Bungie stole a map I forged in Halo 3 and they even shamelessly implemented it into Halo reach. They call it Swordbase.
Oh my god. Kill me now. Now. Like... I was going to say something about how you always should *save as new map* to avoid the problem, but that... that has ruined my will to live.
Was this map that one with the sewers on the bottom? I was looking for my thread in here so I could hyperlink it, but I encounter this kid who forgot how to drop his balls. It sucks though, your forging is too complex to be forged twice.
I made a minigame that was fun but imperfect. I spent 2-3 hours perfecting it one weekend and saved, then moved on to work on some other map for a week. I went to test my minigame one last time prior to release and lo and behold, my slayer map had replaced it. No trace of the minigame was to be found except a backup of the imperfect version minus the revisions. Cursing Bungie's name, I started re-forging my revised version this morning at 9:00. At 10:30 with it almost done, the hand of Bungie reached down from heaven and zapped a transformer in my neighborhood, causing the entire block to lose power. I am now about to launch the third pass at making the same damn revision to a map that was basically already done a month ago. I will now commit forgicide, which means putting 100 small railings and 50 curved walls in a pile and strafing back and forth in front of it until the framerate nukes my XBox and saps my will to live.
Yeah, happened to me a couple times. Another thing that is wierd; if you end the game without saving, and then start the forge again without rloading the map from the map selection screen, the map will have all of the unsaved changes again. Even though you didnt save it. Crazy stuff eh?
Thank you for making my day Cade. You're response to my response brings me great happiness. I feel like I have made a successful impact with my trolling today. I feel like I've made an onslaught of progress today.
Forgot who it was, but they told me that it's a problem with the overwrite-save system. And when you press "save" instead of "save as new map" it may save over the most recent map. That isn't a problem if the most recent map was the one you were just working on, but otherwise, disaster. I've been using "save as" exclusively ever since (unless I'm certain it's the same map every time) and I haven't run into any issues. Edit, nevermind: I didn't bother reading the entire thread because I'm lazy and at a party. Cade already addressed it.
Not a "wooooo party," but a birthday party. I'm supposed to be entertaining guests but everyone just ate cake so they're crashing from the sugar high.
Bretamaled randomly made it for me one day. I'm sure if you ask him for one he could whip one up for you super quick. He's realllllll good with that stuff.