Well, uh, look at the title. The worst thing that's happened to me, happened at the top of Spire. While I was up there, I came across a Banshee that I jacked, which was currently being shot at by my teammate's rocket. It was on Fails of the Weak, for anyone who watches that. What's yours?
Going into Infection with bad connection: Yes, I'm the red guy. And yes, I got killed at distance. This kind of **** happens all the time.
I was cruising around with my wraith on BTB hemmorage. My gunner decided to eject and jump in front of my plasma cannon. I was then booted for betrayel. People are not very forgiving on matchmaking.
Was somewhat less than delighted when my teammate (guy with bomb) decided to take a swipe at the enemy warthog driving the other direction, here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
The worst thing that happened to me was I was tunnel camping in sword base, because my friend was a zombie and it pisses him off. The guy next to me starts shooting his pistol at a guy in front of us. The guy turns around, and I take a slug to the face.
I farted, and accidently shat my pants just as a game started. When I came back to the X-box after the clean up I was 0-25
That's so disgusting it actually made me laugh out loud. So many random things its hard to pick one out of them but I would have to say is when I stealth stealing the bomb on hemorrhage then getting though teleporter walking from tele to our base all the while my team just goes and has a nonstop team fight in middle of the field and game timer run out just a half a second before i could capture flag and win. (Not one person got a vehicle to taxi me home and I was asking all to busy stat padding there K/D, RAGE FACE) But to answer seriously"What's the worst thing that's happened to you in Reach Matchmaking":The TU integration.
Probably some bad kid. I still haven't played it in MM btw. Today I had an agonizing game on Precipice. When I heard it was by Draw the Line I was really expecting an good game... The map disappointed.
Asshole teams in big team that choose an objective game and then don't go for the objective, simply because the spawns are easier to predict. 20 mins of spawn killing later, my spread usually like 5/35, once I remember 9/57. The only thing that makes it worth it is if most of my team leaves, for sticking it out I would get like a 6000+ game complete. Now I just won't play big team with less than 4 or 5 people in a party
I used to have about a 1.4 KDR, didn't play in a while, my skill went down, and now my KDR is about 0.996. Oh, woe is me the day when my total kills are somewhat slightly less than my total deaths! Shudder...
My worst would probably have to be when I played I game of grifball with a friend, and out of all the players on the playlist we ran into the 6 most skilled and trollish players ever. There were betrayals, teabagging, and rages. At one point, players from both teams actually went next to each other and started to cluster**** teabag everything. When they were on opposite teams. :/
Not exactly bad... ...but pretty good. I was playing Invasion Slayer on Hemorrhage and my ENTIRE TEAM QUIT. So I grabbed a sniper, took another one from an old territory for ammo, and went up to my secret spot. Nobody found me, and I kept sniping them down. I won, 42-28 Against 6 other people