I only have enough money for one of the map packs so which one is best overall? Is it the Noble map pack or the Defiant map pack?
None of them, save your money. If they are as expensive as back in Halo 3 (I haven't checked the reach prices) you have to pay around 10€ (13$ If I'm right) for 3 maps ... that's just a joke
They should be 800 MS point which is about £7.50 (£4.25 for 500) or something I believe.. whatever that equates in other currencies. But yeah, I'd agree with LD... I have the Noble map pack, and it's pretty poor. There's not a lot of opportunity to play with, and 90% of the time you enter matchmaking you'll have default maps in the circuit and you won't get to play them. The CEA maps are pretty cool mind, but I'm yet to have a matchmaking game on them.
While I do like the maps I agree with you LD, 15$ is far too much for a couple maps. However I do love the anniversary maps and the game as well- I dont regret that purchase. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I think for those you have to use the Anniversary playlists. Its the only section I play in MM anymore.
If you're a real Halo lover, I would atleast buy one, but which one? Depends, I chose for Noble, and I'm probably the only one who thinks so, but Noble has a bit of a sober and poor Forging style for simple Maps, which I like. However, I think that most people would prefer Defiant, so I recomment that. If you still got problems, I'll analyze them. Noble: Tempest: Nice for a break from Forge World, the Natural Scnery could be used for interesting stuff, especcially the caves. In Matchmaking it plays like crap. Breakpoint: Crap in MM but a beauty in Forge, with refreshing Scenery. Anchor 9: My personal favorite, epic in MM and decent in Forge. Defiant: Condemnded: Not really my style, however most people do like it. Highlands: Possible the only Map beside FW that does see some Forging. Nice Natural feeling and lots of Scenery that can be placed. Unearthed: Just not my style. Not mcuh to say about it. I don't like the tan everywhere, I prefer greenish Human Structure. Hoped that helped you.
I vote for secret option three: The Anniversary Pack You get 7 awesome maps that you can actually play in matchmaking
I like most of the maps. Personally the Noble pack has had more staying power. I don't care for Anchor 9 at all, but I love CTF on Tempest and CTF and invasion on Breakpoint, hard as it is to get those games ever in matchmaking. The Defiant maps are good designs, but I don't care enough about firefight to really get enthused about Unearthed, and Highlands has power weapon problems - plus for whatever reason I've gotten very few games on both Condemned and Highlands. Secret option 3, as pointed out by Berb, is the best. Good maps, some of the most beautiful ones in Reach plus they're based on tried-and-true old designs, and it's far easier to get your value out of them in matchmaking.
Also, if you buy Noble or Defiant you can't play in a playlist with only those maps. With the Anniversary pack you can go into 5 extra playlists with the maps.
I'm going to agree with Berb, Overdoziz and Nutduster here. Go with the Anniversary pack. You get 7 awesome maps that You will actually get to play in MM. The other map packs are not worth buying because you never play them. Trust me, I know from experience.
Go for anniversary, I just got it today and it's the best! Noble was a rip off. Plus if you go to ebay you can get a anniversary code for $9, which is how much I paid for mine.
Nope, the Squad DLC playlist will no longer require Anniversary (it's optional now) but you still need both the Defiant and Noble packs.
Thats a step in the right direction. I'm still not gonna play it though. If it were TU gametypes, I wouldn't play anything else.
Go for Anniversary. You get not 3, but 7 maps that have stood the test of time and are some of the best maps in Halo history. Plus, as mentioned many times, it has its own playlist for whenever you're feeling nostalgic, or just wanna play some great maps!
Before someone else posts I'm just gonna say that I already bought the Anniversary awhile ago.It is great and I found another way to play the maps without going to the playlist. Go play some living dead or something with people with the Anniversary maps and it has a good chance of coming up on the vote. I have a suggestion though. 343i should add a search restrictions or preferences that increases your chances of playing dlc. Before someone else posts I'm just gonna say that I already bought the Anniversary awhile ago. It is great and I found another way to play the maps without going to the playlist. Go play some living dead or something with people with the Anniversary maps and it has a good chance of coming up on the vote. I have a suggestion though. 343i should add a search restrictions or preferences that increases your chances of playing dlc.
Anniversary all the way those maps are hell better than reach's IMO. Haven't played either of the other map packs, but from seeing matches played on them I prefer Anniversary much more intese gameplay.