This is a map that i've been working on for awhile now, and many of you have probably played on be it one version or another. You may better recognize it under the placeholder name i've been using until today, Vaseer. But now I've changed the name to "Sandless" after it was mentioned to me that some of the architecture looked like hour glasses. This map was started quiet awhile back but since I didn't forge for awhile remained unfinished and unreleased. My goal is to hopefully release this in a few weeks, although I want to get a number of tests on it first to make sure that some things are tweaked just right. **Updated with new pictures** The first 2 pictures are from the newest version, the old have been left up for comparison purposes. A few changes that will be tested soon is rockets added to bottom floor, gl moved to atop the bridge, and a changed entrance to the bottom sides. This is to go along with some piece consolidation/removal Thanks to everyone who has helped test and suggested changes so far.
Is this the map we played last night? If so, I'll leave you my two cents on the map... If not, can't wait to play it.
I like Sandless. I cant think of much else to say honestly, it's fun although I have never felt the thrill here I have on other maps (though that's really just me). This is one that even now in it's unfinished state I would choose to play in customs. One of my favorites from you, DUCK, great work.
I'm really diggin those incline doors man. If audience enjoys the map, it's a good map, though it does look blocky hehe
The game was very enjoyable, that's for certain. Wish we could have played a couple more games as I didn't really get to learn the map. For most of the game it seemed my team just roved around in a circular movement pattern along the outskirts of the map. The center region also didn't seem to play much of a role in the game for the most part. That aside, my only real concern is the gray. Damn you forgeworld, damn you.
I think the map has a fair amount of color (compared to others) in it's blue glass and strut ramps. But I see your point- as you said though it's just forgeworld.
I've always liked this map. It's great for CTF and slayer. re: the gray - I think it's about time we resign ourselves to it and start paying more attention to geometry than color. As long as the map isn't 100% coliseum walls...
Disagree. There's ways to work around the gray. If altering the design of a map is something required to break the gray, then the map should be altered to do so. Oceans of gray are unacceptable. But this map isn't thaaaaat gray. I'm just saying a little less would be nice.
Ya I can understand the grey comments on this map, as it does use a good amount of walls and brace larges to compose some structure. Some previous versions have had some more colors in certain areas, but I've had to remove pieces due to previous fame rate issues. This did give me an idea though of something to go into forge to test out, although I doubt it will work out properly. To me personally I think the best part of the map is how each game type plays out differently. That said I still have some concern about the rocket spawn during ctf, so I'll probably mess around with that a bit still. If anyone who was in the couple tests tonight has any feedback I'd love to hear it, especially since that version hadn't been played before tonight.
Each piece usage seems odd here and there but overall the map plays fairly well, the only problem I saw as well as you did was how quick ctf carry times are and a few odd spawns in some long lines of sight. I would try and avoid some outer wall spawns and have them more inward so people can't cross map snipe. slayer seems to play fairly well, and king of the hill was a lot of fun on FFA (although I just sat back and raped people, lol). good mix of cover and opened-up areas, I am eager to see the final version.
New Bottom floor (the bottom floors are now longer than in previous versions) New view of the base to incorporate the longer hallways on the bottom, and some changes to reduce frame rate issues. The above are 2 images from the newest version of Sandless, this version of the map brings it more in line with my original sketches with the bottom hallways being longer, and coming up farther back in the bases. This version has a few things that still need to be tested to see how they play out, but overall I expect this to be a better version of the map, especially for CTF. The spawning will probably need further tweaking as this version removed a few of my previous spawn areas. You can barely notice the sniper is now in a new spot in the front of the base (see picture 2). I'm also waiting to see if the bottom will need a little additional cover with the longer hallways or not.