That's two words, you twit. =D Very interesting map, I finally got to play it today. It was a bit hard for me to get hit by the dumpster, but maybe it'll be more hectic during normal gameplay.
lmfao i got to the most random stick on tex and reyn today on it, banked off the wall and landed on tex's foot then tex ran at reyn and they both blew up
This map is sweet! But I have a question for you: in my next map, which is a remake of my very first map, I had planned a wire spool splattering mechanism somewhat similar to yours on my map's bottom floor. It'd be started by grabbing a camo/OS, which would cause the spool to fall, rocket along an underground path, then hit a curved surface and ramp back up across the main field to nail people right at the camo/OS spawn. Since the idea's kind of similar, I figured it'd be best for me to ask your permission before using it (you did post it first). Obviously, my map wasn't built around the idea (my first map just had a useless space so I figured I'd come up with something to fill it with), but can I haz purmizions? I'd never want to steal anything from anyone or do anything remotely similar without their consent.
An activated trap? All teh moar sweet. I'm pretty sure as long as you don't completely copy his map, then it's free ground to modify and distribute.
lucky son of a.... anyways, it was epically fun playing this with you guys, this map is perfect for 4 players, 1v1v1v1 or 2v2 or anywhere underneath...i honestly didn't expect to get splattered by the stupid dumpster...but you know what happens when you assume...*choir of people*you make an ass out of you and me*/choir*
this map is a blast to play on the interlocking is almost perfect the only thing i wish you would have done is used a dumpster instead of a wire spool for the train
Looks good !!!! Should make for some intense battles if it's as small as it looks from the pictures. Nice job !!!!
Blood this map is amazing even if the map is small playing 12 on it was hilarious with OM3GA and the others.
Hey, just downloaded this map, and I have to say its pretty awesome. Have some mild constructive criticism for you though. The area where you spawn is too high up, when you jump you hit the invisible ceiling, it doesn't seem like the level needs to be built so high up so maybe lowering the level in a V2 would be good. Also since the map is so small it would probably make fights much more intense if the train came with a little more frequency. Other then that I think you did a great job with the level.