
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GruntHunter, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    • Undermines us in our deepest integrity by telling us that we would not know right from wrong without divine consent
    • treats the female species as a farm animal (reference to women after chattle in Bible) the catholic religion is one of the strongest campaigners against the empowerment of women. They are friends of poverty, not the poor.
    • provides divine warrent for genocide, murder, genital mutilation..
    • tells us it can convict us of thought crime (covet thy neighbor..) the Big brother mentality of theocratic organizations famously demonstated in 1944
    • the human species has existed on earth for probably more than 100,000 years. and for most of that time, infant mortality was very high and life expectancy was very short. In fact more than 99% of the species that we think have ever lived on this planet are extinct. And we are supposed to believe that for 98,000 years the heavens look down with no desire to help. And in the last 2000 years, they send a saviour to one of the least literate places on Earth, not to China where they can already read and write, but to a backwash state in the middle east, so that he can sacrifice himself to absolve our sins,
    • the idea that your sins and thus your resonsibility can be absolved or passed on to someone else. Merely the absolution of responsibility is a grotesque thought
    #101 Matty, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Play nice boys; I'm on the verge of locking this thread.
  3. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    I think I'm an atheist because I was never exposed to religion early on. If you're not shown that stuff when you're young, it's hard for the ideas to take root. But beyond that, I take some comfort in believing that my life isn't just a test to determine whether I'm going to be rewarded or punished in the afterlife.
  4. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Now I believe in my Religion (Christian) for;

    •It lets me feel like some one is really listening to me,
    •Gives me something to put my faith in,
    •Guides me threw pain and suffering,
    •It gets you ready for the end times,
    •It gives us a meaning to life as we know it.
  5. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    I don't really get that; doesn't it just mean that the only meaning to life is that it's a test to see if we can find God or not?
  6. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    It gives me something to look forward to. Better wording there.
  7. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    That makes sense, I guess. It certainly does seem like something that you could take solace in during bad times.
  8. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Look at it this way, when times are really hard to get through, I have something to be joyful torwards the end of the road.
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    surely that's nihilistic?

    are you saying what you do doesn't count? isnt that detracting from what you need to do?
  10. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    I don't think that's what he's saying at all. He simply believes that there's always something to look forward to; something he can believe in and something he can take comfort from. In no way does he mean his actions don't matter.
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    according to his religion, they don't. as it is said that jesus died for all of his sins so he will go to heaven whatever his sins may be - so what he does, good or bad, do not weigh in on his afterlife. he takes comfort in that he'll end up there (no matter what).
    his actions dont matter one iota.

    it comes to me that the entire idea of afterlife is broken.
    lets say, that we'll agree with the idea that embryos/foetuses are like any other human life; they have souls per se. What does this mean with all the stillbirths, terminations and miscarriages? limbo and hell are discounted as jesus was sacrificed to prevent that. So what happens there? how can one take comfort in that? along with the idea that all the rapists/murderers/liars/cheats will be there too?
    #111 QKT, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  12. Sentimentalnoos

    Sentimentalnoos Forerunner

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    I use to be christian. Was raised baptist then in my early 20's I tried non denominational.

    There was a time when I was happy with the religion. The changing factor in my thoughts on religion was when I died 3 times in about a month and all I ever saw was myself as the nurses ran over to revive me, other than that I saw nothing, it was just black everywhere.

    I told someone that and they told me it was because I didn't worship hard enough.
    Those two things really pushed me away from religion and now I believe in what others would consider crazy.

    (disclaimer) I am not trying to make anyone angry or to change anybody's mind on anything.

    Have a nice day!
  13. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    what's that?
  14. Sentimentalnoos

    Sentimentalnoos Forerunner

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    That the human race is an experiment started and observed by an alien race, and that this is the second time for the experiment as the one on mars failed due to the first one getting to far out of control.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    what made you believe that?

    (there's plenty more evidence against it than for it.)
  16. Sentimentalnoos

    Sentimentalnoos Forerunner

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    The sudden leap in evolution and that mars has water and use to have an atmosphere.
    There is also the idea that what are described as chariots and the sounds and sights before a god appears or speaks can easily be explained as technological machines to far advanced for those witnesses brains to comprehend so they called them God.
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    the idea that mars used to have an atmosphere is true, but the reason it doesnt have one is down to the fact mars is too small/has a iron core too small to generate a magnetic field to prevent solar winds from blowing away its atmosphere.

    also you might be interested in reading this.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
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    So then what do you think of the fact that we've found Neanderthal DNA in our sequencing? I mean, the evolutionary leap has gaps, but they're being filled constantly. We've sent rovers to Mars and have seen no evidence of a previous civilization there, I mean, the idea of it is pretty ridiculous. As a skeptic, having beliefs that are just shots in the dark never really made sense to me, and while I'd say that alien precursors are more possible than a God, there's still no real evidence to go off of.
  19. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    Well at least this thread isn't that heated anymore.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The universe is infinite therefore everything exists and nothing is unique therefore god exists and is not unique and I have just disproved all monotheistic religions. Stay tuned for more illogical comparisons coming soon to an internet near you.

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