Arena of Death Arena of Death is a remake of a Quake map that goes by the same name. It is a symmetrical team slayer map that is best suited for 2v2s and 4v4s. It has a weapon set that reflects its Quake counter part. Weapons: - 2x DMR - 2x Shotgun - 1x Grenade Launcher - 1x Rocket Launcher Powerups: - 1x Red OS Gametypes: - Slayer Screenshots: Please share any problems or feedback.
I want this to win. It looks great man and I bet it plays so much better than the CoD and GoW remakes. Good luck.
This looks like hearth from Quake Live. Does it also go by Arena of Death? Quake remakes always play well, so I doubt this one won't. I'm not a fan of the way you used the water, but it looks to be accurate. If I get a game on it this weekend I'll come back with the feedback!
Thanks Yeah I think you're right. (after a quick google image search) Thanks, I would have preferred grass but I couldn't find a spot that would work so I settled for water. Do you mean too open compared to the original? Or just too open for your liking? I wanted to keep it fairly close to the original, however if the openess prevents it from playing well then I could add cover to the outer walkways.
I'd never play Quake before. But according to the plctures you put on and the remake you did, the map is very accurate. I liked the aestethics of the map because it's very well built. I think this map is going to win the Foreign Treasures II. You've done a great job of making it. - EpICx ReMiX XD
This was one of the ones I was considering remaking for the contest, too. Along with Hero's Keep (please, someone do it .) Looks like you did a great job. As of right now this would probably be my pick to win the contest.
It's actually aPKallum, FYI. And thanks! It was a great collaboration and was our first official co-forge release. We learned a lot from each other. And Aerowalk/Downrush has been done for months. I'm just too lazy to write up all the threads for all of my finished projects. I noticed you included the spikes on the top of the circular tower at the last second. Nice attention to detail. Was definitely something I overlooked.
Thanks. Thanks. I was a little sad to see a real shortage of quake maps for this contest. Really aPK, you're worse than Hulter. I don't even know how to respond to this other than just saying "no".
Have you even tried it? Arena of Death has always been one of my favorite Quake Maps, it simple and fun and I'm sure the Halo version will play even as good as the original. I really like that you used water to "substitute" the fog. The map only looks a little dull I haven't got the chance to play it yet, and we all know that if I would tell you that I'll come back with a precise feedback, I would lie to you, because I would totally forget about it.
Thanks for your feedback, it helps salot. Waldin, I am impressed by how clean this map is. You did a great job rescaling it, and little aesthetic touches makes this the winner of the remake contest! Here is your prize
fixed that for you for the honest sake of how it's supposed to be. Anyways, I didn't realize this was meant for the contest. Good luck with whatever this map's up against.
As I've never played Quake, I really can't comment on the original... Although I must admit, I'm not a fan of the game from the videos I've seen on the interwebz. This map is extremely well forged, but I have doubts about its ability to host a full scale 8 man game as well. Regardless, I'm just happy to see a non-CoD submission.
Small, yes. Linear, not so much. I mean yeah the map is fairly simple but there is certainly enough depth for games to not feel too repetitive, and for it to playout differently each time you play it. P.S. You can keep your COD maps XD. Thanks, and if you ever do get round to playing it make sure you come back. Oh Goody one miniscule picture of the OG Onslaught. I will treasure in for all of eternity. *Chucks it in the rubbish bin next to his other Onslaught pictures* Thanks Bean You really should try it some day Schnitz, don't let videos of it put you off. It is very fast paced and the skill gap is rather impressive. I think anyone with an MLG or competitive background can appreciate 1v1s on Quake. Thanks you for your kind words on the map. It may certainly be a chaotic 4v4 game but it can still cope.....if only just XD.
I plan on giving Quake a shot after I get my fill of UT2004. Took me a week to run through Half Life 1 and every decent mod available for it... UT has some top notch map design and plenty of replay value though so it might be some time before I move on...
Love how clean and awesome this looks, really sweet! Never played Quake, but I am downloading this to play. Although it looks a little open for Halo, but I don't mind that so much - I know that you want to stay true to the original since this is a remake. But still, awesome job!
Sexi map is sexii.. Always loved this map in Unreal, and unreal has always put out some pretty wicked map designs. I like both your and skisma's submissions both are accurate and very nice. I only wish I would of finished in time to submit atleast one of my designs but atleast I have some nice maps to release once weapons and testing are done. Two months is a stretch to finish a solid project in between work and the ole life, but I'm happy to see this finished as I loveee these style of remakes :3. I wish you luck in the contest , also is this the final version of this map?
Oh nice. UT is pretty sweet, I wouldn't be surprised if that kept you busy for a long time. Also as you mentioned the map designs are pretty awesome in that series as well I'm surprised no one attempted to remake from those games. (This is a little off-topic but I saw an updated version of Onion the other day and it is shaping up to be a pretty sick map, keep it up) Thanks, I was a little worried about the openess aswell. But I think it works out fine if you play with 120 speed. Me, losing my Passion. Never. (P.S. Get on the box) I think you are a little confused, this is a Quake remake not Unreal. But I do agree that Unreal has some sick map designs, and I'll make sure to check out Skisma's submission. It's a bit of a shame you didn't have the time to finish your map/s in time for the contest, but I'm glad you are still going to release it/them. If you need testers HMU (if you don't mind my horrible foreign connection). Thanks, it is the final proper remake version for sure. However if the gameplay proves to be "broken" then I will make an adapted "Halo version".