Armor Walkers Created By: MetaWaddleDee Recommended Players: 6-16 Required Gametype: Armor Walkers Some might say Casual forge was what Forge Hub was once most known for. From the epic forge ventures of the Hub's founders to the almost inconceivably hard puzzles, Forge Hub rocked the Haloverse with a whole new set of rules. Alas, it was not to be forever; with the arrival of Reach casual forgers were pushed to their limits. Some forgers rose to the occasion, crafting some ingenious new mechanisms without their old faithfuls to rely on (R.I.P VIP). Other forgers burst through those limitations, rose high above the others and showed us something that was not only more inconceivable than the puzzles of Halo 3 but more mind-blowingly than anything even possible in Halo 3. One of those forgers was MetaWaddleDee. If you haven't played Armor Walkers yet then you need to stop reading this post and go play it. That is all. Well, maybe I had better explain things to you first. Armor Walkers is comprised of numerous, crafty mechanisms that allow players to function in ways never thought possible. The game begins with two sides; defenders and attackers. The defending team spawns in a tower with the evade armor ability. The load-out camera cleverly instructs players to grab and hold an armor lock in front of them which allows them to be shot into the map with a permanent armor lock shield. The defenders then re-grab their evades and are set to defend the incoming onslaught. On the flip side, the attackers begin in a haven of vehicles; Mongooses, Hogs, Revenants and the occasional Wraith. Each vehicle is worth a varied number of points based on how difficult they are to drive from end to end. Points you say? Yes, the game is created using the Insane gametype, which allows for the vehicles to be driven into score points for massive awesomeness. From here, the attackers burst through the gates and floor it down the stretch of bridge; all the while attempt to avoid tumbling wrecking balls of death in the form of the defenders. Don't worry though they won't splatter you. They'll only send you tumbling from the bridge in a fit of barrel rolls and laughter. So why is this featured? Well, if you have to ask you obviously didn't take my advice to stop reading and go play. This map uses an incredible array of various glitches and tricks to work successfully; from the armor lock glitch, to the scoring set up, to even solving the issue of the attackers falling off their vehicles near their spawn it does it all. It is excellently forged, creative and intuitive. Most of all, this map is honestly the most fun I, as well as other staff members, have had while playing Reach in a long time. Congratulations Meta, I can't think of a better map to earn your Artisan with. "Armor Walkers" [HD] - Halo Reach Forge Maps (THFE) - (Ep.17) - YouTube Download Armor Walkers You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Can't say I didn't see this coming. Congrats MetaWaddleDee, the only way this map wouldn't have been featured is if you never ended up posting it. ;P
Out of all the times I played this I could never get AL glitch to work properly for me. Guess I'm just stupid or something. Grats on artisan.
Wow this shows how little I play Halo now; I've never even seen this before. Looks really freakin sweet though! Congrats on Arty Meta! Much deserved.
Most obvious feature in the featureable history of features. Anyone who has ever played this mini-game knows this is fact. Great job once again, Meta.
I don't understand how people could vote this any less than "great". Even if you don't like the way it plays, the mechanics are enough to make anyones head explode. You get a great from me, Sir Meta of the Artisans.
I wonder how someone could come up with the idea of evading at vehicles while using armor lock down a long, long pathway. My mind is like, UGH! Oh, right, and ****ing boss mechanic that lets you keep the AL with the insane despawning glitches! (cwutididthar?)
This is one of those maps that was pretty much guaranteed a feature right from the map preview. Can't say I didn't see it coming. Congrats.
I don't think anyone else could have found a better way to use the armor lock glitch in custom games (if at all). Best mini game feature period. Also thanks for using our video. I'm glad its still being put to good use.
My friends and I love this map! Our minds were blown in so many ways as we cackled like idiots at the hogs flying away. Taking the AL glitch and turning into a robust and fun mini game like this is what forging is all about. The scoring system is amazing in itself. This deserved the highest recognition. Genius!