Does anyone use Vehicles in Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I don't know why exactly, but I almost never use Vehicles, how often do you use them? Always, plenty, average, few or almost never(like me)? What do you think of them? What do you think about people Armor locking against Ghosts? Or people camping outside your base, waiting with Wraiths, Warthogs and everything? Do you rush for them at the start of the match? Basically, what do you use them for, and why? Just interested. I actually almost never use them, I prefer staying on foot and let my team grab them, when I steal a enemy vehicle, I bring it to a teammate and give it to him, so he can assist me with Objectives and such, since after all on foot that's what you do, Vehicles are for support, not really my thing. Anyways, what do you think? Tell me, I'm interested.
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Only during TCOJ nights.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Inside joke, and a hilarious one.

    I used to play more BTB than I do right now, but when I'm in that playlist I use vehicles pretty heavily. Hemorrhage in particular poses a problem if you don't try to use vehicles - it's basically a map built for vehicle usage and sniping, and being an infantryman on foot with a DMR is usually a good way to ensure that you don't live very long (unless you stick close to your own base). On that map, I try to get the wraith or revenant and help my team control the crucial middle area of the map. My goal in either vehicle is to force the other team to stay back around their own base and concede the big hill and their own teleporter exit. If I can do that, I feel like I'm doing my job - plus of course it's a good way to get kills. From that point, if my team starts making an incursion to the enemy base, I'll push along with them and help set up a loose spawn trap. Obviously this is a good way to win at slayer, but you can also sometimes force the other team to start spawning outside their own base on CTF and assault games, which is great for whoever tries to run the objective.

    On other maps I will use vehicles intermittently. I like the ghost on Trident, but sniping or just DMRing are nearly as good. The ghost is probably the best way to crash the enemy base though. I like the banshee on Utopie/Paradiso, but almost defensively - if you don't get it and the other team does, bad things happen. Ditto for The Spire: if I spawn red side, I go get the banshee; if I spawn on blue, I find a weapon I can use to kill the banshee ASAP, and once that's done I start focusing on fighting other people on foot. On some other maps I really like driving warthogs, especially Wayont where the hog is reasonably powerful. Getting wheelman medals is very rewarding, considering how hard it is compared to previous Halo games. And giving a flag runner a lift is always fun.

    As for armor lock, I think the best usage for it is in BTB. I like it in that playlist against any vehicle, but especially ghosts and revenants; it's also fun to EMP vehicles with it if there's not a plasma pistol available. I really dislike armor lock in most other contexts, but I think it works in BTB.
    #3 Nutduster, Feb 1, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  4. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Gunning on the 'hog and piloting the Falcon are my BTB passions, and long-range Wraith sniping is pretty fun too.
  5. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Hmmm, I've never really seen it like that. I never have much fun in Vehicles, cause if I get one, I either instantly meet a stronger vehicle, can find no one that wants a ride or become a main target and get chased and shot all the time.

    When I get a Warthog, nobody enters so I leave it.
    When I get a Revenant, I get sniped or killed by a Wraith.
    When I get a Banshee, I get spalsered or Scorpioned.
    When I get a Ghost, I get rocketed or Armor Locked.
    When I get a Scorpion, I get killed by Power Weapons or Vehicles at the same time.

    But that's just my luck. However, I do sometimes love those epic Warthog moments in CTF.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    A bit of advice -

    When I get a Warthog, nobody enters so I leave it.

    Try to actively pick people up - if a teammate is spawning, drive over to him and honk your horn. A lot of randoms are willing to be gunners because it usually means a couple of relatively easy kills for them, if the driver is at all good. To be honest though, I usually only drive hogs in games that I play with at least one friend, so I can coordinate with them. i.e. "I'm getting in a warthog, when you respawn, meet me behind the base!"

    When I get a Revenant, I get sniped or killed by a Wraith.

    The revenant can be a danger to its driver, it's a bit fragile. But it makes up for it with maneuverability. I usually stay on my team's side of the big hill and dart around, and if I see a wraith turning my way or I get hit by a sniper round, I beeline back to my base and hover around the back until the situation has changed. I don't usually drive it to the enemy base because it tends not to last long under much direct fire. It can be really nasty in the middle area though if the other team is distracted by other things - people will rightly be more concerned about your wraith or sniper than the revenant, so you can get a lot of kills quickly by darting around and cleaning up people who aren't paying attention to you.

    When I get a Banshee, I get spalsered or Scorpioned.

    Iif you get in the banshee, go after the laser and scorpion first (and sniper after that). A lot of people make the mistake of using the banshee to get cheap kills right away and don't account for the stuff that can kill them. You know where the key anti-banshee weapons are - go after them! I usually follow a loose protocol when I have the banshee. On Utopie, I fly straight over to the laser bridge and make sure my team gets it, or any enemy trying for it gets killed. I'll hover around that area a while if need be. On Boneyard, the scorpion usually gets destroyed straight off anyway, but if not, just fire a couple bombs at it and keep using your thrust and aerial tricks to avoid its shots. If it's preoccupied with infantry as it so often is, you can often kill it before it even takes one shot at you. On Renegade... well, you're at the mercy of others on that map. You can beeline for the laser spawn in the middle just like on Utopie, which is helpful, but your biggest enemy is the sniper that spawns a mile away at the other base. You basically need your teammates to take him out for you; if you cross center, he'll kill you most of the time.

    When I get a Ghost, I get rocketed or Armor Locked.

    Use your plasma guns and try to get splatters much less. Helps immensely. I usually don't go for splatters in the ghost unless the person isn't facing me or I already know what armor ability they have. And a side benefit of that is if you're firing your guns and strafing around a player instead of charging him, it's a lot harder for him to hit you with a rocket, grenade, or whatever.

    When I get a Scorpion, I get killed by Power Weapons or Vehicles at the same time.

    Yeah, that'll happen. The scorpion is a total attention magnet, as it should be. I don't usually mess with it in most games unless I just happen to be near it when it spawns. It's great for racking up a million kills against bad teams, but against teams that are at all decent it tends to get destroyed quickly.
    #6 Nutduster, Feb 1, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  7. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't try to splatter people when you're driving a Warthog. That will always get you killed.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    If you suck at driving...
    If I see a vehicle I get in.
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Driving into people greatly increases the chance of you getting killed. A good Warthog driver drives around people so the gunner can easily get a shot at them.
  10. Thelepearchaun

    Thelepearchaun Forerunner

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    I use them a lot in BTB types. Theres nothing wrong with 2 people hopping on a mongoose or warthog and storming a base to take a flag. However, spawn camping at the other base with a wraith is BS.

    Also, I will use AL to beat the vehicles on those maps. I wont use it in a fight, because thats useless, but I enjoy nothing better that just standing in the middle of the map and getting a triple kill on a warthog going for my base
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    In a nutshell. If you're driving straight at somebody with a warthog, you deserve the death that is swiftly coming your way. It's far easier to 'nade/rocket/EMP/armor lock/hijack a warthog bearing down on you than one driving circles around you.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I guess I'm just reckless. If you've played hemmorhage with me you probably remember me driving a full warthog into the enemy base through the roof to break the stalemate.

    If an enemy isn't paying attention it's better to splatter him while the gunner focuses on other targets. Side-splattering also reduces the risk of all that stuff and it comes out of nowhere with the current skid capabilities. To counter armor lock, hit with the side of the bumper instead of the center so you don't come to a complete stop if hit.
  13. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    I fare decently on foot on Hemorrhage. With 2 hogs, a revenant, a wraith and a ghost per team, a player would be left without a vehicle once his/her own one gets destroyed; if no one survived long without one I don't think it would be chosen as often as it is in BTB. It takes a single thin rock to protect a player from any single thing other than a wraith- the only other slight threat being small splash damage from a revenant. If you get two vehicles on you, hopefully your team will outnumber enemies every where else or help you out (not saying that MM always provides balanced teams). The most dangerous movement would be going through the rockless teleporter, but the placement of concussion rifles and plasma grenades on the elevated elbow walkways provide options for safely moving around the map. The DMR can be much more powerful on Hemorrhage than any non wraith vehicle, and it starkly outranges a hog's turret. When a hog gunner turns his back he becomes an easy (depending on the distance) target for crouched DMR fire. The ghost is fragile, but DMRing a revenant to destruction is a pain. There is no easy way to destroy a revenant, in my opinion. It doesn't flip from a couple of concussion projectiles, either.

    For the topic, warthogs/revenants are pretty much the only way to pull a flag on most BTB maps (hemm/renegade, para/utopie, boneyard, even trident and wayont, as small as they are). I'm not saying that I've never seen a team do such a thing, but they just died an unnecessarily high number of times over a long period of time in doing so, and that was only when the team pulling it was at least slightly better. Invasion maps fill the niche for non-passenger objective captures (a core can't use vehicles).

    Then there are power vehicles that are always helpful, even for players that can hold their own on foot. The banshee and wraith have a skill gap even though they are powerful in the hands of any player. Then there is the ghost, which is the vehicle version of an AR, only in that it has the smallest skill gap and is so weak that it is only useful if other weapons cannot be used well. I am glad that it can take so little damage; otherwise they wouldn't fail to survive long enough to splatter a few distracted, preoccupied (by another enemy) players.

    Also, I don't understand how getting sniped in a vehicle would be a reason not to use that vehicle. Even though I would prefer that it didn't do damage to vehicles, I'll admit that the worst case scenario would be the sniper unloading more than a clip (about half the total ammo-6 rounds) with perfect accuracy to destroy your revenant before you can reach an enemy. That's a hell of a lot better than getting sniped 2 or 3 times on foot (33% or 50% accuracy, or twice as much accuracy for easier body shots) or being shorthanded if your teammates get sniped. If your spartan gets hit directly frequently (okay, so that's a worse scenario), you probably aren't moving fast enough quickly enough. Do you get killed in those listed ways usually before you can get a kill? There are many more ways to die on foot; unless you don't prefer vehicle gameplay, or are simply better on foot, or think that others would enjoy them more or use them better, I wouldn't consider a list of ways of dying (on its own) as a reason to not to use them as often.
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I find Im a reckless warthog driver that always somehow gets out of sticky situations with both me and my gunner alive.
  15. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    I don't use vehicles because they are useless in a game like Reach.
  16. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    All the time.

    >How do you feel about armorlocking Ghosts?
  17. Orca843

    Orca843 Forerunner

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    I'm one of those guys who does care for being the gunner, I just want to drive.In fact I like transport vehicles more than the tank. The transport hog, if with the right weaponay, can be more deadly than the scorpian.
  18. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'd like you to try.
  19. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    Do you mean the hog that was only in the H3 campaign or the default turret hog?

    I find that good teams of 8 in BTB use warthogs on Hemmorhage even with their weak guns because of the unlimited ammo. Otherwise, while there is ammo, two well positioned DMRs are even better.
  20. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
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    Whenever I'm playing BTB and there's a vehicle I will 95% of the time. Playing on hemorrhage people hardly ever go for the wraith, all you have to do is use sprint or evade and go for it. Then once the enemy wraith is killed I go in enemy territory. I've learned to never get in passenger or gunner with a random driver it leads to a death 90% of the time. What can I say I love driving...race maps are really fun, and I wish they made a playlist for them on reach matchmaking. As far as ghosts go, I only splatter when I know armor lock is not a loadout and if it is get them from behind or distracted. That is why I constantly watch my radar for enemy vehicles. Overall I am much better with vehicles in BTB than using my DMR.

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