Well everyone has their own preferences, and making this remake in halo allows people to choose what they like. Some people enjoy playing it the way it was meant to be played, with the COD gametype, and others enjoy it without. I created the COD gametype though not just for it to feel like Call of Duty, but it also helped out alot on framerate; less grenade spamming, limited weapon choices, and no jetpacking. This allows users to have a better playing experience. Without COD Gametype: 2-4 players With COD Gametype: 2-8 players.
Well, it does play 4v4 without the specific gametype, but there are small amounts of framerate lag whilst playing, due to the high number of douchebag grenade spammers you get on reach.
I played this and found Jetpack to be too dominant because there were few other ways to get on top of the big boxes. Although it might mess up the CoD aesthetic, consider adding some rocks or ramps and grav lifts to enable people without jetpacks to get on top of the boxes. Also, vanilla Anniversary Slayer is awesome on this map.
Well to be honest, this makes no sense. Adding objects to a remake would no longer make it a remake, but a 're-imagining'. Also, using jet-pack on this map is not supposed to happen, as it was not supposed to happen on COD 4 either. I'm sorry but I just can't make this map more jet-pack unfriendly. But you CAN use the custom gametype that I have provided to make it a better COD experience. Finally, the 'getting on top of the boxes' issue. This is solved on our map by adding soft-kill zones to the tops of boxes. And because they are so easy to get on top of in-game, having hard-kills would be extremely terrible for gameplay.