
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Eightball, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A 1v1 competitive map Designed and Forged by: Eightball​

    Map description
    Catha is, if you didn't know by now, a 1v1 asymmetrical map. Catha is actually the first map I designed on paper- Graph paper that is. Of course, there were slight problems in the original design that I encountered, but nevertheless, I managed to alter certain aspects of the map and still keep its original design in-tact. I wanted to make a map that incorporated an FX. Seeing as purple was the optimal choice and it looked the best, I chose it.​

    I made a version of the map without the FX, for those who prefer the map without it. ​

    I'm pretty happy with the way Catha turned out. It is actually the first map I've posted since Mirage. I've learned so much about forge since that map, and I can truly say that Catha is my best map, yet. ​

    A big thanks to everyone who helped with the production of this map and to everyone who pushed me to get it posted. Thanks guys; you know who you are.​

    If you have played the map and have feedback, I'd appreciate to know if there's something wrong with the map, that I can fix.​

    You can download Catha with and without the FX below.​

    Weapons list:

    x1 Grenade Launcher: Respawn: 90 (1 Spare clip)

    x1 Sniper Rifle: Respawn: 120 (No spare clips)

    x4 Plasma Grenades

    Active Camo: Repawn: 180

    Custom Power-up: Repawn: 90

    Spiker: Repawn: 90 (No spare clips)

    (With Purple FX)


    (Without Purple FX)

    #1 Eightball, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
  2. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very nice! I love how you incorporated water in this map, it gives it a nice feel. Im also like the purple effect! I'll give more feedback once I get a game on this
  3. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    Those Coliseum completely ruin your map bro ;). In other words,
    aesthetics = great;
    flow = from what I could tell the time I tested, good;
    everything else = great;
    Yet another good map Eightball, thank god you and Career made that wager, otherwise this would never see the light of day.
  4. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    hey look its the purple nurple map lol. i like both versions of the map and i would like to get some nice 4v4 on this and i like how you included the FX with that orange feel, it feels like Lux and that map made by Longshot that i cant think of its name at the current moment. im dl both versions of this map so i can see the difference through the two maps.
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Seeing as this is a 1v1 map, I'd expect your wonderful idea of a 4v4 going horribly wrong. Enjoy!

    No, but seriously, don't even think about it.

    The only difference in the two versions of the map, is the Purple FX. One version has it, one doesn't.

    Also, what about this map feels like Lux and Anent? I'm curious.

    I appreciate the comment, though.
  6. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    they are both purple and have versions without the FX lol other than that the map has no traits with those two maps
  7. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    Another orgasmic map made by eightball. Your truely a amazing forger and I am disappointed that your maps aren't in matchmaking. I love the aesthetics, but I am not sure if it is better than Mirage. You should consider making a bigger version for bigger slayer gametypes PLEASE!!! Still the best map I've seen since Mirage!
  8. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    ok i feel bi-pollar rite now bc my view on this map is torn. the lack of recognizable aesthetics, the fact that the telliporters seemed random and everything looks alike made me loose my mind playing it. my sense of direction felt = to that of a 90 year old grandma in the city. yet the map is small, so that made me even more angry at myself. Also getting places can be a hastle and aggravating. Dispite all of that, there is somthing special nd unique. i feel like with 2 people that have gotten used to the map (nd your game type) things can get very competitive. somthing about it just comes off as "pro"... if that makes any sense. my advice, place some landmarks, decorations that stand out, different colors or somthing to make people more aware of were they are in the map. place some sort of color code with the telliporters so people know where they are going. It would be alot easier for people to learn this map like the back of thier hand nd have fun with it. The flaws (atleast in my opinion) are minor, mabie making a v.1.5 for people getting confuzed like me. still overall solid map 8.5/10
  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks great Eightball, sorry I couldn't give feedback when you invited me. After a few weeks away from forge, you start to lose the mind state.
  10. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wait, the teleporter locations seem random, or where they take you seems random?

    Honestly, every part of the map is different. I have no idea how you're getting lost. I never look at the colors of teleporters to find out where I'm going. Usually players know the telepoters by where they take you, not by their color. Teleporters take some time to get used to and know where they go. I'm sure if you play more games, you'll be able to find out where you're going in a cinch.
  11. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    yea sorry bout a half hour after writing that i wanted to take it back but was too lazy to go back online nd coment again. realized the teliporters took 2 same place, ran threw it quik. after playing bout 2 more games i loved it. ok this might sound stupid but i actualy feel in love with the map nd how it played. i love u got so many of the lights/color yellow from pieces to show in your map, everything shows u put time nd thought into this. so dispite me not liking the scenery to the map at first, or the way it played i changed my mind completly, after taking a step back nd looking at it. y not put sum railing or sumthing on that one part in pic 2 (without fx) tho?
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Because I ran out of pieces. I wouldn't have put railings there anyways, because they wouldn't look good, IMO and they have lights on them- something that causes FRL and something I tried to avoid on this map.

    I'm glad you like the map, though. It just takes a few games to get used to.
  13. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    That's one of the best slayer maps that I've seen yet. I like all of your creativity on those maps that you made. I'm definitely download those maps of yours if I get the time cause I'm doing house chores to get the money that I need for a new Turtle Beach headset. Anyway I love your creativity and the maps you made over who's knows how long. I which I can beat my friends on it. Great Job Eightball.
  14. Berb

    Berb Ancient
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    I have recently played a couple games on Catha, and for a guy who doesn't like 1v1 or 2v2, I enjoyed it. The map looks nice of course, and I felt that the weapons/power-ups were easy to find with the play space flowing very smoothly. I played with the purple effects on, however off looks appealing as well.
  15. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    im pretty sure having a 4v4 on this would be awesome so im going to get a lobby going soon and see how many people are allowed on this and how the framerate is on this
    #15 neverendinghalo, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
  16. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had completely forgotten about commenting this.

    I got a game on both versions 2 days ago with a friend of mine and I must say I like the non-purple fx. You used a lot of colliseum walls, but the aesthetics kept it nice and orange. Also since you had the map at a low elevation the lightmapping was darker, which IMO fit the color you used.

    Not much else I can say about the map that others haven't said. It had a great flow and we didn't have any problems with spawn killing (though we only played for 10 kills). One of the biggest things I liked was that there weren't really any camping spots. Trust me, my friend's a god when it comes to camping and the best place he thought to do it was the ledge coming out of the reciever with the 2 plasma grenades. This proved ultimatly devestating after I layed out a rain of plasmas and frags, haha. One thing i didn't like was the sniper rifle. I didn't find much use for it, but maybe that's because i'm not a sniper person. I never picked it up, but the CPU spawn looks a little short.

    EDIT: I'll add some more if I get another game on it today.
    #16 Auburn, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
  17. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I watched you build this from the ground up; You got discouraged by off proportions, and raged a bit about them. You finished it, though, and I must say that I enjoyed every game I played on it. It's captures a unique sense of play whilst not suffering regarding the gameplay. I like to believe that once one has fixed all the issues with their map (there are no problems), you can actually measure how "perfect" it is. And this is damn near the top of that scale. Not only is this your best map yet, but this is a gem that should be getting much more attention than it is.
    #17 Confused Flamingo, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
  18. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed the map. When I was designing it on paper, I was focused on making sure no areas on the map were campable, making sure every area felt un-safe and making sure all teleporter reciever nodes were not easily campable. Doing all of that promotes movement around the map and completely removes camping safely out of the equation. In the end, I knew that no-one area on this map could be camped and give one player a great advantage over the other player.

    Thanks, again.
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Great job on this man! And congrats on fhf.... well deserved.
    The map really looks amazing with some nice variants in height. Exquisitely forged. I do like how you have dressed the walls in different ways... Rocks, inclines and braces to name a few. The lights and details really add depth to this map! Everything looks clean and fits in place perfectly. Outstanding work
  20. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I played a couple of games on this last night, and have to say that I wasn't very impressed. At all. Believe it or not, that sentence is me being kind.

    Well, here are the things I didn't like first: Mainly, it's just too freaking big for a 1v1 map. There was a moment in the first game I played were we went a full minute without even seeing each other. I've played 1v1's on Blood Gulch with better pacing. Because of this, the push and pull mechanic that makes Halo gameplay so interesting was lost. Instead, it was like wandering around aimlessly until you randomly happen across someone. Usually, this meant catching them off guard, removing skill from the conflicts. But at least we weren't camping, right?

    I would also like to note that we experienced TERRIBLE FRL in splitscreen. There were moments were it was borderline UNPLAYABLE as a result. I don't see how you can build a 1v1 map doesn't support splitscreen. I understand that the aesthetics would have had to be toned down a bit, but was it worth screwing splitscreeners over? I have a video of this game saved on my fileshare if you want to look it over. We could only bare going to ten kills, before we had to end the snooze fest of a game.

    I think the biggest issue with the pacing is how segmented Catha is. Just about every long LOS is blocked. I can't see where the enemy is, or even predict with any kind of certainty where he is. Mostly because of the maps size. Which leads me to my next point. You don't do very much in the way of funneling players into each other. Which is why we spent so much time wandering, and less time fighting.

    My second game went slightly better, but revealed some camping issue on the platform with the GL. The OS, and cloak just weren't enough incentive to come down, and I had LOS on pretty much every way up there. The other player did manage to break my hold on this area after many tries, but I found myself compelled to hold that point. Why wouldn't I though, it was netting me more kills than all the aimless wandering.

    Alright, negatives out of the way. I do like the aesthetic theme you have here. Like with any enclosed map though, having so many like colored and shaded pieces can make it confusing the first few games. I really don't want to start another color coding argument here on FH, so will just leave this point at that.

    What else did I enjoy... oh yes, the weapon selection did seem to compliment the map well. The few battles that we had that weren't totally random were fun as a result.

    Before I end this, I would like to say that I did enjoy Mirage, but this was just awful by comparison. I don't understand how you can go from THAT, to THIS. Flamingo said this was your best work, but after playing it, it's clear to me that he is just blowing smoke up your ass. Sure, every player has different tastes, but c'mon... really? It's also quite clear to me that the majority of people posting here have never actually played it. But that's FH for you I guess. My advice would be to look into making this map support more players, lessen the likely hood of games turning out like mine did. In theory, more players would mean a larger chance of coming across someone. Someone up above said they'd try it in 4v4. I think this has the potential to become another fantastic 2v2 map. As 1v1 though... it just doesn't work.

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