This may offend some of you.. for that, I'm sorry. I find it really funny, YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO SEE THE PART AT THE END, that lady gets absolutely OWNED :'D anyways here is is..
what a weirdo. even if he didn't hate on women, i dont think anyone would be lined up to sleep with that ridiculous mustache hahaha, and man. lose the glasses.
wow. the chick didn't deny getting in the line of women for creepy mustache / indoor sun glasses guy. She set herself up for it. This guy is such a douche, i hope all the women in the audience killed him after that.
Who is going to kill him? You? I think not. You should never threaten someone because they have a different point of view than yourself. Saying that he should be killed because of his beliefs is worse, from my point of view, as believing the things he said. What I did find humorous from the video was when the lady said she would be at the back of the line to date him. Does that mean she digs him? She was awfully concerned about his face.
i dont think he was threatening. he was just stating the fact that aloooot of women aren't going to be happy. i didn't read it as a threat or him saying he should be killed. you read it too literally. and i noticed that too, she said she would "be in the back of the line" back of the line is still IN the line XD
Men really wouldnt be anything without women, without women, men would cease to excist. But i Rof&L'd at the lady who got sick burned.
Your just saying that because yo chick is watching. >_> I found the video very humorous, i lol'd at all the guys opinions. Just like the woman driving one, ever seen sharyn drive in GTA4? yea.
lol she got absolutely pwned. I saw this guy a while ago, he's hilarious. He doesnt take off his glasses, ever
the subject of this guy? lol he's a douche fo sho. but i laugh at him cause he seems so fake. even if his belief's arent, he seems like a fake person, like he's trying to make a name for himself mostly.
Wow where can I get shades like that? No seriously she got owned lol she was nearly crying Also I find it funny how his name is ****. Lolololol