
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by X2Sora, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Clover is a map I started back in September, and my attempt to break away from my comfort zone. Before Clover most of my maps were gray and symmetrical, overall just standard and boring. Clover in comparison has much more flair and color to it. Personal accomplishments aside, Clover's design is meant to create balanced and fun gameplay without the map being symmetrical. The map is best played with TU Team Slayer and TU One-Flag. Here is the weapon list, or what I remember. (I will update it sometimes tomorrow)

    Weapon List
    1 - Rocket Launcher - 180 seconds
    1 - Sniper Rifle - 180 seconds
    1 - Active Camo - 120 seconds
    4 - DMR - 30 seconds
    2 - Needle Rifle - 30 seconds
    2 - Spikers - 45 seconds
    2 - Needler - 45 seconds
    3 - Plasma Grenade - 20 seconds



    Rocket Spawn (for Slayer)


    Another angle of Rocket Spawn (for Slayer)


    Cave Entrance near Rocket Spawn (leads to receiver room)


    Cave Exit | Receiver


    Sender (located in what I call the valley)


    The Valley


    Man Cannon at end of Valley


    Where the man cannon leads to


    Now backtrack to the valley and here is camo cave (please note that the camouflage does not spawn until 120 seconds into the game)


    Other entrance to camo cave


    Zoom out | Incline and tac jump that leads to middle


    The general area is also Sniper spawn (for slayer) | Man cannon also leads to top mid


    Top Mid

    Here are some of the leftover screenshots


    The gravity lift leads to top mid


    View from receiver room


    Ground area near rocket spawn (for slayer)

    One-Flag & Slayer

    Now if you bothered to read any of the captions for the screenshots then you may have noticed that some of them said (for slayer). The reason for this is because those specific items spawn only for slayer, and do not spawn in games of CTF. This decision was made for balance issues and gameplay purposes. Below will be a few screenshots highlighting the major changes between CTF and Slayer.


    Red Initial Spawn for Slayer


    Red Initial Spawn for One-Flag


    Blue Initial Spawn for Slayer


    Blue Initial Spawn for One-Flag


    Rocket Spawn for CTF | Receiver Room


    Sniper Spawn for CTF


    Red Initial Spawn has been expanded and lowered by two entire units. This was to break up LOS better and provide safer spawning. In addition more cover was added near Red Initial Spawn. Below are some screenshots to help visualize the changes.



    Sniper spawn was also overhauled to provide once again safer spawning and break up LOS. I did this by replacing cover with larger pieces. Below are more screenshots to help visualize the changes.



    I also made some other slight changes here and there for budget and limited object purposes.


    New Camo Spawn


    Layout of Updated Clover


    I just wish to say thank you to everyone that has helped shape the map to what it has become. Especially to the TG and TGN that have provided such helpful and thoughtful feedback that helped Clover reach its full potential. Now here is a list of everyone that has helped. If I forgot to mention you just let me know and I will add you to the list

    Cyborg Anthro
    Nick Taber


    Well that should wrap everything up. Feel free to leave any comments or feedback, and please don't forget to

    #1 X2Sora, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  2. SYLUX

    SYLUX Promethean

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    This map is great. balanced and assimetrical. may be the coliseum walls are too used for close the map but tht dont cares when the map are fun.
    ( Note: im verry bad spelling in english. )
  3. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    holy **** its about time. i havent tested the most recent version but im sure that is very fun. i remember when this was in its first version and was terrible to play on. its probly one of the best asym maps ive ever played without FRL which is a definite plus to this map. i dl and im going to nominate this for a FHF
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember playing this waay back in november, it was fun. It's good that you removed the ghost because it didn't work with the map. The walls are too grey, but the inclines make up for that. I really like the messed up, callapsed theme you have; It looks good and works as a tactical jump in some cases. I haven't played on this updated version, so I'll download and get a game on it asap.
    #4 Auburn, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm liking the aesthetic theme for the map, it's different and gives off a forerunner vibe.

    The only thing I'm not quite sure about is the lack of structure on the map, meaning that you have a few areas on the map that lack actual cover opportunities. Example being third picture, rocket spawn. You have brace larges set-up vertivally for cover, but they're so thin that they're only good for cover from the front and not the sides.

    However, a good example of good stucture and cover opportunities is in the middle of the map. Examples: Pictures 12 & 14. The 2x2 tall provides actual structure. However, 2x2 tall are not the only way to provide good structure on a map.

    Another problem I noticed when I had a run-through on this map, was that really long ramp walkway in picture 18, at the bottom of the picture and picture 20.

    That walkway looks like a death-trap- it's long, open, and doesn't have any sort of power weapon to back up its weakness.

    Now to the good stuff. Overall, I'm liking the map name, the aesthetics, and the creativity. I also like that you put the sniper on one of the lowest parts of the map, that way it's not in a height postion giving the sniper even more power. I also like what you did with the grav-lift in picture 15. (You have a lot of pics, btw :p)

    I'll give this another DL and see if you've made any changes since the last time I saw it. Hopefully, most of my theories are wrong.

    Keep up the good foring, I'll be looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.
    #5 Eightball, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's always great to see a map finished and posted after testing it in the TG. If the version I played a few weeks ago is any indication, this map is very fun to play and well built. I too am tired of everyone forging within their comfort zones, creating, as you said, boring and generic maps. I applaud you for trying something new. This turned out quite well, and actually manages to differentiate itself from other maps. The map plays team slayer and one flag great, and the aesthetic theme is very nice also. Good work, Sora.
  7. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Nice job Sora, I'm digging the aesthetics, and the gameplay looks pretty solid, but what happened to the ghost? No offense, but I'm hatin the gravity lift in the 8th pic, I liked the old lift better.
  8. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the support guys! I really appreciate it.

    Coliseum walls are indeed overused, but for good reasons. Nothing else can really replace them without consuming an immense amount of the budget, so they are required.

    Yes it is about time ;) Thanks for all the support and help with testing halo I really appreciate it.

    Thanks hope you enjoy it, if you have any feedback after the game please let me know.

    The lack of cover near rocket spawn is intentional, just to ensure that a good amount of risk is involved when going for rockets. The brace larges are used because they provide cover against middle, but leave people vulnerable against others rushing for rockets. Now the linearity and lack of cover at red initial spawn is something I will be addressing.

    Oh and in regards to the amount of pictures, I would place them in spoilers but don't know how. If anyone would be willing to clear that up for me it would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the kind words. I know that by this time I sound like a broken record, but I really do appreciate all the helpful feedback. Oh and the issue with the mongoose has now been fixed!

    Thanks Sinless! The ghost sadly had to be removed for the better good of the map. I had just added to much cover and the once ample and sufficient room had over time disappeared. The old lift was removed because it took too long for people to reach, and as a consequence they were left too vulnerable for my tastes. This grav lift is much easier to reach, and as a result used much more frequently.
    #8 X2Sora, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
  9. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    This is a very neat map. I checked it out from a DL. I dont know what it is, but somthing could make this map go to the next level. Maybe a different style of LOS blockers.

  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I love this map sora, the play space is unique and the gameplay doesn't get old fast as it does with most maps. I suppose I agree that the map has some really long views and not as much substantial cover but it still plays well. I hope you keep taking risks in going away from the norm with your maps cause this one definitely paid off.
    #10 CyborgAnthro, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  11. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    The first time I played this map I wasn't too happy with it. But you listened to the testers and as time went on the map just kept getting better. Great job taking in everyone's advise and applying it to your map, really turned out to be a fun map!

    I always loved the location of the map. I know I know, its in the canyon. But its still a really nice nook you chose to place the map in and works pretty well. I never was too happy with symmetrical games like CTF, but asymmetrical objective games and Slayer work like a charm. One thing I really enjoy a lot about the map is the unique forging done on the map. The angles and use of some of the blocks make for a nice visual to the map.

    Overall you did a very nice job on the map, Sora. Keep up the good work man!
  12. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Oh damn, I was pretty sure more testers where there like Nick Taber, myself and such. Looks great that it's finally published, I remember problems with the spawning so it was easy to trap other people in Teams
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Had a fun FFA on this the other night. Map seemed to play pretty good and didn't run into any real game breaking issues like screen lag, which was a major plus. I really enjoyed the aesthetics of this as well and I think the location you built this in is brilliant. Especially with how you made use of the natural geometry and the cave/ridgeline. Awesome work.

    That all being said, I do have a few concerns. The cave/ridge area seems rather over powering due to LoS and immediate cover as well as having the height advantage. Also the teleporter area seems some what segregated from the rest of the map. Play around it wasn't really free flowing and most often it got used when a camper ran away and players were forced to chase. The opposite side of the map in contrast seems under powered and under used.

    Over all, pretty solid map. I'd play it again, definitely.
  14. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    As much as it pains me to do so I have decided to make changes to Clover to better improve gameplay. The OP an download link have been updated with the most recent version of Clover.

    Thanks a bunch for all the feedback and consistent help with testing. The environment and feel is a personal accomplishment of mine, and a real goal of mine when making the map. So its nice to hear that the both of you like it.

    I knew I was missing some people, but never would have guessed that many. Well thanks for letting me know now I can update the list of people to thank. Spawn trapping was fixed with the recent update.

    Thanks for the feedback. I made sure to implement it when updating the map. When I did testing I didn't really find the cave/ridge area to be overpowering just because it is rather easy to nade and people up there do not have a substantial amount of cover. That being said if someone is being a pain in that area they make rather easy target for anyone with a sniper.
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I finally got to play this map with you and I love it. I can understand some issues people had with Clover, but I loved everything about it. The map actually felt like some old ruined place (which almost never happens on Reach) and I found the gameplay fast and exciting. Excellent work here, Sora. My one small quarrel is spawning. I had a few bad ones where I was immediately being shot upon coming back to life. I would take a look at the points and see what you can do if you ever go back into the map. Looking forward to your next creation.
  16. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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