I used inverted since i first started playing FPS then I changed to normal halfway though Halo 3 when I got XBL. Because I deemed the more efficient setting. Always used hold to crouch though. I don't know who has the power and knowledge to decide which controller settings are officially better, But IMO hold and uninvented are better, Not just for me but a better setting to be accustomed to. Spoiler Just so you don't think I'm saying whatever I use is "masterrace settings" I've never used bumper jumper settings and I think most people including me would agree that is the best button config for Halo 3
you get used to one button combo/stick layout so no button combo is easier to use, its personal choice.
Was puzzling over that too. It seems like inverted or not would equally efficient - it's not like with different button layouts where you can say "bumper jumper is better because it's easier to press this button and use that stick simultaneously" or whatever. Inverted is exactly the same as regular, it's just that your thumb moves the stick in the opposite direction depending if you're looking up or down. Unless you have severe joint pain that makes one of those harder than the other, it seems to me that they'd be exactly the same use of energy.
That's not entirely true. Bumper Jumper gives you more control of your character than default does. With default you have to move your finger from the right stick in order to jump which means you can't look around the moment you jump. The Bumper Jumper this isn't a problem and thus is a better button layout. Jetpack throws it off a bit but in most situations bumper jumper is better.
naw man. Bumper Jumper was good in H3, but in Reach it didnt help me much... it screwed me up when using the jetpack.
OD knows all about that. He gets mad at the jetpack heroes in Squad because he can't be one. Default layout + jetpack FTW! Uncaged flying wars FTW! Boardwalk shooting gallery FTW!
See my avatar? That's me shooting down jetpack heroes. You're just mad because with your inverted controller, it's too inefficient to look up.
Exactly. Toggle will enable me to conserve energy so I can perform better with my jetpack. This will enable me to make my way to become MLG Pro champion of 2012, which in turn, will give me much more confidence in life. This confidence will then be applied to my future careers and will enable me to build up a portfolio for a spot in the Senate. After serving numerous terms as Senator, I will then run for President, and win.
This is true, You can go your whole life using left handed legacy inverted toggle settings and still be Pro. Doesn't stop certain settings been more efficient. Aka bumper jumper better in Halo 3(Depends if you want to be more efficient in jumping or AA use to define which is better in Reach.) Hold is more efficient IMO because it is reliable if Toggle gets hit you uncrouch automatically losing stealth and getting in a "toggle battle"(Like trying to unscope while getting shot) and Holding is quicker to crouch and uncrouch in game wise and less button presses. Only reason I can provide why I think uninvented is better is because it's simpler. Inverted: Y axis inverted, X axis not inverted. (Half is one thing half is something else) Not inverted: Y,X axis's are not inverted. (All the same) Mind you it's not much difference but still, The simpler the controller is the better. You don't want to lose because of controller complexity you want to lose because you where outmatched or "because of lag"
Oh the irony, I love these threads. And on a personal note, bumper jumper, normal, and I use BOTH toggle and hold depending on the situation at hand. As a side note, 10 sensitivity FTW.
Toggle, but I play Big Team, and my job is usually a head on rush. It doesn't even ****ing matter at that point.