So some of you may know me from my previous account, "frozenlynx," or my (old roommates) GT, "Daboiboibert." I started the somewhat infamous "$5,000 Budget Contest" last year and, under pressure of school and trying to get people together in order to play the 30+ maps submitted while running on a broken game disc, I gave up and ended my time here on FH by trolling. Well, I went and got a used copy of the game and would like to start Forging again and attempting to make back some of the forging/customs pals I had on this site before. I know this is technically a proxy account and according to the rules it should be banned, but if any mods read this just know that I really do want to get back into this community and promise not to repeat what happened last time. Anyways, what's up err'body?
The sarcasm drips from this one's lips. Trust me, I wanted to finish that contest, but it was hard when you don't have access to downloading maps off bnet and had to rely on other people to get them for you. We made it through maybe 8-10 maps and then the guy downloading the maps disappeared and my interest began to wane. Excuses aside, I really did feel awful in retrospect since there was a lot of hype and some really great submissions. I'm really glad to see Nutduster and co. have another community contest in the works and that my decisions didn't impact the success of these in terms of how the community perceives such contests. @Shanon: Maybe it's both? Yes, I did do that because I was intentionally trying to get banned. I understand if what I did means the ban never goes away, thus resulting in this one getting banned as well, but I'm hoping an exception can be made.
Honestly I don't care if he gets a second chance or not, but the crap you pulled, as Sarcasm eloquently said: "I was so upset when you pulled that crap". If he is let in and doesnt pull the same **** again I'll be happy. If this account is banned too- whatever.
Understandably. I wish I could finish the contest still, but I doubt anyone would care at this point and I don't think I'd have any interest in it myself to tell the truth. I've been lurking every now and then for the past couple months and the level of Forging has gone through the roof. It really inspired me to get back into it, so hopefully I'll get another chance, even though I don't really deserve one. Speaking of contests, I remember SGTmadillo (sp?) was hosting some Colosseum Wall contest. Did that one ever pan out?
I'm fairly certain you don't get a second chance for posting porn. Plus, you were kind of a **** anyways. No offense or anything, but making a proxy was the wrong way to ask for a second chance.
I was only a **** toward the end when I started trolling. Before that I was generally pretty nice and tried to help people out a lot. I'm not sure how else I would have contacted the mods and spoken to them about it since you can't PM them without an account or access most of the site for that matter. This seemed like the easiest way to try and get a second chance.
I remember you, you gave me some pretty good advices on my previous maps, I didn't catch that time where you were being a ****, guess I missed it. Anyway, glad to have you back (unless you are still counting on being a troll/****), if you happen to get intentionally banned again by posting porn, don't forget to tell me first. >
Howdy Lynx. If I may pipe up on your behalf, kinda, you were generally awesome to talk to and forge with, and you made some cool maps as well. You were about the last person I thought would flake on a commitment like the 5000 budget contest. Unfortunately you DID flake on it, and I really can't understand your logic in telling off the entire site and getting yourself banned. Was it so hard to just say "Hey I'm quitting Reach, see ya" - and then not post here for a while? You pissed off a lot of people who were friendly with you; seems like a weird, unnecessary move to me. But perhaps you already know that. Anyway, if you're back for seriouslys, I don't hold grudges, so: welcome back. Send me a FR and we'll do a little forging at some point. And you're welcome to reappear in our Monday night games (yes, that's still going).
There's a difference between posting bannable content and being belligerent. A huge difference actually.