I've been watching Spyro videos lately and started to feel a great sense of nostalgia for both the origional Crash and Spyro games. So I posted a poll on XForgery whether people preffered Crash or Spyro and got some interesting results, so I decided to put one up here on FH. Vote for whoever played an important part in your childhood!
I was all super-conflicted, all like "**** THEY ARE ALL GOOD" Then I looked at my Crash Team Racing disk thats laying in front of me, and I realized that its no contest.
This ones a tough choice, I got asked this a long time ago and I gotta go with Spyro. Crash is classic platformer but Spyro's action/adventure mixed with a wellmade storyline and a rather catchy soundtrack, well I just can't go with any other besides Spyro. Though, I'm honestly a fan of both and I'm not hesitant to go dig out my Spyro and Crash games for my glorious lil PS1
Mannnn, I have to choose? Spyro was amazing, so much nostalgia coming from the ps1, the other games with Spyro seemed to dissapoint. I like Crash, every game that came for the ps2 was actually fun, but Berb has a point.. Crash Team Racing was and still is the ****.*sigh..Spyro, I love that purple mother ****er
Original 3 Crash vs. Original 3 Spyro: Spyro. All the games past that point on both sides were trash, excluding Crash Team Racing, which I have fond memories of.