Hello everyone I started a remake of foundation from halo 2. Iv already done a remake of this map before but on forge world which you can find here i noticed something things i could change on it so i decided to do a v2 but the realized that High Noon is just the perfect size to fit it and since no one forges on High Noon I thought I would give it a shot and here is what i got so far. pics I dont plan on keeping the grid it just temporary and the mid is still a work in progress and might not be the same when the map is finished.
You better not keep that ****ing grid. I wish I could say I recongize this from halo 2, but I never played it.
I don't mean to sound rude or offensive. But I think you've shown your map to early in production. I know you're going to get rid of that grid as you've stated. But the Grid Is highly distracting from the overall map. So it is very hard to judge your map very well. In lamens terms, keep working on it and show some new pics of what you've done when you're closer to the finished product. But I do say, asides from the grid, that map is looking pretty good thus far.
Keep the grtid .... its original . Nobody use grid for map floor and you are the first one . When it willbe finish invite me for just walk around and tell you my impression . Also i dont know if you read it but ... keep the grid .
haha ya i already said that i am getting rid of it its just for building and ya you should go play halo 2 haha [br][/br]Edited by merge: im sorry i wont be only because i don't think it looks good plus you can see through it and see high noon at the bottom which i don't like but the map will still look good
Looking pretty decent and added with the effects of High Noon makes it stand out from the rest. That grid is hell distracting though...
I can't wait till it's finished and of course the grid is removed. Then it will probably look awesome. Please, make it compatible with Infection so I can make a Gametype with only Pistols, infinite ammo, but no headshots, and place some crates in the rooms. Zombies Halo 2 style! Oh the nostalgia.
Map-ception! I used a grid floor once- too bad the map was overall just bad. Im glad to see forging on High Noon- it gived a different feel from Forgeworld and it has a few good pieces too. So far this looks pretty good, but I do have to agree with Dizzyman- It's had to get a grip on the map so early in it's forging. Nevertheless it looks interesting and I wish you luck with it!