ok this is the second time iv done this ( post a map on forge hub ) last time it was a disaster i was doing everything wrong so now im going to try it again it a very very good remake of worlock so plz download and coment and have fun http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35313552
Two questions/comments: First since I'm new here: is this the first remake? Second: maybe use thinner columns for the center, like hold dumpsters in place or something (maybe onlsaught status)
No, Warlock has been remade multiple times, this is not the first. Now to christian, the author/thread starter, this map barely meet the requirements, i suggest adding more pictures, describing gameplay, and listing the weaponry, this way everyone at Forge Hub will have a spondiferous time viewing your map.
very well made one i agree with absurdist but don't really know you would go about doing that and 2 replace the four box platforms with walls so that people can go underneath them like in the actual map
I dont ever remember seeing shield doors in Warlock. I've seen better remakes to tell you the truth. This seems to be a map inspired by Warlock but not a complete remake of it. Flip those bridges over to make it easier for players to move on them more easily.
Not an exact remake looks more like it was just inspired by warlock try playing halo 2 on warlock then go back and make the changes you see
Needs some work to be called a remake like the others have said, but still, good job. Dl'd and it's interesting. but you should either make it more of a remake or rename it. I'm glad to see that the interlocking was not of an issue yet. this map seems to be functional so far. good try
use bridges. put them strait up, then interlock them so they look all together like a real pillar. that would work. it would take time though, and alot of patience. and if it was sloppy, everyone would complain. i think it looks good, but if you wanted thinner pillars then you could do the bridges thing i said.
It is a really good early post. Shows knowledge and use of the fundamental forging skills, but you should come up with original maps, see what you can do on your own instead of making a remake. I always love it when people base a map off another and incorporate their own ideas, but, maybe you like remakes and that is fine. Good map in the end. I did actually look at this and because I have played Warlock and I can see this holds true to it in many respects, this plays fine.
THANKS A LOT HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE MAP I GOT OTHERS THAT I MADE THAT ARE ORIGINAL sorry about the caps lol but ya if anyone wants to see them i will put them up by tomorrw