Sorry, blowing off a little steam. It really does bug me though. I just got done playing one crap game after another where it seemed like every player I was up against played like a complete mangina. Typical behavior in two separate games (on Countdown and Zealot) was to actively run away from firefights, instead choosing to only attempt to get kills via grenade. So many times I'd see a guy across balcony or top health pack on Countdown and instead of shooting at me even a single time, he'd fling a 'nade or two and then run for cover. Amazing. And there was at least one player in that Countdown game who crouched inside the door frame with a shotgun, waiting for cheap kills. I don't mean temporarily, I don't mean when someone was coming - I saw him multiple times just sitting there, his noobkiller at the ready for one of my hapless teammates. (And they were indeed hapless, which really increased the effectiveness of these shitty tactics.) Then there was the game on Reflection where the other team was short-handed, so they held bottom floor and all sat in those little corner rooms with camo and close range weapons (shotgun, plasma grenades, etc). And the game on Asylum where - this was a first for me - the other team made zero attempt to get into the ring or on to our side of the map, even though they were better than us owing to several absolutely terrible players on my side. They just kicked back around their objective, content to snipe around the ring and throw grenades at their own shotgun tunnel, knowing that half the time one of my teammates would be charging through it. Just a bad run of games I suppose. It makes me long for evenings playing not with randoms but with decent players I know, who punish these kinds of cowardly strategies and don't just walk right into them. But I guess if I was choosing, I'd rather be teamed up with the guys that do crap like this than the meatheads I WAS playing with who kept sprinting around corners to become little red Xs.
I wish that players in small map 4v4 games started with 1 grenade per spawn. Then nades on the map would actually be somewhat important. Two nades encourages players who wouldn't be generous with them to use them just so that they don't drop them to enemies. I make many more mistakes with nades than others who have played as much as I have, and it would take time for me to adapt, but I would still embrace the increase in skill gap and decrease in randomness of the results of novices spamming nades. As for teammates, I agree. Partying up with players of similar skill is a solution that I don't take advantage of, but I still will say that I think that they reduced the matching standards from H3. Before Reach took its population, even social playlists always provided very fair teams, and they didn't have so much smaller of a population to account for it (well, I guess half the population could mean half the good players...). It prevents me from paying attention to the score of the game, because the teams are so random that I would be dissapointed often regardless of how I played. Now I get more satisfaction out of K/D- I miss the opportunity to cooperate with competent teammates in objective games. Maybe H4 will have the population to match well.
Maybe in there eyes there doing the best they can? Not everyone is as good as you and knows everything you know and there are people that are better then you who will think the same thoughts about your tactics. Sure it's annoying but that's what you get playing with randoms.
Oh, plenty of players are better than me, and I've been manhandled by a lot of them. But I doubt that my play style ever makes them post threads like this one in frustration. I will make the occasional stupid mistake, but I try to be aggressive - push into neutral areas or even enemy territory when it seems like a net gain could be made; go after power weapons when they spawn, and then use them to help my team instead of kicking back and buffing my k/d with some cheap kills; actually USING MY DMR; etc. And I've also played plenty of games with players much worse than me who still move around and shoot at things; they don't just camp, throw nades at the red dots on their motion tracker, run away, and so on. So I know it's possible to play Halo not that well and still not behave like such a wimp. You are correct though that playing with randoms invites such frustrations. Unfortunately 90% of my friends list is people from here who spend all day in forge, not matchmaking.
Please, as many times as I've seen your backside sprinting away - "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME OH GOD NO MY EGO CAN'T TAKE IT!"
I run away when I know I'm probs going to die if I don't. It gets me out of hairy situations, but I get the same thing happening all the time to me on countdown. People just seem to forget you're there and make a bolt for cover. if they run into the sword lifts you just shoot them through the grate wall, or if they run towards the shotty lift, you can get a few more hits on them through the gap next to the sabre.
Well sure, if you have sprint you may as well use it defensively when appropriate. I just can't fathom people for whom "throw grenade and sprint away" is the FIRST option, like before they even think about facing off and firing their weapon. That is just bizarre behavior. Pretty much.
***** please. I always have bad connection, bad luck and bad teammates, I get retards on my team, the enemy gets tryhards and I end up being the only one of my team who still ends up positive or hold an objective. My average teammate goes 10-20 and **** like that. Is this the first time this happens to you? Lucky bastard.
I mostly play with good people and together we **** in the heads of 99% of the Reach population. Feels good, bro.
I feel for you guys, I have to deal with people like that a lot and specifically on Sword Base or when I play on Living Dead because that is when the biggest amount of weiners play on because its full of cheap people who go to camp as much, personally I just like to enjoy asthetics as I play and I'll have to admit, I'm pretty bad compared to many people, atleast I don't run. I only run from when I know there is no chance of survive unless I retreat for back up or better weapons. I probably die the most in all my games because I will always charge no matter if I die or not. It annoys my team when I go in and lose a vauable power weapon but Halo really isn't a true FPS, one of my friends simplys stated that halo is the only fps that doesn't raise his blood pressure and pretty much only good a game when played with a group. Halo is a game for the community, its not worth crying over lossing. Seriously who cares about their KD spread in this game!?!
The real question is Nut, why are you so pro? I can't blame this kids for running and actin a fool when they're facing you. You're so pro, you'd 5 shot the buggers in 4 shots.
I've had these rants with 4shot before, what bugs me is people who assume the only way to play a shooter is to run into the open and just spam the shoot button. They argue that if you have better reflexes (what they call skill) then you should do better. You know the thing about campers is they are only as good as you let them get. Most campers will end up with the fewest kills (and usually fewest deaths) on a map and simple throwing a grenade into a corner or area the campers like to congregate would solve the problem. But the "skilled" players don't realize this, they just ***** when they run into said corner and get shot. Success is based on the end results not what you think is "fair" in a game. If someone got 20 more kills than you doing every cheap trick in the book (that isn't cheating) then they are a better play than you. That player might be a douche bag but that doesn't mean their tactics weren't effective. I personally don't have the time to devote to a game to hone my reflexes down to a couple milliseconds allowing me to run into a group of people and kill every single one. I also don't like to camp in any one location because that is poor tactics. If you camp in one place too long people go looking for you then throw grenades or team up to kill you. I also hate it when I'm covering a high traffic area and all my teammates abandon the area just running to their death where the other team is spawning allowing the other team to spawn on top of me.
So true!!!! I think of it as two main skill sets involed in FPS "Twitch/reflex skills"(basicly everything you would use in a pentagon map) and "RTS skill set" Knowing where people are, map layout, what beats what etc etc. A lot of people only seem to think that the "Twitch" skills are the only ones that matter. My best example is playing COD my internet isn't the best especially when I get an American host I have to camp corners and be all dodgy to get any kills, But the rare times I get a aussie server and the connections fair I love to run and gun So i can see the appeal in playing this way and if you get your country's server most of the time then you could probably run and gun and do good but the flaw is when you think anyone who doesn't just isn't good enough to do it so they just use the RTS skills for cheap kills. It's like they have the mindset if your good enough with "twitch skills" you can beat a camper if your "twich skill" is good enough so twitch skills are all that matter. (But it can work vise versa) It seems like in there mind becomes a game of who has the better "Twitch skills" even though "RTS skills" have a huge part other wise there would be a Pentagon map in matchmaking.