
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Packeranatic, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    by Packeranatic & Zicargo10

    Your mission: Infiltrate the complex, locate all advanced technology and use whatever force necessary to obtain the Meteorologist's skull. You are being contracted to retrieve it by a mysterious relic collector who is driven to combine the power of the... Please for the sake of spawning, have all players on one team!

    For a preview of the map see the video below (courtesy of Oli the G):

    SkyWorks - YouTube










    A little background on the map:
    Like Waterworks, this map focuses on interwoven rooms and challenges, but with a focus on dynamic skill-based challenges. These challenges won't just test your mind, but your ability as well. So download, like, and recommend. This map is the third and final in a series of puzzle maps.

    Download Skyworks map: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download Subterfuge Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Promethean

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    Wow! Man I think you made the awesomeness puzzle I've ever seen in ages. The most interesting thing about this map is on the video when you drive the Mongoose through the narrow path and the crates fell from the start to the end. It's like a wave try to smash you againest the ground. When you posted the video, I think you gave it away a bit too much. I say that because you kinda showed the people what to do and stuff like that. That's what I'm thinking. I like it no I love it!
    - EpICx ReMiX XD
  3. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the credit :D

    Must say, one HECK of a good puzzle map. Challenging but doable. Frustrating but fun. Good balance.

    I'd recommend you download this!
  4. Continental93

    Continental93 Promethean

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    This is a great puzzle map! It is the perfect level of difficulty for me.
    Just wondering, is there meant to be more than one way of getting into the first mongoose room (i.e. not with the grenade launcher) because the first time I tried the map out I managed to get into the first checkpoint room without using the cannon man. I just got on the mongoose through the floor, if you get what I mean.
  5. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    Thanks man, that's my favorite part of the map as well. I didn't have much control over editing the video though, so you can get on Oli the G's case about that. Am glad you like the map overall =D

    No problem. Thanks for the kind words!

    I tested that room so many times and fixed so many things in it, but I'm not surprised there's a break in it. Glad you like the map though!
  6. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Me, my girlfriend, my brother, and his friend went through this map together and I've got to tell you, I didn't see half the puzzles shown in the video. In fact, looking back now, this puzzle is doable in about 2-3 minutes if done properly.

    The grenade-launcher idea was good, don't get me wrong, but
    all you have to do is take the grenade launcher, walk back up to the initial spawn and the 1-way shield blocking it, purposefully kill yourself while facing toward the 1-way shield, spawn back in the initial room and go pick it up. Then, use the Grenade Launcher similar to how you are supposed to use it in the puzzle and blow up the two fuel rods. Once this has been completed (I think this was also done wrong by us, but we did it anyway), use a ball to get down to the area right outside the oddball, then have one player shoot down the other ball fast enough so that it lands on the platform. Block the ball with your body in order to stop it, the push it onto the area where you need to jump up to get the oddball. You win.

    I know some of the problems that I had with your map in that it was easily breakable are simply not fixable at this stage of the map's development, and therefore it's basically, oh well if you do it right, oh well if you don't, but I will have to say that despite some admittedly clever puzzles, overall the map is breakable on many, many fronts and more often than not me and my companions were confused by why we needed so little of the items provided to move on from each stage. Good luck on future maps, sorry if the review sounded harsh, just meant to be something to think about for your next masterpiece ;).
  7. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    Definitely something to chew on for my next map. Thank you, this is the most helpful feedback I've received, I'll attempt to patch these, except for the soccer ball going fast enough. That kind of thinking I encourage. =)
  8. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, well to be honest we were almost positive we did that part correctly until my brother noticed the crate above the area we placed the ball, and he was like... "yeah, I'm pretty sure we're doing this wrong because look up there" and we had spent enough time on the map overall that we were just kind of like, oh well lol, and just beat it our way. So in all honesty both ways seem pretty legit, yours was just the one planned out I believe.
  9. MetalForgere

    MetalForgere Forerunner

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    hi Packeranatick! I have been waiting so much for this map, (since paradox was still alive) lol... im going to solve it right now. =)
  10. ryana1998

    ryana1998 Forerunner

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    This was one of the most hardest puzzles i have tried yet. I loved it!
  11. ElitesGolol

    ElitesGolol Promethean

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    I wish i could download it :(
  12. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah. Could you please update the link to Waypoint so we can download it?
  13. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    I love this screenshot! I may expand on this idea in an aesthetic map...possibly.[​IMG]

    As everyone else has said, you've done an incredible job - especially in how you've approached the forge pieces to work. Kudos, my friend.
  14. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    Not every puzzle map looks good, but yours looked very nice.

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