the games seem way too slow 4v4, these maps were definitely made for 5v5. hopefully they change it to the full 5v5.
If you never got the Gears map packs, they released some maps free today: Booster Map Pack -
Anyone else have problems with glitches on RAAM's Shadow? So far, I've had a door I couldn't open because not all the Wretches spawned for me to kill (restart checkpoint), a teammate getting downed in an area I couldn't get to (down a player in the final boss fight), the big locust with the hammer not moving up to pound the next spike in the ground (wait for the game to teleport him), and all players in the party randomly dying (restart checkpoint). Nothing extremely terrible, but coming off the standard campaign where I don't recall ever having a problem, it's surprising.
I'll be on Gears 3 for the next 4 or 5 hours if anyone wants to get some of the DLC achievements with me.
The Xbox Live 12 days of Christmas thing was leaked a few days ago. I don't have a source, because I can't remember where I saw it, but the only thing I found notable was that on the 30th the Gears Season Pass is gonna be on sale.
you just gotta run around a lot with a shotgun, theyre slower than you. the final showdown at the fuel station though... that's just **** yeah ahah. the real assholes on insane: the palace guards theyre like a never ending stream of assholery.
I didn't have as much trouble with them. It was really just the fuel station and the armored kantus showdown when you're trying to flood the place for the sub.
Did they really do away with servers? I heard people talking about it, but never believed it. Today, however, I got on to play Versus with friends for the first time in like a month, and it was horrible. Worse than Gears 2. I lagged everywhere and would randomly go from taking cover at a corner to being the in the middle of a room. I can play games like Halo and BF3 fine, so wtf. Why make a game just to desert your servers within 6 months? Being forced into mediocrity as a player because of lag pisses me off more than anything.
Way to alienate the casual players... You know the ones that want to have fun playing a game without some asshole yelling in their ear about how **** they are and why did you steal my kill or that weapon I was obviously going for even though I said nothing to warn you about either one.
Start, X, Start will fix that problem. I finally got my Lvl 3 Silverback, so if anyone wants to get the 500 rocket kills achievement without leveling up your own SB, shoot me a message.
Gears of War 3: Slide Easter Egg - YouTube Just for some Luls. I might make more showing you how to boost some of the medals.
Gears of War 3 'Forces of Nature' DLC Detailed New DLC in a little over a month. I'm pumped to be able to try out the Savage Grenadier Elite after deciding against pre-ordering it twice just to get two different skins. Oh, how I regret that since Commando Dom is the stupidest looking character in the game. Glad to see Jacinto finally made it into a DLC pack. It was one of my faves from Gears 2.
RAVEN ****ING DOWN! PRAISE ZEUS! ive been wanting a remake of that map since gears 2 came out. i dont give a **** about jacinto though, i thought it was average.
So, there I was, trying for the "20 consecutive waves without going down or dying" achievement solo on Jacinto. I wipe out all the enemies through 19 waves rather effortlessly. Wave 20 shows up, and, of course, I get a Lambent Berserker. Not too hard by itself, but add a Mauler hiding like a little ***** behind his shield, and there's the makings of a Shaddo sandwich... *sigh* Restarting at Wave 1. :'( Edit: Apparently, the waves aren't random this weekend, as I have gotten normal Beserkers on Wave 10 both times, and Lambent Berserkers (yes, plural) on Wave 20 both times.
im enjoying the raven down 24/7 playlist. brings back memories of those 19 rounders on raven down in gears 1