After careful consideration and a long ass time of thinking about how I wanted to do a giant tower btb, I think I got the image I was aiming for hands down. It took many concepts to get this right and almost forever gettting the right pieces for the job so it did not cause framerate. Framerate has been tested, if anyone speaks otherwise I'll be surprised. leftover budget is 3500 roughly. It is still in the beta testing stages but have had a positive response from others on this map. sneak peak pics XD Okay here's the problem I am having, map testing. It is a btb obviously so I need at least 10 people for map testing. Me and xDTx Kaos have worked our butts off to get this map play well. He mainly worked on the spawns and gave a lot of feedback on the use of Aesthetics throughout the map. Spawns were done by him obviously, I would not even trust myself over his spawning system. In my personal opinion, his spawn system is the best I have ever seen in a btb and many who have played his maps know this. So message either Redemption1272 or xDTx kaos for an invite for game testing. We will be play the map several times to see how the map plays. I need 3 more games for an accurate judgement.
Reminds me of Spire, but balanced. Gorgeous structure/aesthetics, and the map doesn't look like your typical Blood Gulch/ Hemorrhage map. Good job! Really looking forward to this one. Shoot me a FR on RedSchnitzelSec and I'd love to help run some games on it with you.
I love everything (from just seeing it here) except your 'rubble' (I think that's what it is) in the last 2 images. It just looks messy, especially compared to the rest of the map. If you see me online feel free to hit me up for a test game. GT: xAudienceofone
I love the middle structure, but I really wish you would build a real base for both teams. Now it's just some random forge objects scattered across the map. Maybe make bases in a similar style like the tower?
i wanted the center building to be the control point instead of players just hanging back at the base, giving more player traffic around the map. and the scattered pieces are supposed to represent the broken links of the orbital elevator, simlar to that of the elevator in halo 2. and I shall befriend you all so you get invites for when I do play testing. play testing shall be at 8:30 pm EST, I will be also posting another map today before hand and will be testing 2v2's and 4v4's on it.
Unless you create a shitty base people won't hang back and camp. The way it is now it looks like you pout time and effort into the centre structure and then just dropped random stuff around it.
not entirely, I have thought about player traffic much more than what you would beleive. I am ashamed to say anymore done to the map will cause framerate which is something i have done well to avoid. even tho the leftover budget is 3500, the sheer amount of objects in the center has made the trek to framerateless difficult. Gameplay tests thus so far have shown good gameplay but I want to weed out anything I missed. Besides, I didn't really like the two base idea, it's getting old fast.
The center tower structure looks really nice, and looks to be a great LOS blocker. It's a little hard to see from the pics, but is there space in between the coliseum wall and the 2x4 blocks? Just wondering because I was going to say that spawning might be sketchy without some type of structure other than the tower. If you ever need another tester feel free to throw me an invite GT: X2Sora
I'm loving the epic feel of the tower, but I feel with such a monolithic structure in the map it looks to lack vertical gameplay like something with a spire/tower would i.e. Spire or Relic from H2. That, and aside from the tower, everything around it just seems bare and it looks like gameplay could get rather stale when your options are through the tower or around the tower. But god is that tower sexy.
yes there is, an upper pathway for people to get around, there is also lots of natural cover throughout the map that provides cover for about 50 respawns. Plus xDTx Kaos has a trick with respawn zones to make spawning easier and is near bulletproof. that upper walkway also has a rocket spawn with a fuel rod gun in the tower to ease the game flow. rockets only has 2 rockets in it for fairness. and your right, there isn't huge hieght variation in the map itself. That is intentional so no one has an overwhelming advantage during battle. there are high points on the map for sniper gameplay but overall the hieght does not drastically change throughout the map. Also this is another reason why i need mroe play testing because I wasn't too sure either. Care to join us in a little tower brawl?
I would love to, but my schedule doesn't allow for any free time until after 11pm EST which is well after your 8:30pm EST time slot. I'd love to test it, but perhaps a simple forge-through with you would suffice as BTB lobbies can be annoyingly sketchy at times.. Hell, it would give me an excuse to get on Halo for the first time in ages >.>
Awesome, I was waiting for someone to do something with that orbital elevator concept and you've done a great job so far. I have to agree about adding more substantial bases though, but I see it may be a challenge not to push the frame rate. Nice work so far.
Wow, this looks very epic. Like the guys have already said, it is very reminiscent of spire or relic from H2. I feel you didn't add enough pics so I can't really get a good feel it.
Damn, that tower looks sexy, can't wait to see how this plays out, send me a friend request if you ever need an extra tester, GT: SinlessLegend
GT: Packeranatic I may or may not be on. I'll try to be though, I want in on this. That tower is just too good to miss.
I really like your central piece... Kind of reminds me of a structure from arc mission off halo 3. The top of the central structure could look better tho. Also the outer walls look great and well structured. The round inclines on floor don't look good to me, compared to how great central structure and outer walls look.
The first thing I thought when I looked at these pictures was that the tower looks to epic to be made in forge. Really it is quite stunning to see something lik this done in forge. And because most of the other guys criticized your rubble I am not going to. Maybe it works perfectly like that and you don't even need bases.
Majestic Banana is a very cool map bro. Like I said, try to strike a balance between the rubble and the fortress bases. Give defense a reason to push out of the base to defend instead of turtling, so make it a bit attackable while still defendable.
This map really does look awesome. I disagree with others, not every map has to have bases in it. This looks cool the way it is, and the scattered pieces are part of the theme so they work greatly. And if this really doesn't have framerate problems than that's a huge plus! *insert huge plus* +