Docking Bay v4

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Southern, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Hey guys, S0uthernNumber1 here, obviously. I have another 1v1 map, Docking Bay. Some of you may have it in the preview, but there have been big changes.
    First off, I'd like to thank GrimCreepr, (FriedFoodStuffz on here) because he built this with me, from when I was derpin around Forge World with a Coli wall to the way it is now. I'd also like to thank UberlyPwned and SHARPSH00TER777 for testing when Grim could not, and this wouldn't be here without any of them. Now for the map.

    Weapons are simple:
    2x Plasma Pistols
    1x Needle Rifle, 1 clip
    1x DMR, 0 clips
    1x Grenade Launcher, 1 extra shot
    1x Sticky
    1x Custom Power-up, 15 second Camo is recommended.

    Now for the pictures.

    This is the spawn cam for Red.

    This is Red base.

    This is Red walkway.

    This is Blue base.

    This is Blue walkway.

    This is the middle.

    This is the crate in the middle.

    This is the Custom Power-up.

    This is the Grenade Launcher.


    This is your reaction.

    Oh, and I will give a cookie to whoever the ninja. He's in camo.
    #1 Southern, Feb 6, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ninja is on the rock in the corner.

    OT: looks good looks good for a 1v1 which is just about all I can get set up nowadays. I'll give you some hard feedback whenever I can get a chance to play this.
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the ninja is on the left of the rock
    OT: this map looks interesting it is relatively simple with a neat layout the only real thing i am not a big fan of is the explosives on the map they dont really look like they fit in they just look like you were trying to take away from that Grey feel

    this is kind of Off topic but is that ripple in the water in the second pic somebody trying to hid from the picture because if it is its kind of a fail
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice improvements; I looks a lot cleaner than before. I guess you guys trashed the custom gametype idea? This is 1v1, so I'm sure I can get a game on this and come back with feedback by this weekend.
  5. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Ok, I'm out of cookies. Sorry guys. Thanks for the feedback, it always helps. Oh, and as for custom gametype: No radar, AR, magnum, sprint, 2 frags, powerup is 15 second camo. The explosives actually don't interfere much, their main purpose is to defer campers. The ones by the GL won't see much use zt all, and the others just make the middle more fun when stalking prey, as I like to call it.
  6. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    As Southern said, the explosives are there to discourage camping around the center. This allows for combat to flow around the edges of the map. Playtesting showed that this kept things moving much more than having less risk when rushing through the center. Their secondary function is to reward well placed GL shots and nade tosses for those with the skill. There is a sense of real satisfaction when you manage to pull either off.

    Regarding the layout, Southern wanted to keep it as simple as possible. That said, there is still a crap ton of depth to be found here. I've lost count of all the tac jumps we've crammed into this. And yet, it never really feels overwhelming. What it means is always having escape/chase routes available. IMO, this keeps gameplay fun, and interesting as players must always be thinking.

    Every playtest i've done on this one has made me want to come back and give it another go. That's not a feeling I get often from forge maps. Especially (micro) 1v1's. It's for this reason exactly that I decided to lend my hand to this project whenever possible. My only REAL regret was not being able to be part of it more near the end. Docking Bay might not be the best 1v1 map i've ever played, but it is still a damn fun and unique experience.

    EDIT: almost forgot to say something constructive...

    First off, WTF's with the thumbnail pic? lol terrible choice IMO

    As for the map itself... I still wish we could have resolved those spawning issues. Although, given the maps size, I don't think we could have ever eliminated them entirely If you ever return to this one in the future, I hope you consider making it bigger. Maybe take advantage of the beach, and work the docks into it. IDK, just food for thought.

    Also, I see that you removed my beloved needler and replaced the ol' girl with a second plasma pistol. Sad face, man. Just sad face. Maybe a future version will find room for it. I do understand the balancing reasons behind the change though.

    I'll run some more tests on this tomorrow and post back here if I feel the need to add anything.
    #6 FriedFoodStuffz, Feb 7, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  7. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I'll try to change the thumbnail this afternoon, kind of hard to do on a phone. But yeah, best thing ever for me when playing this; blowing up people with the propane tank while they're sneaking around in camo. So much lulz.
  8. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It seems too compact. and avent for a 1v1 this would be small.
    But as for the layout and aesthetics, it couldnt be better.
    Great job :)
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm puking rainbows. This map is gorgeous. I love thematic aesthetics like this.
    As for gameplay concerns... The map seems very small and 2-dimensional. Very limited elevation variation. Essentially the entire map is on a single plane. The screenshots give the impression of that anyhow.
  10. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Yeah, this one definitely falls into the "micro" 1v1 category. I tried to talk Southern into a larger version, but damn it man! i'm a forger, not a miracle worker! Erm... because of that, it was very hard to work height variation into this. You can still hop on top of some of the taller objects to get a beat on someone. However, there are soft KB's here to keep you from just sitting as these areas give you a wide view of the entire map.

    As for the aesthetics, I handled most things in that department. I basically went through one night, and tried to make everything we had so far as functionally beautiful as possible. I tried to make sure that everything I was doing aesthetically was enhancing the gameplay, and wasn't just there for show. The docks in the distance are definitely Southerns work, though. I made a few prototypes that I never got around to showing him, but the way he did just works and really adds to the atmosphere IMO. Personally, the only things I DON'T like are the capture plates, and the door behind the power up spawn. They just seem forced and unnecessary to me. Also, I think "the little cone room" I came up with in place of the door was a more elegant solution.

    Anyways, if you're on today when i'm testing this i'll have to shoot you an invite schnit. I'd love to get your opinion on how to improve the gameplay experience.
  11. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I'll do a larger version when I have time. I'm actually thinking of making a new map with the same theme for a 2v2 or 4v4, just a thought though.

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice! Lots of cover and fantastic aesthetics, the use of the large walkways, ramps, and decorative cover pieces are very unique.

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