This thread actually originated in the lolbox with t3h phish, stevo, and shik. Anyways tell me what computer games you used to play or play now. I used to play club penguin in 5th grade and played runescape from 5th to 8th.
i used to play runescape, i was a big QWOP addict and i play bloons tower defense stick arena and minecraftttt
I never play computer games now, my computer is so crappy ;_; But I used to play this really hard puzzle game series called Myst. And hovercraft. Not much, I mostly just watched TV and movies during my childhood. Oh thanks for reminding me zathy, I used to go to armorgames ALOT.
Minecraft Roller Coaster Tycoon Commandos Prince of Persia (old one) Tons of online games.. used to go on addictinggames just about every day for a while lol. Favorites include: Bloons Trials
Starcraft, Starcraft II, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3 and expansion, World of Warcraftand a few expansions, Sims, black and white, Dino Park, Rollar coaster tycoon, Diablo, Diablo 2, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, halo CE, Halo 2 and many many more.
Age of empires series,Starcraft 1,Warcraft 1 and 2(NOT WOW),Diablo 1(and 2 but that might of came out later). All the way though primary school.
Pokemon. Until I reached the age of... 16, then I played real games. And yes, Pokemon isn't a computer game, I don't care. EDIT: I just hit 1234 posts.
QWOP is the most nerve racking game ever. I literally wanted to punch the screen after 30 minutes. Rage Quit - QWOP - YouTube