Downfall map pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jdino188, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    The downfall map pack is the final map pack I am going to fully release. that being said I went out of my way to make it the best map pack I could and thought alot about the design of the maps in it and took a long time on editing the trailer to make it the best it could be. With just about 21 maps in total now I have begun to realize that my ideas just are not what they used to be , even though I feel my forging ability is now just at it's peak it's hard to make new content with bad ideas so I'm going to Take a long break and will slowly start to come out with new content for you guys to check out again until then check out my deliciously good treats here that I have left for you in this final map pack

    check out the map pack trailer here:

    Downfall map pack - YouTube

    7 all new maps by jdino188 ( new GT's RQ Rican )


    Archaic is an old forerunner temple that the covenant was using as an encampment during the battle on reach. This is a symmetrical map that is meant to Change up the typical game play by the addition of multiple teleporters. With multiple teleporters it speeds up the game play allowing you to get to different areas in the map without tedious and unnecessary walking. And it allows for creative ways to use the teleporters to your advantage in all game modes. This map has a progressive level structure meaning that the farther you go threw the map the higher and higher you will get kind of like isolation from halo 3 it is very well balanced in it's game play because even though it's easy to get around the map it's not as easy to get good sight lines on people certain objects on higher levels block or limit your view of different levels below allowing players to be protected from those above and making it so that players don’t become to powerful at the top.

    That's really at it's core the beauty of his map unlike most halo maps top control doesn’t assist you in anymore than having bottom control would. It forces players to figure out different ways to control the map and overall their really isn't many vantage points to be had with all the teleporters you will have access to multiple travel routes that bypass the view of vantage points allowing you to close in on said vantage points and fight your battles at equal ground This map plays well in a simple 4v4 skirmish and can take up to 12 players at a time without it being to crowded just don't expect the game play to be slow. This map has 4 power weapons a sniper shotgun a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher Like all my other maps it supports all game types except for infection invasion and race but if u want to play the best of the best on this map I would recommend playing either headhunter or king of the hill. Because this is a map that has great flow cause of the teleporters these game types are exciting and unpredictable.if you’re looking for fast past team objective action then this is your map

    Archaic quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: its best to stay moving on this map so be sure remember where the teleporters go so that way you can use them to cut off your enemies and beat your enemies to power weapons.

    It's been a long time since my first map pack and I sure do remember all the fun I had playing one particular map from that map pack. And it was called the cove, easily one of the most AWFUL looking maps I have ever forged before I even knew what rotation snap and co-ordinate editing was I made that map but it still brought absolute fun and joy to me back in the day... Well it's not back in the day anymore and I decided to make a new map that would reimagining the cove in an entirely different way but still keep its interesting layout intact and still make it supply the same fun it did a year ago (well maybe ALOT more fun) the story is that this map is a reconstructed and upgraded version of it's previous marine encampment that was attacked by the covenant. It was rebuilt from the base and prepped and ready for another covenant confrontation. This is an asymmetrical map that delivers awesome team and free for all action. It's design is basically a circle that has two bases across from each other and then has and additional area designated to each side as well as rock pieces around the middle that supply cover The blend of natural and metal pieces works well on this map and keeps the map from feeling like it's just another gray mapThe maps game play is medium paced and keeps players moving in a circle formation but still does let players cut threw the center without much of a risk at all.

    Play threw the map and you will notice how their are similar game play elements to its daddy (the cove) and how some have changed. The large tower that user to be the highest point in the map is now gone and replaced simply by a flat rock overlook with 0 protection and a teleporter off to the side. The large red base basement has now been shrunken down to a small room so that it wouldn't give that direct entrance to the blue team’s base as it did before. But certain things stayed the same their is still all the original rock structures and the weapon spawns are identical with the exception of the shotgun that was moved for balancing purposes.Speaking of power weapons their is 5 power weapons on this map a rocket launcher a shotgun 2 snipes and a gravity hammer. (See screenshot below for weapon locations) If I had to pick the best game type’s to play on this map (which is really hard) I would have to pick FFA slayer and king of the hill. This map is just downright fun when it comes to FFA it is now and it was then and always will be. And king of the hill is great because this asymmetrical map is just so well varied in terrain and vantage points you can approach a situation (or hill) in multiple ways that makes it challenging for the defender of the hill and strategy provoking for the attacker.Overall this map is great it delivers some of the most varied and satisfying content in the whole map pack and is defiantly the best map to play if you want to sample game types and it really captures what my original forge style is

    Convalescence quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: this is one of the only maps i have put a hammer on and trust me i put it on here for a reason so be sure to get it and use it to your advantage.

    Overflow is the misriah armories processing sector that had been attacked by covenant forces. These attacks left some damage but the worst damage the facility ensued was the attack in its left wing where the water cooling systems were. The system was destroyed and because of pressure caused by the water systems multiple pipes ruptured including one in the processing sector. This map is an asymmetrical map that has a multiple levels and vantage points. It’s also an enclosed map but there is still room for jetpacks (if you like that sort of thing). This map has a lot of qualities that I love but my favorite has to be the multiple pathway approach I took on it. Docked was another map I made that I took a similar approach, multiple levels, interesting sightline, great atmosphere and multiple pathways. But I got to say this map takes the cake if you were to compare them simply because this map has a lot of the same fun game play elements but takes it into a whole entire direction for instance. This map is enclosed and has more of a square shape which makes it feel totally different. And did I mention the water! the water not only gives the player a little variety when selecting different routs to take and different battle terrain to use .. It also adds a lot of atmosphere to the map making you feel like the facility is believable. So is to say with the ceiling mounted conveyor belts and the crates all over the facility. Anyways back to the multiple pathway system. In this system I try to make multiple pathways all over the map so that you can use them to approach different situations from a different route. (Teleporters included, not just physical routes)

    for power weapons this map has 5 its has 2 shotguns, 1 sniper, 1 rocket launcher, and 1 grenade launcher. These weapons are spread evenly on the map and are all a lot of fun to use. The reason I say this is because since I have a lot of different levels on this map its fun to find interesting sightlines and vantage points to use the weapons or to stop an escaping foe. (trust me its a lot of fun) this map supports all game types but to pick the more ideal ones out of the bunch I would say Capture the flag and headhunter, for some reason capture the flag was lot of fun on this map I think it was partly because of the multiple pathways and the options you had when running the flag or picking positions to defend it from. And headhunter is fun because of the different levels and because whenever somebody gets a kill by the water the skull will fall into the water and its flame will go out, so it’s a lot harder to see. So you might find yourself taking a stroll through the water and picking up 10 skulls. But that’s if you’re lucky anyways this map is easily one of my favorite maps I have ever made and defiantly one of the best in the map pack so I would give it a try if you’re in the mood for some varied level type combat.

    Overflow quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: in headhunter make sure to keep and eye out for skulls under the water areas on the map because when a skull goes in their its flame goes out making it hard to see.

    Decrepit is an ancient forerunner structure that the covenant was using as a military base. But due to the large amount of casualties in the war on the UNSC’s side they slowly were losing space to give medical attention to marines. So they devised a plan to attack the covenants base in the forerunner structure and to clear it out so that it could be converted into a make shift medical center to help marines recover. Decrepit was one of the maps I didn’t necessarily go out of my own comfort zone on I tried to make a unique experience and try a different design but ill admit it’s not the best in the whole pack. Now im not saying that it’s terrible because trust me I had 2 other maps that were going to be in the same place as this one but decrepit won the popularity test against the 2 other maps.
    And it’s defiantly still a different design than anything ive done before. The interesting thing about this map is that I made the map have 3 big parts, the 2 bases (red and blue) and the center the bases are long and each take up half the map and the middle is also long but it is more exposed since it’s not a base. But that’s the unique thing about this map since the bases are so big most of the map is played inside of each base with a little playtime outside of the bases in the middle of the map. Because this map has 3 different levels I tried to make a good amount of pathways to travel up and down the map.

    There is 2 different teleporters at the base of the map that let you reach the top of the map in each base and there is gravity lifts in each base to help get to the top of the map from a different vantage point. their is 6 power weapons on this map 2 shotguns 2 snipers 1 sword and 1 rocket launcher. Out of the weapons on this map the sword is my favorite mostly because I never really get to put it on my maps because they usually don’t seem to work well with it but this map really works well with it and makes using the sword a blast. But it isn’t exactly easy to use even though its fun to use because there is amazing sightlines for snipers so that it takes some skill to use the sword because you will have to close large distances where you could easily get shot before getting close enough to kill your opponent. 2 of the best game types on this map would probably be territories and king of the hill. Territories because its great sightlines allows for fun strategic games because one person on your team can cover you while you go in for the hill and in general it’s a great map for territories especially because the map allows for the territory spawns to be very even. And king of the hill is fun just because … I don’t know just play it and you’ll find out. If you want to enjoy some solid team based game play this is the map to go.

    Decrepit quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: there is nothing more important than having a good sniper on this map so make sure you have one and keep him protected.

    In the battle on reach their was a lot of weapons and vehicles that needed to be shipped to multiple places and with little notice. So vehicles began to build up and with no other military bases to store vehicles the UNSC decided to convert vacant factories into vehicle storage facilities. Desolation is 2 of these facilities that are on each side of a big canyon. For big team battle this is one of the best ive made so far. I specifically made this map to support a lot of vehicles. I looked for lots of ways to make this map have fun vehicle game play but not sacrifice fun infantry game play. So I looked back at a lot of maps ive made and some that bungie has made and I found ways to block off sightlines around the map to keep infantry players safe and open enough to allow vehicles to drive threw and be unrestricted. So I came up with desolation this beloved btb map is home to the best vehicle manslaughter around and I hold it very dear to my heart. One of the interesting things on this map is that not only does it have 8 vehicles but 2 of them are banshees.

    before I was scared to add banshees to a map because they seemed extremely powerful and were easy to control a map with but now on this map I have 2 that really add a lot to the map as a whole. They are fun to use in banshee fights and to take out tanks or warthogs but my favorite thing is that it adds a lot of fun ground to air battles that mix up the game play. For power weapons this map is great. This map has 9 power weapons 2 grenade launchers 2 snipers 2 rocket launchers 2 shotguns and 1 Spartan laser. It’s a lot but they are all well balanced in terms of spawn times and placement. Two of the best game types on this map are stockpile and capture the flag. This map in general is a “flag map” as I like to call it so both of those game types work well in terms of the game play. Its always fun running flags and getting into vehicle fights along the way. So if you’re looking for an amazing vehicle combat fest then look no further because Desolation might just be the perfect map to suit your needs.

    Desolation quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: tanks are a great way to push the enemy back off of you base so if you are getting swarmed by enemy attack pull out the tank and push back their line of attack.

    ^ i forgot to put the other sniper in the bottom right and the rocket launcher underneath the banshee my bad :D.

    during the battle of reach their was a lot of covenant attacks in the biggest civilian city, new Alexandria. Now this city was finally finishing its big expansion projects where it was going to create more buildings and structures to help this ever growing city. When the covenant came it left many construction workers stranded at their construction cites, this is one of those cites. Detour is a big team battle map that is focused around giving the player an awesome infantry combat experience when playing. With just enough vehicle combat to satisfy vehicle players and to mix up the game play.

    One of the unique features of this map is its vehicle teleporters even though these can be overlooked and don't really extremely change the game play they are still an awesome addition to the map. The purpose of these is to allow players who use vehicles to make a complete circle around the map without having to awkwardly cut threw through the middle and it's also fun to have a warthog chase through the teleporters aswell. Their is 5 peer weapons on this map a 2 rocket launches 2 snipers 2 shotguns and 1 grenade launcher and 1 Spartan laser If I had to pick 2 great game types o play on this map I would have to say stockpile and king of the hill. Because with stockpile this map is just downright fun to run around and collect the flags their all in interesting positions and have really cool areas to fight around and king of the hill because the hills are all centered in the middle and like headlong from halo 2 you really have to run out into that open area and hope your team mates ate backing you up as the chaos unfolds. If u wants to get some awesome btb infantry combat then I would get this map ASAP its definatly one of the best btb maps I have made yet.

    Detour quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: the tunnel on the bottom left of the screenshot gets ignored but its a perfect pathway between the two bases so make sure to take advantage of it


    During the battle on reach in the southeastern hemisphere there was a civilization founded by the people of reach. This is also where the UNSC sent Echo team to investigate large amounts of plasma. (A team of Spartan III’s) when they were attacked they were hit hard and in the final days they tried to evacuate the whole entire sector on a frigate. The only problem is that the forerunner structures that the covenant used as bases were also being used to hold cores. One of those cores powered the most powerful cruiser the covenant had. The same cruiser that would be used in the future to glass that sector. In this invasion map you either play as the Spartans who are trying to steal the core and dispose of it or you play as the covenant who are trying to protect it. In general it’s a unique map and is made to be more of an open experience compared to me other invasion maps that were some what linear. And it has great vehicle combat. In the first phase the Spartans have to rush down and invade the two generators and the elites have to try to stop them.

    In the second round the Spartans have to capture one of the 2 power beacons to let the shields down on the main structure. And the elites have to try to stop them from doing so. Also in this round the elites get a ghost and the Spartans get a sniper that spawns. After this phase all hell breaks loose. The shield doors are down and now its time to rush in and finish this thing up Spartans must grab the core and get it to the pelican at the end and the elites must stop them at all costs. In this phase the Spartans get 2 warthogs and a falcon and they also get a rocket launcher and the elites get a banshee and a revenant. And also a focus rifle overall this map was defiantly not the best invasion map ive made but it still does deliver some great invasion action and shouldn’t be missed.

    Onslaught quick walkthrough - YouTube

    *Map tip: for offense remember that you have 2 warthogs and the spawn at the starting point so be sure to go back and get them before running the core in.

    Well guys thats all my maps hope you enjoyed the post

    feel free to check out my previous map packs here:
    -Conquest map pack
    -Deprived map pack

    Download and Enjoy! :D
    #1 jdino188, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2012
  2. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    thanks man it means a lot i hope you enjoy them
  3. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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  4. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    the designs look like the maps play well. will try the smaller ones with some friends, if you are hosting some games nd u wana play threw ur map pack with some people let me know, my gamer tag is the same as my username, i would love to try all of them.
  5. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    extremely nice. the only two things i dont like are..... the rickroll song in the video... tha song makes me mad :p and also ur too good at forging and making epic videos ;P
    maps look realy nice , ive been making my own map packs but there no where as good as yours im doing two more than im stopping. if you want to forge together sometime add me.
    GT: SlashedTortoise
    realy nice, well done
  6. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Before i say anything, first of all i must say that before i saw this map pack and watched the trailer you compiled, i felt bored. I played game after depressing game on MW3 and i even went so far as to complete Saints Row the Third. I still wished to create maps but i lacked that inspired spark of creativity. Now after seeing this map pack, i feel totally re-invigorated. Your map pack has not only shown people a wide range of great looking maps, but it has also inspired me to spend a lot more time creating maps. Thank you.

    Now i must say that your maps look amazing. Some maps reminded me of Halo 2 and others broke a couple of rules and got away with it unscathed. I am definitely looking forward to your future maps.
  7. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    whoa hahah im glad you are inspired thats really what i was going for :D. sadly im not gunna have any new maps anytime soon but i still do have 2 other map packs that you might want to check out. this being my 3rd map pack i still have the two that came before so here is the links to those:

    -Conquest map pack

    -Deprived map pack

    anyways check em out and stay tuned cause i definatly will have new maps in the future but like you i gotta get my creative juices flowing again :D
  8. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Nice solid maps you have here. I honestly have not yet seen a better map pack. There is only 1 map that looked kinda meh (Desolation) but the rest of them look amazing.

    Nice job man!
  9. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man, but trust me if u ever get a 16 player lobby on desolation you will have so much fun because even though it might not be extremely astheticly pleasing ( which is mainly because i had to buy so many vehicles) it more than makes up for it with its gameplay.
  10. Inerjizer

    Inerjizer Forerunner

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    Insisting on having 3 map packs is like have three gold bars, and having three gold bars..... Well you have a lot of money :D!!! in this so called downfall map pack I would say that it must be extatic for you in all ways. I check out the links from your older map packs, and It seems like you've really been improving youself and making very playable aesthetic maps, which is an epic skill. The only thing I can do is throw a few bricks down and call that a statue haha XD

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