It would be cool if 343 would put brutes as a playable character in Halo 2 Anniversary for invasion. Since they were a big part of halo 2. Maybe they could make a new game where elites could fight the brutes in a game like invasion slayer, where humans fight elites. This could possibly be called Great Schism. The new spieces would join like this: grunts would be on the elite side and jackle, skrimishers, and drone would serve the brutes. Maybe the hunters could be added to the elites, but not likely. Each spiece should be equal in total power over all. Also their could be a new armor ability or some new tool that lets you turn berserker mode on, but it would have to have some negaticve side-effects, like one has less control of their character. Also the brutes would come with no shields and more health. In the pictures below the word in red are the rank equal to elite they would be unlocked. I'll probably add more pictures of other spieces later.Brute Minor: (Minor) Brute Specialist: (Spec Ops) Brute Leader: (Ultra) Brute Chieftain: (General) Brute War Chieftain: (Field Marshal) Another spieces could be the grunts. Their armor ability or tool could be suicide, its negaticve side-effects is pretty obivous. They wouldn't lose points unless they betrayed someone. They would have low healt and maybe faceplates. The bright side would be their tool is very strong.Grunt Minor: (Minor) Grunt Major: (Spec Ops) Grunt Heavy: (Ultra) Grunt Spec Ops: (Zealot) Grunt Ultra: (General)
It was hinted in the secrect terminal in Halo Anniversary. The Orical on the station witht the heritic elite from Halo 2.
No, even 343i has said that they are seriously considering making a Halo 2 Anniversary. They said it in a interview, so stoke.
They haven't said they would seriously consider it. They said they haven't made any plans about it yet. Personally I think they shouldn't do it. Having an anniversary game once is a nice gesture but doing it twice within a couple of years screams cash-in.
Well if it was based off of the Reach engine like CE then yes it wouldn't be the same. I personally would love it. I'm only nineteen so Halo 2 was before my time and I never had the opportunity to play online mm. Sure it's a cash in, but look at CEA, it had a lot of hard work put into it as opposed to other hd remakes where they simply enhance the colors and pixel count. Now if they remade halo 3 then that would be going to far, but since CE and 2 are both original xbox games, I don't have a problem with them bringing them all up to the current generation.
...the time table of releases would put it near when halo 4 would come out and there is no point for that. They would have the same problem that split Halo Anniversary into an HD remake and a Reach map pack as they wouldn't want to split the multiplayer base amongst two halo games. And the point of an "anniversary" is that its celebrating an anniversary. Halo's 10 year was last year, what anniversary would they be celebrating with a 2? Halo's 11 year anniversary? No, if plans are in the works its for well down the line or as added content to already established games, (like halo4).
Aren't those Halo 3 brutes? I Halo 2 brutes were "beasts", in popular terminology. Do you think having no shields in multiplayer would work? Perhaps in the first phase of a standard invasion game, where players have to cross a fairly large distance at first, but then fight to the death without thinking about recharging shields. Not only would larger phases be harder for attackers or encourage defenders to camp (depending on which side brutes are on), but they would be picked off by headshot weapons.
I would like it if they did a Halo 2 Anniversary between Halo 4 and 5. It'd be nice to have some of the Halo 2 maps put into Halo 4 matchmaking
I'd like to have a Halo 2 map pack for Reach or Halo 4, but honestly I'm not too interested in another anniversary campaign. I can't be the only one that felt the graphics for Anniversary were sub-par and clearly inferior to Reach's graphics (if you play some campaign and then jump into one of the multiplayer maps that came with it, the difference is glaring). And given that every other thing about campaign was just the same as CE... well there didn't seem to be much point.
Anniversary graphics > Reach graphics. Reach uses some gritty filter that just makes everything look bland.
Why wouldn't that be possible in Halo 4 Multiplayer. However, I'd just want them with normal shields and health but bigger, faster and jumping higher, just like Elites.
I don't usually disagree with you on much, sir, but hell no. What you call less bland I call looking a little too much like a last gen title. And personally I think the graphics are one of the best aspects of Reach, maybe the only area where they clearly exceeded all previous titles (even H3 which was beautiful in its own right). They managed to inject more realism without losing the essential Haloness (i.e. didn't go all Gears of Gray on us), plus there's a ton of atmosphere - Battle Canyon for instance looks like a place you'd really find sitting in the middle of a jungle somewhere, and its graphics exceed anything I saw in Anniversary's campaign.
Looks cleaner than Reach. I also dislike the art direction Reach heavily. Boring brown human structures everywhere: -Winter Contingency is brown with brown-green. -Sword Base is gray with brown. -Nightfall is brown in the dark. -Tip of the Spear is brown. -Long Night of Solace is one of the few good looking levels in Reach. Mainly because of the -Covenant ship. -Exodus is a nice but relatively boring looking white level. -New Alexandria looks good but nothing really stands out. -The Package is one big red-brownish blur. -Pillar of Autumn is brown. -Lone Wolf is brown. The colors in Anniversary are so much more vibrant. Reach is dull in comparison. I'm glad Halo 4 doesn't take place on a human planet, human architecture has never looked good in any Halo game.'s a 10+ year old title nutduster, I think we can cut it a little slack. The fact that it looks gorgeous plus is the game everyone loved can make up for whatever problems you feel it has. Did you ever play the original when it came out? And Over, the point of the reach color scheme was to display Reach's downfall...which was the point. The beginning levels are actually more vibrant than "brown-green" I'd say a lot more green and sword base has a clean look to it. The point being that Reach is being destroyed as you go.