Hey everyone, this map took me a long time to make and it's very hard to forge on breakpoint. After a long time, I managed to get a good looking, and playing map. Story: Scientists at the ONI research facility have recently developed a mechanical prototype, built to destroy the covenant army. The prototype escaped the lab and ran loose in the research cave, killing everyone in its path. The first group of spartans sent to kill it never returned, now you have been sent on the deadly mission to finish what they started. But can you survive? Here is a short flythrough of the map. [bungievid]26135528[/bungievid]
I never realised Breakpoint had this much potential to be used for infection, you seem to have done a great job when it comes to aesthetics and the feeling of the map, but I can't tell for the way it plays yet. (Although it shouldn't be very hard to make it more enjoyable than the standard Invasion game on this map delivered to us by Bungie. - Never balanced :S) I really like the way the special fx turned out and the wall-lamp is fairly amazing. Unfortunately once again your video doesn't work, you're not using the right ID number (I've had the same problem in the past). You should probably try [noparse][BungieVid]26135528[/BungieVid] [/noparse] instead of the one you use now, [noparse][BungieVid]26134566[/BungieVid][/noparse]. Right now you're using the URL. Spoiler The ID number can be found here. According to the vid in your fileshare I noticed there's one huge camp spot on the map (1:30). I'm not sure if you put a soft kill zone in there or some other solution but you have to make sure people can't camp in there. Maybe turn it into a zombie spawn and place an oneway shield at the door. Also I feel 16 players might be a little too hectic for this map because it's quite small but I'd have to see some gameplay first before I can pass judgement on that. For that reason you should try to put gameplay screenshots as it will help inform viewers on how the map is supposed to be played and what it looks like when playing. If you can't get enough people to play on your map to get some decent gameplay footage I can try and help you and we could play some customs together with some other people, maybe I can even get some guys who know a lot about Infection mechanics to play your map with us. Let me know if you're interested. I'll give it a download and next weekend check it out myself anyway.
thanks a lot, I got the video working. Also, sure you could add me, my gamertag is beybok. Also, I personnally didn't think the place at 1:30 was that bad, but maybe you could test it with me sometime and tell me what you think. Breakpoint is extremely hard to forge at you can barely use any pieces, so it really doesn't have that great of a potential unless you use the buildings in the map to your advantage.
Looks nice, try to get a game together and post action pics and change the name to something more appropiate... Maybe ''Broken''? Which would slightly follow the naming style of previous infection-ized Maps(Powerless for ex.)
I always thought of doing an infection map on breakpoint, was turned off of it by the lack of forge items though. looks like you really hit this one home given the few items you can forge with.
This map is quite good, the asthetics are good, the location of the map is a good forge space and the map's over all gameplay is though in question as there is actually 2 major camping spots that may need editing. There is the catwalk that has quick escape toward the ground or out the window that gives the humans time to escape. The other has been previously stated by REMkings in the video at 1:30 where there is no entrances or exits yet one. There should be like a teleporter that can send people one way or another. Maybe you could add some teleporters but overall this map is quite asthetically pleasing but I just think the map name could also be changed because when I first went look at the name just made me want to skip over it as well I should say that the picture isn't very defining. Could you change them because it could attract more attention.
thanks for the advice. I'm on forge right now changing it a little so i'll tell you when to re-download the map. Also, REMkings, I can't add you because it says your friends list is full. So maybe you could delete someone if their not playing xbox anymore or something, so we could get a game on it. Also, the zombies can jump and lung at the people on the catwalk part from the ground.
Just PM'd you about that. And one more tip: Add "Custom Gametype" to the supported gametypes so people know that they'll have to download a gametype too. Also, PhantomStrike is right, at the moment the name of the map and the thumbnail aren't very appealing. I would use a screenshot of the catwalk because not only does it look cool iself, the color effect looks extra cool and original in that spot (according to the video). And if you choose a new name for the map then type the initials of the words in the name in capitals, it looks more profession than to use only lower-case letters.
I added custom gametype, and next time I go on xbox i'll change the name and do a update of the map and this thread. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I got rid of the camping spot at 1:30 and changed the image. So if you've already downloaded it I suggest you re-download it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Fixed up the map a little bit more. Added more spawn points for the zombies and made some small aesthetic changes. Also changed the gametype a lot.
I was already going to post some of my feedback here on ForgeHub as well after checking the map out with you and one of your friends, but I see you already read my message on Xbox Live. It's good you decided to add more zombie spawns because it will prevent spawn killing a lot. I understand it's hard to find decent spots to spawn since the map is really small but you did a good job adding more spawn areas to the map. Some more feedback is: - Increase the speed of the zombies. Right now they're a little too slow and it might piss zombies off if they can't charge a human when he's not paying attention because they're not fast enough to get to him quickly. I'm not sure if you changed this in the new gametype but I'd definitely do so if not. For any other feedback I think it would be neat to get a full lobby on this map first. We only played with 3 people but I wonder what it will be like with 10+. So if you have some time next weekend we can try to get another custom going together. Also, what I meant to say by suggesting to add "Custom Gametype" to the supported gametypes was about the border above your thread, where you can put a list of gametypes that will work well on your map. So not just about the link itself. I would suggest adding Custom Gametype instead of Infection or just next to Infection because right now people might think it will work with the original Infection gametype - which is not the case, I believe. So I recommend changing that in the border. [br][/br]Edited by merge: - Re-downloaded the map and gametype.
wish i had map pack looks amazing from pics. hope this isn't spaming, just wanted to drop some credit for a nice looking map. when, if ever i have the $ i would love to try this out, the lighting looks spooky as hell lol
Thanks man, I'm trying to get a game on it now. Tell me if you ever get the map pack, then we could maybe get a game on it, because it's really hard to find people to play with when the map is a dlc map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yah, when I said I changed the gametype a lot I made all of those changes, also it says custom gametype now. I'm sure I already made it say custom gametype though. O well.. By the way I'm playing halo with you right now. Lol
Maybe you can post a thread somewhere in the Customs Lobby on ForgeHub to announce a custom game lobby on your map and other map pack maps (I know some good maps I'd like to play sometime) and then people can let you know if they have the maps and are interested to play. And then you can arrange something together. Haha, I thought it was fun forging with you and playing some customs
Yah, I'm gonna send the new map to the testers guild soon, and yeah, I'll post a thread cuz I still need some action picks on this map and I might add a video soon, so I really need to get a game on it sometime soon. Edit: Could you post the thread because whenever I try it says Forge hub Database error so it won't let me post it. I'm not sure if it will work for you but it would be a big help if you could try.
There's probably something wrong with the site cause I've seen the Database error messages too at some places. I'll see if I can post the thread when I return from school.
I sent you a pm that I made the thread, and also I submitted Cross-Hatch to the tg. When can you be online to test this map though?
Yes finally the post looks more attracting, it has that mysterious look of zombies of monsters or whatever scares you at night but it does remind me of Left for Dead.
Thanks for the compliment, It's actually a lot scarier if you get a lot of people and use the gametype I made because the zombies can send out holograms, so it's hard to tell which one is a zombie and whitch one is a hologram. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I added a story to the description, and also, I'm making another first prototype map about the first group sent there, It's also forged on breakpoint, and is looking really good, I'll post it on forge hub when it's done. Anyone who wants to help test it, add me, my gt is Beybok.