I like this image, although there isn't enough going through the middle and the other side. It would be a good one side signature picture.
I really liek this pic and will prombably download it. I like to stage pictures and this looks like one.
I dont think that was a bump, because his picture was probably still near the top of the page. I dont really like how the guy is cut off in the picture though.
anything is a bump these days. been to b.net lately? jeez, it's annoying! oops, soory for that double post. kinda bad connection today =[
how? I luv it. Although I think the standing and then explosion in the backround is a bit overdone and cliche. Though this is a gret example of it.
i like it a lot! i love the explosion on one side, and the guy standing all calm on the other. though another name might work better