Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Apr 14, 2010.
Moby **** and the quest for the goblet of fire
Shakespeare's Return of the Fellowship of the Two King's Towers
Was I close?
I didnt know that. Guess im a cuntry boi
chuck im talking about the text next to him retart. im british i know what the hell monty python is.
Some state government wants to have provisions from the Magna Carta or something.
When I posted that I was referring to the Monty Python picture, not the quote.
I'm secretly cultured.
I'm very uncultured.
What counts as culture?
Family Guy - This is stupid - YouTube
So, ******. Yeh, Meh, or Neh?
Depends who's ****** we are talking about.
What are your ****** guidelines?
Preferrably not dead
That's our Stouf
Kindergarten ******.
That's our CaMOfo
yup .
Woody's Hat - YouTube look! i'm quoctran! ego ego ego