Dont miss the end..! ____________________________________________________________________ Team Slayer Gameplay :: RoboArtist (me) - YouTube This shouldnt be entirely about me. I'm allowing others to post their Gameplay as well if they need advice or to reflect upon when they post future gameplay, or show improvements.
An initial thought: you should try to watch your ammo more. You went for minutes on end without reloading your Pistol when you had countless chances to do so in safety, even switching to it and not noticing that it had an almost empty clip. It could well have bitten you in the ass, but luckily you noticed before you needed to use it.
I call that the reload reflex. I do it obsessively any time there's not an enemy directly in front of me or on my motion tracker. A little thing like that can make a huge difference in your survival. Even weapons with small clips will perform better if you keep reloading - e.g. rockets. Having a 2nd rocket ready to fire can save your ass constantly, and turn a situation where you kill someone but then die into one where you get a double or triple kill, and live.
Personally.. I think you change weapons excessively for no reason. In the first minute alone, you changed off the sniper rifle to a pistol when you had a visible target (or a chance to wait for one), 4 times. Basically... you need more patience when using the Sniper Rifle. Wait for the chances as opposed to just firing a random bullet and switching to a secondary in hopes that your shot hit them and you can mop up. Hmm, its a shame the noscope wasn't in the actual game.
In terms of positives, you used their Carbine quite well at times. You could afford to be a bit more aggressive, especially with enemies that you're definitely better than, but when you did push up you did it right. That said, I know how it feels wanting to secure that next Sniper and use the advantageous, if a little passive, position of your own Hut and Base. In casual terms that's not really worth criticising, but if you find yourself in a more closely contended game you should be aware that switching up a less spree focused style of gameplay will do you well.
It is sort of an obsessive habbit... But mainly I do that constantly to be more ready to switch to an appropriate weapon faced with any situation I run in. For example, if its a long ranged area ahead of me, I'll switch to sniper. If it's a more medium sized distance or the enemy is at an awkward angle, I'll switch to pistol. If some camper poppes out of nowhere or i'm forced into close-quarters combat, I'll switch to shotgun if I have one.
Not only is that common sense, but from a person watching the videos perspective, it's incredibly annoying. You shouldn't be needing to switch weapons that persistently to know what to weapons you have and when to use them...
They are right, you do switch your weapons way too often, I admit I am guilty of it. I can't say much though because I'm terrible at Asylum, maybe go for the kills when you know you can and not screw around. Like at 3:37 You could of got the guy with the sniper, but u switched to the pistol. I don't know why you switch to a sniper rifle when you have a shotgun and someone is close.
Why did you just sit out in the sight of the other sniper next to your own sniper spawn for a good 2 seconds before picking up the sniper at 0:17? The first thing I do on Asylum (depending on spawn point) is grab the sniper and look at the other sniper spawn and try to kill their sniper wielder. You would've been a really easy target right there.
I don't know why but it hurts me when people don't reload their Weapons when they can. It REALLY annoys me to see people in vids not reloading, I'm like: Y u no reload when ur safe? Also, I agree with Overdoziz, you were pretty much accepting the enemy wouldn't grab the Sniper, and you were lucky they didn't.
Overdoziz: Cuz I was being a little nice if someone else wanted it Shik: I did that because I thought it was a headshot. But the headshot system (or whatever in this game is TERRIBLE -_-
IK. wasnt thinking at the time. But hey everyone trips every once in a while. But thats why I wanted people to rate my gameplay, to teach me what im doing wrong
Where to begin? You were acting selfishly the entire time, when people needed help with enemies you just shrugged it and went on trying to snipe. You should be focusing on how the enemies are reacting to your team's push rather than putting your attention on trying to get the next sniper. Switching weapons constantly set you back seconds when enemies were in front of you, it's also really annoying to watch. Your response time was really slow, and your aim with a sniper was never steady. You also moved very predictably, as did your novice enemies, which could have been countered by an above average player. You had the spawn knowledge there. You threw your grenades like a wuss, missed a lot, and ran out a ton because of how much you randomly threw them. I didn't enjoy this gameplay because of how awfully predictable you played, as well as how bad your response time is.
Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. I'd have to semi-disagree with the constant switching of weapons. The only time using YY is a bad thing is when, like you described, an enemy is right in front of you. But to use it before an encounter to improve your reflexes is a good thing. But the gameplay was hardly even average. You may as well have been playing against AFC players. You have too much of a twitch shot with the sniper, and you were walking in a straight line that entire game. You know you suck with snipe if you have to wait for terrible players to sit still for 10 seconds before you can line up your shot correctly. I'd honestly give this gameplay a 3/10 to be generous, though I think this guy would go much lower than that: BOSS NASTi's MLG Dallas 2011 Halo Reach Breakdown | Instinct vs Ambush on Sanctuary TS - YouTube
Never ran into that douche's videos before - quite eye-opening. Pretty sure you're not black there, "Justin," so maybe don't sling the word "nigga" around like you're entitled. His analysis doesn't seem that bad but he comes off like a real ass. Elite Warrior5 - who cares? This isn't a brag thread. And anybody can get that many kills when the whole other team is AFK.
Entitled? Rofl. He is an ass though, sad thing is that him and Naded now seem to be thick as thieves now. They're supposedly recruiting 3 more for a team that'll live in a gaming house, a venture which I see going precisely nowhere.