343 announces Reach Title Update in September (Updated OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Yes, we know, you don't want Reach, you want some other Halo game.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Yes, that is exactly what I said, and perfectly represents my sentiments as expressed repeatedly on this forum.

  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Exactly. You're not entirely, 100% happy with the game that was provided in every single respect, thus there's an ideal which involves change and so you don't want "Reach" at all. I mean, it's not like he has, in fact, just drawn an arbitrary line of what "Reach" is on a gradient of changed and deemed your perspective beyond said line. That would just be crazy.

    For the record, I'd be happy with a similar setup for H4. Tbh, I wouldn't even be disappointed if they returned to a no sprint model, they both have their own merits as far as my enjoyment is concerned.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    The irony is, I've been a pretty big Reach defender - though my opinions have evolved to some degree over the months as I get more familiar with every detail of the game. I'm fine with some amount of bloom (85% is pretty good) and even though I don't like the randomness of its implementation, I understand their intent quite well. I also don't hate all armor abilities. Far from it - I'm actually fine with most of them in their proper contexts, when the gametype and map is designed with them in mind. My least-liked AA, armor lock, is actually a good fit for BTB; jetpack is fine on some maps (Sword Base and Countdown are two I think it works well on) though pretty bad on others that needed to be outfitted for it but were not (e.g. Asylum). The only AA I'm categorically opposed to is camo, because it serves no purpose except to slow the game down and allow snipers to go on cheap killing frenzies. I play a lot of Reach matchmaking, mostly squad and BTB, and most of the time enjoy myself quite a bit.

    But I do think the game out-of-the-box, and even today in certain playlists, has some issues that could be better. I don't think that translates to me not wanting to play Halo: Reach. As flexible as Reach is - as flexible as Halo, period, has been ever since the second iteration - I think that interpretation is ridiculous. I prefer to play a Reach that is slightly different from the default one, but that's as far as it goes. Even when I play custom games as the party leader, I play with a limited set of armor abilities & with 85% bloom.

    That said, if you asked me if I'd prefer Halo 4 to ditch armor abilities, I'd have to say yes. I think Halo played better before them. I like Halo better as a pick-up shooter than a loadout shooter, and I am not crazy about the way many of the armor abilities warped the game around them like a black hole, or that it took so long for them to patch the bigger issues (and then only partially). I'm still happily playing Reach, but at the same time if I was on the lead dev team for 4, I'd probably want to move away from armor abilities as we now know them. On balance they were more trouble than they were worth.
    #604 Nutduster, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  5. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    No need to take me so seriously, guys. I know you can be sensitive, but you're starting to make me think you're out of touch.
  6. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    I'd rather have a different Halo game.

    On an unrelated note: I'm halfway through Reclaimer.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Fair enough, though your intended meaning wasn't exactly clear. Not only have we had discussions in this vein before, which got quite emphatic at times, but perhaps I'm just less used to you making tongue in cheek comments in a way that's so easy to misinterpret.

    But hey, this discussion is probably better suited to the H4 AAs thread than here.

    EDIT: Nutduster, I agree with the bulk of that.
    #607 Pegasi, Jan 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
  8. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I won't pretend there wasn't some truth to it, but I'm rarely serious enough to just be a **** about it.
    Speaking of Halo 4, I think it will take a different approach than Reach, but I still don't believe it will be similar enough to the older Halo games to satisfy some of you. You should mentally prepare yourselves for this if you want to enjoy the game more.
  9. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    Motherfucker....how the hell?

    Too many words to read through all the posts back to November, but anyway, any new playlists?
  10. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    This is basically what I said when they started talking about the TU. And the attitude I tried to keep. Everyone needs to stop speculating so intensely and not get their hopes to high because in all actuality H4 will probably have other dramatic changes besides worrying about AA. Just wait and accept what we get and complain when we have it! ;)
  11. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Just bring back VIP or Battle Tracks. I don't really care about all the other BS. We want VIP back 343. Don't f this up like Bungie did with Reach. Make Halo 4 more like Halo 3 and let Reach just die already.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah, I think some people are definitely too quick to assume things about Halo 4, particularly the idea of returning to a classic Halo design approach. I guess that's true whenever people are fans of a series but dissatisfied with the current game. It was very much the same with Reach, with people hearing that Bungie were moving back to both hitscan and a single shot starting weapon, even a useable Pistol and more powerful frags and calling the same thing

    Even if meaningful information can be gleaned from the few comments we have at this stage, Frankie has said things that can almost seem to conflict with one another, and definitely don't lend themselves to any definitive conclusions. He's talked about both rediscovering that which made early Halo games great, and the necessity to push in new directions to keep games fresh. How we can tell anything from those comments at this stage is beyond me.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Really, that's the kind of thing that gets said during the development cycle for every game sequel after the first one. "We're rediscovering what made the old game great" + "We're pushing into brand new territory" = business as usual. We can pretty well expect that few sequels will be either a massive departure or a tired rehash, so I take all such comments with a very large grain of salt. Just gotta wait and see what they give us. But hey, I've played all Halo games half to death, and I'm sure 4 won't be the first exception.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah, call me impressionable but I'm more inclined to give Frankie my time in listening to this spiel than other lead devs. I like how seriously he's taken on the mantle of the Halo franchise, and I like how they approached the TU, doing so much better at what Bungie always said they were doing in catering to the old fans alongside encouraging the new with expanded mechanics. You're right that it's just as conflicting as ever, but I'm still waiting for more definitive statements with a little more faith than I might otherwise be.

    And agreed, I can't see myself not playing it either way. I may be very vocal in these Reach mechanic discussions, but I've still played it more than any other Halo game (with the possible exception of CE since I played that for like 5 years and have no way of seeing how many hours/games that equates to).
    #614 Pegasi, Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012
  15. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    We're still roughly a year out on getting 4 so its still early to hear anything definitive on it. I'm sure there will be little gleams of light shed every couple weeks. Just enough to keep the impatient people mad.

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