INFO MAP VARIANT: Ghostpit GAME VARIANTS: Ghostslayer/Ghostking/Ghostdoom Forget handheld weapons... jump in a ghost and fight to the death. DOWNLOAD Click here to download the files off of my file share at Or... Download Ghostpit Download Ghostslayer Download Ghostking Download Ghostdoom DESCRIPTION The Ghostpit is a simple arena in Foundry designed for games that incorporate the use of Ghosts. While the first two game variants are for two teams of four, the third is a traditional (well, almost traditional) infection gametype. In all gametypes, soccer balls fall to the arena ground three minutes into the game. SCREENSHOTS Screenshot One Here is the area in which the ghosts and players spawn. The four ghosts positioned on the floor are meant to be driven up the stairs and into the arena, thanks to the help of the man cannons. The shield doors behind the ghosts prevent spawnkilling in the Ghostdoom gametype. Screenshot Two This is a view of the arena from the floor. What the ghosts do here depends on the game variant. In the Ghostslayer gametype, the players will be engaged in intense combat as soon as they enter the pit. In Ghostking, teams will rush to control the rapidly changing territories that are located in the arena. In Ghostdoom, the Alpha Zombie will slaughter the humans with the Wraith positioned on the wall. Screenshot Three This is more of an overhead view of the map. From here, you can see both teams' spawn areas. GAMETYPE EXPLANATIONS Ghostslayer Teams use the ghosts to rack up 50 points by killing each other in the field. Ghostking Teams drive around the arena in an attempt to get inside of the control points. Ghostdoom Zombie spawns on top of the wall next to the Wraith. Other players must intentionally drive into the pit, avoiding the zombie's fire. Requires support from all players. Let me know what you think about Ghostpit -ElementNineteen
Hi, ____________, and welcome to Forge Hub! You are in for a swell time, seeing maps that have been produced by others. However, to help other members at Forge Hub please embed your pictures. That way, we can all rejoice in the addition of a glorious map. -From, Fellow Member, vinco omnia
Haha I saw that. Made me feel special in a not-so-special way. How can I go about embedding images? I had some "technical difficulties" so I just linked to the pictures.
It is a rule, not just a nice thing to do. And if you do not want your map to be locked and float to the bottom of the forums, I would fix it quick
hmm. nice idea and everything, but it sounds like it requires the honor rule. correct me if i'm wrong though. anyway looks pretty good. really good idea i would suggest trying to perfect it though, making it bigger, better, everything else... but anyway, you get the idea. overall good job