CANE'S RIDGE Hey guys, welcome to Cane's Ridge. This map has been downloaded many times untill my recent upload update! This map will be showcased on and Mr Pokefile's Youtube channel next week! go to TheJuggernautgames's Channel - YouTube to see a gameplay video of the map! The map now works with Bro Slayer, allowing you to choose your spawn or spawn on your teammates. For 10-16 players BTB. Bro Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, Stockpile, KOTH, and Territories. Please download and reccomend. Thanks and as always enjoy, -SkiD Each side of the Bridge has a building for airial cover and holds a shotgun, DMR, and right outside, a mounted machine gun. On the bridge watch out because near the North enterence, there is a gap in the structure due to a previous bomb planting. Check out the Video here: Forged Map Review: 001- "Cane's Ridge" By SkiD514 - YouTube Also check out our Facebook page for more maps, or if you wanna post your maps. Thank you guys so much! Download and enjoy, -PFL & SkiD
After watching the video, it looks like a neat casual slayer map to goof off on! However, the thing that throws me off is the lower walkway. It seems as though because of those and the vehicles, the bridge was not used as much. Try adding on some cover and/or power weapon spawns on the bridge. Preferably the rocket. You should not put a weapon that powerful in such an accesible place.
On the bridge, the Sniper rifle spwans. The two rockets spawn at each base so that they cant get airial spawn killed.And the rockets only have two shots. 0 Extra clips. This map has been tested with 16 over 10 times. I apreciate your tips though. Thanks, -SkiD
I love the simplicity of the map it looks like gameplay will flow nicely looks a little to open in some areas.the aesthetics look nice looks like there will be a lot of cross mapping DMR duels you might want to put up some LoS blockage because it will lead to many long range fights and if you block some of the LoS it might lead to a balance of some CQC and some long range battles besides that great map
Note: I'm basing this off of the pictures and video(I know, I know), so if I get something incorrect forgive me. I will get a game on this ASAP and change/add on to my feedback where necessary. There are a couple of things I can say I don't like about this map, but before that i'd like to say that the broken bridge looks great, possibly the best i've ever seen. Really the whole bridge design was good with the main way and the secondary way bridging off the side. I also like the way you forged the bases, they give you a UNSC outpost feeling. Now i'd like to state the problems I saw from the video and pictures. 1. The flow of the map isn't that great. From the video it looked like all your teammates were doing were trudging to central bridge area, maybe hopping in a warthog, being killed and repeating the same process throughout the game. There were basically only two ways to get to the other side of the map. No flanking routes, no teleporters, nothing. One team could easily camp, which was encouraged with the design of the map, and dominate the game by doing so. I know with where you made the map it's almost impossible to make any kind of extra route, but the best thing you could do is at least add another sidewalk area on the other side of the central bridge. 2. The lines of sight looked to be too long. A player could go on the top of their base with a dmr and easily let down a rain of shots to the other teams side. I would try to utilize rocks and break some of the LoS's. 3. I can say the sniper spawn is awesome. It has a great RvR factor and isn't in a place that you could just camp in the whole game. 4. I noticed that at some points in the video the enemy falcon was camping in the other sides base. With the little amount of power weapons and the RL not having any spare clips, vehicles rule this map, leaving players that prefer infantry style gameplay at an impass. With the rocket launcher you could take out the falcon, but what about the warthogs? There's nothing to counter them other than the sniper, but I'm sure that's not what you had planned for it. I would increase the spare clips on the RL and add more power weapons, as it is BTB and those tend to have a good amount. That's all I have for now. Like I said, I'll try to get a game on this ASAP and update the feedback.
Hey man, We appreciate that you took the time to write all of that. We do understand that the map is very camp-friendly. The point of this map was to give it a BF experince. You have to have a great team. One that works together to take down the enemy. With Bro Slayer, if one guy gets out of the base, the entire team can spawn on him. Thank you so much for the tips/feedback. Please check us out on our new PFL youtube channel. I can somelny promise, that we are about to get BIG on youtube. No doubt about it. We are going to post up to 3 -4 vids a week. Thanks again.