This is the inside of the ship "Serenity" from the TV show "Firefly." It was forged by myself and my brother, ZeroKami86. It is a pretty accurate depiction of the inside of the vessel. Best to be played with 2v2 - 4v4 but is able to be played with up to 6v6. I originally posted this in casual maps, but received a comment saying I should post it here as well, so here it is! Engine Room Mess Hall Cockpit Cargo Bay Infirmary Behind Infirmary Hallway from engine room to mess hall Hallway from mess hall to cockpit Staircase connecting hall to cargo bay Staircase connecting mess hall to cargo bay Enjoy!
Someone commented on it in casual asking why I posted it in casual because they thought it should be in competitive so I figured I'd post it here. Didn't think it would be a big deal. Not many people looking at it in here anyways xD
Please Only post your maps once, if you did it in the wrong section please ask a moderator to move it or lock the other thread.
You can sprint jump or jet pack out of the map in the north hall way ^.^ Was a fun place to hide for oddball lol.Once you got outside it was hiders paradise ^.^ great design though!
Oh man! I didn't even realize lol. I just fixed it, if you wanna redownload. I fixed the download link to go to the new one. Thanks for the input!
Hey no problem Thats one thing my team does when we look at new maps. We find problems and relay them back Redownloaded it