Forgetting "Reset Orientation" was the last thing you used, then going to tweak an object that was rotated with coordinates off and quickly tap "A," thinking you'll open the "Edit Coordinates" menu That always makes me stare are the screen in disbelief for a moment.
People only forging on Forge World, not even knowing you could forge on other Maps, or that they exist at all.
All those hills in the gulch. I mean, really bungie? Forging my current project here has been such a tremendous headache. I spend more time compromising and finding ways to incorporate the terrain into my map, than anything else. What i'd give for large, flat area to build on. Not completely flat, mind you. I'd just like to build things a tad bit more symmetrical.
Forging on basically all other maps sucks, if you're trying to make complete maps and not just infection variants or minigames. That part of Forge World may as well be called Blood Gulch World.
Trying to make aesthetics consistant, then realizing you just made a monotonous map. Oh, and forger's block.
It doesn't. That's just what you think. Try it, do your best, and it's possible. It's a fight between Forger and Budget, which we won after Halo 3 but it's been hiding, and I still like to fight it, I just love using basic Scenery and making Maps just like in Halo 3, before Sandbox came, simple. Digging deep in the forgotten vaults you can find beauties that are not made on Foundry, Sandbox or Avalanche. I'm gonna give you a link to a old time favorite, built on a canvas map, just as simple as, for example, Powerhouse. But with originality, this can be done: I just love to look back at TrueDarkFusions Maps, they inspire me and they look very refreshing after scrolling trough the Map we have on Reach. I Friggin' hate grey! It's just sad people are used to the fact they can build basically everything and have an abnormal budget. I guess I'm just primitive.
You can't create maps on any stock map besides FW and I'd rather not forge on DLC maps because not everyone has those maps.
Almost finishing a map in one entire forging session without saving, and then suddenly... A wild powercut occurs.
Here's the thing: I'm trying to build a complete, original multiplayer experience basically every time I open up forge. I'm not trying to make a funny little map with crates that is the size of a shoebox or is only fun for one particular gametype. I hear you about the tedium of gray, but the palette is what it is and that's out of my hands. I try to work around that limitation as much as possible by incorporating natural scenery as part of the map (or by using windows), using colored objects or unusual and infrequently used textures, etc. That limitation is far less imposing to me than the limitations of trying to forge on maps with no space, no budget and no structure objects. I can't make a good multi-purpose map on Boardwalk that doesn't in any way resemble Boardwalk; it's completely impossible. I imagine most forgers are like me. They want to design complete creations that can be used to play slayer, CTF, assault, king of the hill, etc. They don't want to make just a weird little map that takes up 25% of the space of Countdown. Yes, back when H3 came out I made such maps occasionally. I made a map on High Ground where you were enclosed inside the walled-in half of the map, and one on Last Resort where you were on the beach with a base at each end. But those maps were **** - they were novelties. I'm trying to make something real now, and I don't want to turn back the clock just because the color gray is boring.
What, so you can play Powerhouse with 3 extra crates or Sword base with an extra pallet? The maps you linked aren't competitively playable maps. A few containers hanging above Last Resort is a map now? Blocking off 90% of Last Resort so you're left with a tiny uninteresting playing area doesn't make for a good map either.
artifact123 - You come off like someone who is just full of nostalgia for a bygone era regardless of the fact that most of what it produced was not even slightly good, or was only interesting in one specific way. Please direct me to ANY competitive multiplayer maps made in Halo 3 on any map other than Foundry or Sandbox. Any maps on which a competitive player might want to play several different games, and they would actually be good and enjoyable, and not just a novelty. You can have a month to dig for them if you like, because I'm pretty sure that there's fewer than five of them all together - possibly none whatsoever. Please bear in mind: crates floating in the air do not a competitive multiplayer map make. You would never see such a thing in matchmaking; if Bungie even shipped a game with a map like that on the disc, people would clown them five times worse than they do for Pinnacle. Just the fact that you dismiss my argument with "but all those gray maps look the same!!" tells me everything I need to know about what you look for in custom maps. Geometry, lines of sight, angles of approach - those are more interesting to me than varieties of color or how novel a map's design is. Sounds like they are not to you. EDIT: Never mind. I looked up your gamertag out of curiosity, and you've played far more infection, grifball, and action sack than anything else. You have almost ten times more kills with the grav hammer than with the DMR. You and I basically aren't even playing the same game. I definitely agree that 99% of the time, Forge World is the way to go in Reach. It was much more possible to forge on a variety of maps in Halo 3 because not only did you have 2 good forging canvases, but Avalanche was great to forge on, as well as Blackout sometimes. In Reach, it's Forge World. If it's not, it's Tempest or maybe Ridgeline, but that's not often at all.
Ace - sorry, I also meant to mention "not Avalanche" because those huge crates are basically structure objects, which is exactly what is not available in all the default, non-FW Reach maps. Besides, Avalanche introduced the same problem you have with Tempest/High Noon in Reach - it's DLC, so it's harder to get your map tested and downloaded. But even spotting you Avalanche, are most of those maps really that awesome? Just from screenshots, they appear erratically forged - bumpy, structurally questionable in places, and a riot of weird textures overlapping each other in weird ways. Just looking through the first few links, in half the screenshots I can't really even tell what I'm looking at. I do remember playing one map on Avalanche that I thought was pretty damn awesome, but it was only suitable for 2v2 play at most (and preferably 1v1). Can't remember what it was called, but the upshot was that the author had to use basically every available crate just to make a tiny map with only a few rooms and walkways that was aesthetically pleasing and inescapable. Damn, now I am really trying hard to recall what that map was called. It wasn't built in the gap between the man cannons - that's one of the main thing I remember about it. The upshot though is that while there probably were a few worthy maps made against all odds on some non-Foundry, non-Sandbox map in H3, there was probably almost none of them that aren't easily rivaled by a dozen maps a week coming from the current forge community... as long as you can look past the gray.
Going on a 6 hour forge binge to make a map at the last minute for a competition, then to be kicked off the tv with only an hour more of work left to do... :/
When pieces go invisible or some **** 10 year joins and shoots you another planet with a grid. Makes me wish I was a fire-breathing Nyan Cat.
I hate when you are almost done with a map and the last block you need doesn't fit so you are left with a hole and when you have framerate lag on your maps. Also when you make a really amazing map and when you try to bring it up on customs and instead of loading you map it brings up a different map or I says unselected
You really sound like a tryhard. Ever heard of Gameplay and fun? Or is your world built out of stats and competitive Maps? I don't even get why they are so popular, it's almost the same as in MM, only with different Maps, but no change in actual Gameplay. When I do play on Custom made ''serious'' Maps, it's with Action Sack Gametypes like Speedflag, Shotgun Assault, or Infection. Team Slayer? Really? There's MM for that, and those Maps suffice. Heck, they do more than that. Actually, when I look at your stats, I see plenty of Power Weapons and Vehicles.