meant 4 of each type, but I stick with 4 total for a standard 4v4 map and have the spawn time set to 30 seconds. I've been testing my maps with MLG ZB Slayer, so the 2 magnums end up becoming semi-power weapons, adding even more variety to the map.

    A 4 shot rocket is generally my central power weapon, though this could be a sniper or CQC weapon depending on the layout, though generally I try to avoid CQC weapons all together since they promote camping around corners. If I'm running a 2-base set-up, I tend to go with 2, 1-clip snipers just to balance things out. Focus rifles can be fun, but are also very layout dependent.

    Grenade launcher is the only weapon I place on every single map. It is powerful, but requires a good deal of skill to use effectively. It is also incredibly useful for downing shields and finishing off opponents with a head-shot, making it an all-around great weapon choice. I don't know anyone who doesn't appreciate one of these.
  8. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Every map of mine contains at least one Grenade Launcher. Then it's usually a toss up between rockets and sniper for the main central power weapon. Then because I'm so varied, it's usually a covie weapon such as the Concussion Rifle or for smaller maps, the Sword/Hammer.

    As for other weapons, it's 4 each of DMR/NR and a couple of Pistol Weapons. And for grenades, no more than 4 of each type, depending on size.
  9. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    12x DMR
    6x Needle Rifle
    3x Needler
    2x Plasma Pistol
    2x Shotgun
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Conc. Rifle
    2x Sniper
    1x Rockets
    1x Plasma Launcher
    1x Splazer
    2x Wraith
    2x Hog
    2x Ghost
    A smattering of grenades

    Mmmmmmm, tasty BTB...
    #9 MockKnizzle008, Feb 6, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  10. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I tend to put a few more power weapons on the map than the average forger, but I try to put them in really inconvenient locations so that if someone tries to rush it at the start of the game, they'll usually get killed by someone who's not quite as fast, but sees the person before they're spotted.
    It's all about getting the drop on people.
  11. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I prefer a balanced "realistic" layout.

    Weapons that would suit the map if it was realistic, Snipers on large maps, Shotguns in CQC area's.

    I have a pet peeve with everyone putting snipers on small maps could be fun for people who enjoy no scopes but that's its only purpose. I like snipers to "hard scope" long range.

    But besides that I like versatility I like a map that makes use of a unusual layout that compliments the use of unusual weapons like the Spiker.

    Once you've played one 10xDMR, 2xSniper, 1xRocket, 4xPP, 4x pistol CQC map You've played them all. (not really but you get the point)
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As various a weapon sandbox as possible... Just with not shotguns or swords. For the love of god, no shotties or swords.
  13. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I only put shotties and swords on my maps haha

    But seriously, I try to switch it up for every map but theres only so many good weapon combinations for a 4v4 map. And you should never place weapons in an area that would be the most useful for it. For example: a sniper on a high ledge overlooking the map or a sword/shotty in a narrow corridor. You should have to work for them.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True in a way, but placing them in a place where they're near useless isn't a good idea either. Take Shotty on Guardian: it's in a corridor, and even the area around that corridor (bottom blue, and tbh top blue as well) is quite suited to Shotty use. The one way nature of that corridor, plus the general position of it in relation to surrounding map flow, helps make it a good placement.

    Focusing on how useful a weapon is in its spawn location doesn't tell you enough to make a decision, it's about general risk vs. reward. How useful a weapon is in the spawn location is often a key part of this balance, but taking it as an isolated factor can lead you to make poor placement decisions.
  15. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I put snipers on all my maps.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Don't you mean you put maps around your snipers?
  17. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fair enough.
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Totally seconded on all that. People are sometimes a little too quick to subscribe to easy-to-remember rules, like a different one that I keep hearing around here recently ("If your map has a central room or atrium, you absolutely must force people to pass through it!"). A lot of concepts are good on paper but more flexible than they may seem, and many of Bungie's best maps from Halos CE - Reach violate "the rules" and totally get away with it because of smart design.

    The shotgun on Guardian is an excellent example. It's in a useful place (or very near to one) but it's also in a death trap corridor. Going after it entails a certain risk, as it should be. Generally you can get away with putting a power weapon in its most useful position by just making sure there's sufficient risk or vulnerability in going there.
    #18 Nutduster, Feb 7, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  19. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    True. You can look at a lot of Bungie maps for examples of that. For instance, look at Reflection, similar the sniper and shotty locations are too useful IMO. There really isn't much of a risk/reward for either of them. I just disagree with some of Bungies placements. I'm not saying I put weapons in completely useless places, just not in the most advantageous position for that specific weapon. But I suppose to a degree it is a matter of personal preference.

    Edited by merge:

    I LOL'd because this is so true
    #19 GrenadeGorilla8, Feb 7, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  20. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    Isn't the entire map besides top/bottom gold and top center circle suited for shotgun use?

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