Remake Dome

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by cluckinho, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So yeah this is Dome from MW3. It is definitely one of my least favorite creations, but I have forced myself into posting this for the sake of participating in the contest. I don't expect to get in any of the top spots, but atleast I can say I tried.

    If I actually liked this map, I wouldn't be too lazy to make mouseovers so I'm just gonna post this gameplay video of Dome from CoD.

    So I've played on some of the other MW3 remakes, and they all feel so cramped and cluttered. One thing I do like about my map is that it is actually a good size and it looks pretty good too. Anyways, here are some pictures.






    So for the gametype I made, Team Deathmatch, is hybrid of Halo Slayer and CoD Deathmatch. Primary is the DMR w/ 85% bloom and the secondary is an AR. Only a Sprint loadout is given, as well as just one grenade. You definitely do not have to use this gametype so if you don't you MUST takeout the Jetpack loadout. It will be extremely OP.

    Alright guys that's it, thanks for checking out my map and please download
    #1 cluckinho, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  2. ryana1998

    ryana1998 Forerunner

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    For Halo this looks like an alright Dome remake. Although with more money you could of made the real dome. Also as a replacement for the gravity lifts you could have put one way shields that push you up when you run into them. also maybe a barrior on the sniping dome where people snipe to make it more like the COD feel. Maybe some improvements here and there but other than that it looks cool. I'll download it when I get back on xbox :D
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I appcaite the comment man, thanks. Most of the things missing from the original are just sacrifices for budget and lag. Such as the dome; sure a nice, round structure would have been cool, but not very practical. I would've loved to do one ways for a ladder, but once again, it was a sacrifice I had to make.
  4. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    You did an very good job, its not always possible to make the exact copy of the map, thats actually impossible.
    You are an very good forger, and i love the map dome =D
    And you have created an CoD gametype? thats awsome, but i dont get how it works..
    Creating the dome is pretty hard, but you didnt put an roof on the part where you go underground? just 10$ =P but whatever i love it, i Dl it if im on.

    Edited by merge:

    But i had that idea for the dome, and its pretty cheap and i dont have tested it but yeah..
    Put circular ramps in each other till you got sort of an round.
    #4 SpartanPeter, Jan 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2012

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