This is one of the games I am truly excited for. The beta was released on Xbox, PS3, and PC. This game is really fun. The singleplayer is sort of EA's call out to Dues Ex: Human Revolution. However, the game will be featuring a 4 player-coop multiplayer. The multiplayer is more of a mix of Crysis 2 and Mirrors Edge. New England - Syndicate Co-op Gameplay Video - YouTube Syndicate Singleplayer Gameplay "Executive Search" - YouTube
Just tried the demo. The button setup feels kind of sloppy (except the default setup thats common to most FPS'). Turning and sometimes moving in general felt unresponsive or very slow. After getting over those problems I came to realize that the only thing I found fun about the demo was sniping. Mainly because it was the easiest thing to do under the given circumstances.
I wouldn't really call it a demo. It's more of a beta really. But anyway, I thought the game was very fun when played with friends. You never get the same feeling when your playing with randoms.
Was really looking forward to this game. Unfortunately, out archaic government have deemed this game unfit for minors, even though, being an ADULT game, it's clearly aimed at adults. So it's been banned. Looks like I'ma have to get this one from t3h interntz. Well done, Australian Censorship Board, you've just effectively blocked the flow of income for several retailers in this country. Give yourself a pat on the back!
After playing partway through a couple times and finally beating it the third time with a friend, I would have to say I'm impressed. I expected Brink with different graphics, but it is much smoother and a helluva lot more fun. The breaching system makes teamwork very rewarding, and the overall feel of the game is quite enjoyable. My only complaint so far is the unrealistic inaccuracy of the sniper's blindfire. Seriously, it's horrible. I might just have to get this game. Hopefully, I'll be done with Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning by then, and two weeks should be enough time to beat this before Mass Effect 3. Thanks for creating this thread. I probably wouldn't have looked into the game otherwise.
No, it's a demo. Beta traditionally means the developer is testing for networking issues and strength, as well as gaining community feedback and statistical data in order to make changes to the game, sometimes revamping or removing entire gameplay systems. This, however, seems pretty representative of the final product, especially considering it's only 3 weeks before the game releases.
Level cap at 10 makes me a sad panda. I might delete my save and restart to check out some of the other chip/weapon upgrades. Really digging this game even though the demo is so short. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Syndicate Launch Trailer - YouTube
**** you, Australian OFLC, I'm getting this game and risking the fines. It's a good thing Australian customs aren't too thorough when it comes to checking packages. One quick x-ray and it's through. Knowing my luck though, I'll cop a fine. Pricks...
Anyone pick this up? The campaign was alright. Co-op's still fun as hell. I started a ForgeHub Syndicate if anyone wants to join. Feel free to hit me up for some co-op as well.
I haven't bought this yet. Got bills and things to pay currently, and I don't have the monnay right now to be spending on frivolous items of desire such as videogames. Will probably end up getting it in around a month or so from now. It'll be cheaper then, anyway.