Please do this. It takes about five seconds to fill it out, and one post DOES change the tides.
The other one was about Opinions, and i didn't see it on the first page. This is Your Internet There is a list for your senators that you can call and give your name and zipcode, and no need for an email. It took me like 30 seconds to do it, most of the time was spelling my name out.
You say that like SOPA doesn't affect you. SOPA will hurt American-based websites and companies like Google, Facebook, and Reddit that people from outside the US use everyday. People can lose jobs because of websites being censored and shut down.
If I didn't live in America I wouldn't be worried either... Oh wait, I don't live in America and I am worried! As our my British, Austrian, German, and other non-American friends. Why? Because the bulk of webpages most frequented or found most convenient/useful are American based. Hell, America made the internet dude. It was originally intended for our military even. If America censors the internet, every one suffers the consequences. Congratulations on being ignorant foreigner of the day!
I think you were a bit harsh there while missing the intent of what he was saying. He's against it, same as you
Not really... He said he would be if he lived in America, which draws the connotation that he does not care as he lives outside of America and believes that it will not affect him. I was a bit harsh though I suppose, but that's just my personality really. What can I say?
He might have assumed that an American bill wouldn't affect him. By what he said, he's against it, but wasn't aware of the consequences of SOPA passing for non-Americans.
Because the NDAA doesn't have the possibility to break an internationally important entity known as the internet. Pick your audience, and as this is a forum where copyrighted material is often posted SOPA and PIPA apply a lot more then a very large bill that stipulates many things including the US Defense Budget. Yes infringing on civil liberties is bad, in any form, but as the enforcement of that bill is mostly toward non-citizens of the USA its not as big or immediate a concern. And since it was already passed complaining about not caring about it in past tense serves no purpose. Best we can hope for is the law is repealed or restructured when it comes time to vote for it again.
Ok, just a general reply to all there. I know that, if this bill is passed, it will affect every US run site, even off-shore. I'm not silly . The reason I said "if I lived in the US" is because to sign the petition mentioned in this thread requires an American zip code, which I obviously do not have, being in Australia. I do not want this bill to pass because it is the most convoluted stance of reasoning I have ever heard, and, apart from many people losing their jobs because of it, it would also censor a large part of the free space on the internet. The politicians supporting this are meaning well, but the bill itself is badly written, and no one has thought of the connotations it would incur if passed. I will now, however, search the internet to see if there is some kind of petition-like site I can go to which will allow non-US citizens to add their weight to the fight against it. I apologise for not clarifying what I said earlier more clearer.
I used my Canadian ZIP Code and it worked fine. I mean, its not even anything similar to an American one either: U.S. (11111), Canada (A1B 2C3).
Aside from the fact that it is America who is supposed to be the champion for civil liberties around the world. While I don't agree with our policy of spreading democracy and freedom through our warmongering and nation building policies, we were at least the great free nation that inspired others. Now we're hypocrites that claim to be truly free, but we're slowly becoming more like the nations that lack civil liberties we speak out against such as China. When America is no longer the land of the free, what precedent does that set for the rest of the world? How many nations may take our assault on civil liberties as an example and follow in our foot steps? If the American people are willing to turn a blind eye to bills such as the NDAA, what is the likely hood of others doing the same?