What if the vehicles in invasion slayer were dropped by a pelican or phantom and the weapons were dropped by a drop pods. Also if they ever bring back players joining in the middle of a fight like they did in the beta.Then they could add they be respawned at first by a drop pod dropping from the sky. Like a view where you could see it fall from anywhere on the map and make a loud sound. Is would all add to the greatness of invasion and it's quiet annoying when more than half your team quits leaving you alone. They could try a beta game that drops you in a random game type to fill the spots of players who quit or who disappeard, and to never to be heard form again
They could but it would be pointless. That just wouldn't work with halo's matchmaking style and drop pods? No. It is annoying when half your team quits, but at the same time it something that can't be helped. Go in with a full team and you wont have that issue.
You could play campaign or firefight if you enjoy watching those things. Drop zones would be limited to areas without something overhead. I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if would just be too much work for an aesthetic change. You're not the only one who appreciates such things though, other forgehubbers do their best to add aesthetics to invasion maps. I suppose MM game joining would be a choice if it was implemented; some players would rather not join in the middle of a game. I can't think of that many differences between the middle and start of a game besides the weapon/vehicle rush, though. Those that prefer having constants for the sake of competition would probably search in groups, anyway. The same matching standards would have to apply, of course- your skill, whether it be trueskill or something else, would have to be similar to that of the player you are replacing.